chazzstrong 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 11 months ago

Honestly, the worst part is that the bridge that connects 'then' to 'now' in their minds isn't hard to follow. When gays fought for equal rights and, eventually, the ability to marry the whole 'coming for our children' argument was the one everyone was most vocal about. It took like a decade or more to tamp that down in the public eye, but here we have so-called "representatives" of our "our community" literally saying exactly that.

I may spite the mindset these hard-right haters have, but I can't fault them for it, and that's what sucks the most. But I won't stop trying, I've noticed a few more voices joining me in the forums and communities I post in so there's that, at least. I've also found success by pointing people to groups like GaysAgainstGroomers or LGBAlliance. Once they see not just the orgs intentions, but the HATE they get from the trans-groomers, they start to think 'maybe they aren't all like that'.