NutterButterFlutterStill waving into the void 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 7 months ago

I honestly dont think most real-life trans people are a part of the agenda.

There are going to be the fakers and band-wagoners, of course, and those people are the ones who make things difficult for everyone ... but I think most real trans people are more transmed/truscum and just trying to live their lives with a debilitating mental illness (dysphoria), and hope people will treat them with kindness and decency. AGPs trigger a deep instinctual unease in most people, even if they bury their heads in the sand and ignore it to make themselves feel better.

I think the internet exploded into social media for regular people, and propoganda for the ruling class. It's made everything feel a lot more extreme than it really is. It has definitely made me side-eye a lot more though, and be cautious about who I interact with and how.

reluctant_commenter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 7 months ago

I honestly dont think most real-life trans people are a part of the agenda.

Oh man... I think this may be a generational difference, haha. I've never met a self-identified trans person who wasn't on board with gender identity religion and "queer identity" culture. The many trans people I knew IRL in college were walking, talking stereotypes, fairly similar to the trans people featured in posts on this sub-- just less violent (at least, less openly violent). Perhaps I would get along much better with the trans people you are describing. These types just so dominate "trans" discussion and communities these days, IRL and seemingly online as well.

I am not totally sure I believe in "real trans people" either, since it seems like gender dysphoria is a mismash of like a dozen different etiologies. But I know our sub is kind of split on that one (or at least, was 2 years ago whenever I last saw an informal poll, lol).

I think the internet exploded into social media for regular people, and propoganda for the ruling class. It's made everything feel a lot more extreme than it really is. It has definitely made me side-eye a lot more though, and be cautious about who I interact with and how.
