

ExplodingToasterOven 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun 5 months ago

For passenger vehicles, sure. Solid state, phase change, and molecular distortion batteries will only push that energy density to more ridiculous extremes over time. For farm vehicles, heavy use trucks, and any number of other vehicles, you're going to be using the decomposed sludges of the carboniferous era 300 million years ago until probably the end of the 21st century. Just because its too much hassle to fit new tech to every niche right away.

Kind of how they have 2 cycle engines for chainsaws, it saves weight, and these things aren't exactly guzzling a billion gallons a day, so emissions from that niche use are not important. Until other tech catches up, and people are like "hey, most of these sub 45cc chainsaws are more practical to use batteries now!" And the 60cc-125cc chainsaws... Well, give it another 30 years. But that technology, its not even 20th century, we're going back to the 19th century for the base tech, which has been improved quite a lot, but is not fundamentally different.

ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 5 months ago

For farm vehicles, heavy use trucks, and any number of other vehicles, you're going to be using the decomposed sludges of the carboniferous era 300 million years ago until probably the end of the 21st century.

Except for farm vehicles and heavy trucks, which are already available in electric.