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HeyImSancho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

Very interesting video, in many ways spot on, in other ways completely contrived. I've seen plenty of British Police Harassment videos; such as enforcing the Orwellian tv tax; 'can't pay, threaten to take a tv' type of shit. Also, in Britain, they've got quite the problem with knives; they even had, or have a campaign to turn in all 'pointy knives'.

I would also like to point out, that the British empire has a very bloody trail, and even though there's decent evidence they still own the US, and most of the world, the only reason we've got guns is because we fought that sick imperial regime, and somewhere in the mix, we clarified our natural right to defense.

EDIT TO ADD: As this video does show excessive force by US po-'lice', I've experienced it, as well as their departmental lies they use to make charges stick. It costs a lot of money to have your name 'made whole again'. On that note though, it's not just US po-'lice', it's becoming normal for US responders to fall into some sort of regimented response. On more than one occasion I've seen ambulances, and fire personal, stop to render aid, and simply stand around the victim, because they were trained the guy may grow wings, fart deadly flames from their ass with a 30' kill radius, and may have a deadly biological agent on them.

All of it, is very similar to how young Jewish Israelis are flown to see concentration camps, then indoctrinated into 'it's them, against us'. It sticks, and it's quite a compelling training aid to indoctrinate for further anti-human agendas.

I mean, you can provide the world with puppy dogs, and ice cream, and there will always be sicko's hanging the puppies, cutting their head's off, and just taking another human's ice cream; 'just because they can!' I mention this, as the world, is just what it is.