all 6 comments

OffAndSphere 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

You know, I've been wanting to share another opinion: There are three human sexes(in general); and possibly a fourth. It's based on your ability to reproduce with what sex and what sex cells you can produce. Currently, we have people that make sperm cells, egg cells, or neither, but there hasn't been anyone that can produce both. Even if they would produce both, they would have to produce fertile versions of the cells, and also carry a baby for nine months in the already crowded internal cavity the two reproductive systems would be in and deliver it with no problems in the baby.

Also, I'm impressed that asexuality managed to get approval from the "factual" side of the LGBT+ community despite being pretty late to the alphabet soup of the acronym.

SeasideLimbs 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Also, I'm impressed that asexuality managed to get approval from the "factual" side of the LGBT+ community despite being pretty late to the alphabet soup of the acronym.

Without stepping on anyone's toes, asexuality has always seemed kinda weird to me at best and misogynistic/ableist at worst. Most asexual people tend to be women who I think have been told by culture that they should constantly be sexual and if they're not, something must be wrong with them. So they think they're asexual. The fact that many asexual people aren't aromantic shows that they're interested in people but just aren't as sexual as culture wants them to be. Then there's legitimate medical conditions (hormone imbalances, stress, and others) that can reduce or even completely get rid off a person's libido.

Wrencer 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

I disagree. Asexuality definitely exists. I don't think it's a "spectrum" like the asexual community likes to pretend, but there are legit people out there that don't feel sexual attraction. What I think is stupid is stuff like demisexual, that is basically waiting til you know the person to have sex. Shouldn't be a "sexual orientation" tbh

SeasideLimbs 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

I agree, my point was more that asexuality isn't some strange unusual sexual... thing, and not in the slightest comparable to being LGB. Women in general have far lower sexual drives than men and there is variance between each individual. Women whose sex drives are low even for a woman will have no interest in sex at all. That's not "asexuality." That's just your natural sex drive. But those women grow up in a highly sexualized world and think something's gotta be wrong with them because advertising and movies and music tell them everyone is constantly thinking about nothing else but sex, while they never do. And I think that's why people came up with asexuality, and it's an ass-backwards way of treating a natural thing as an "other." Either way, asexuality is a wrong term because it's not a sexual orientation.

Wrencer 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

I think they have a place in LGBT because there's a lot of stigma attached to being ace. I mean, we're basically in a heteronormative society where we're expected to mate with the opposite sex. It's a tad bit ridiculous that now, according to their asexuality spectrum thingy, basically everyone is ace, but "real" asexual ppl (those who have no desire to have sex, not the ones who fuck every night but say they're ace because there's no "attraction") belong in LGBT, imo. Even more if they have a same sex partner.

I agree with you that lots of ppl nowadays think they're ace because they have a low sex drive, and society resents them for not being into sex. In my experience, as a woman with a high sex drive, I've encountered/dated a few guys with very low sex drives tbh, so I don't think it's necessarily a gendered thing. The problem with asexuality is that it's full of cishet quirky trenders who want to "belong" and think that not wanting to fuck every night= asexual. I think "real" ace ppl are pretty rare but they exist. Stuff like demisexual and ace spectrum are nonsense tho