

redditsabsenteedad 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

I'm shadowbanned redditwide and I've literally never said a single fucking thing on reddit at all.

I'm talking new account, only a few months old.

New PC, new equipment since I also recently moved.

Never posted a fucking comment.

All it tells me is these abhorrent children running reddit into the ground are banning people for voting in ways they don't like, which I also barely even bothered to do.

I hadn't even had an account in years since I'd just filtered everything with RES and (RIF on mobile).

Only there for the memes and gaming news/updates, occasionally peeking into sports and science type subs, and I'm still in awe of watching even those types of subs turn into rampaging "fukKk dRuMpH" echo chambers of retardation.

honestly I'm looking forward to the suicide rates of these monolithic sacks of shit skyrocketing in November. I'm walking to my poling place armed, wearing a Biden shirt (stealth mode, I've got kids to protect in this liberal shithole of a city), and pulling every Republican lever and pushing every red button in the fucking booth.