

BiologyIsReal 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun 2 years ago

Let me guess, your boycot will involve going into the women's restroom, right? But "only" to make a point, right?

I asked on here if me doing so would be good or bad for feminism, the response was a unanimous: good for feminism.

You never explained what exactly you wanted to do, and you got only 3 replies, anyway.


SnowAssMan[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun 2 years ago

only 3 replies? That's like 50% of the users here lol

boycotts are only effective if enough people do it. Individual use can help you avoid arrest for "transphobia" or avoid getting banned for "transphobia", but it can also help you identity-politics your way out of any debate, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f0MfGqQXH4&list=PLpHJ9aQruxVc_QfalD5sDoKyPo6tVG8fW&index=33 you might form a few cracks on the way. Why not use their own ideology against them? Why not use their own tactics against them?

BiologyIsReal 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun 2 years ago

I know there are only a few active users here, but it's misleading when you claim to have unanimous support when only 3 people replied you and more so because you didn't explain you planned to get your sex "legally changed". Even now, you are not explaining what you plan to do after that. You're a man and you say you're living in a country that is not that captured by transgenderism, so what would you get out of this?

Do you even understand we're not spies? Do you understand that nobody really believes TWAW and, therefore, everyone will recognize us as women? Do you understand TRAs turn against their own all the time for not being idelogically pure enough?

SnowAssMan[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun 2 years ago

As I explained to another user, one of the replies got 10 up votes, so you & I both know I'm not over-estimating the results.

My previous reply already answered your question as to the value of me doing it.

I've drawn many comparisons, not just the spy example, to illustrate just how effective a strategy this is.

Straight people who don't even have GD are the most ideologically pure. It'd be great to overwhelm them by sheer numbers alone, but just a substantial number of free radicals would cause an upset. It's just important to go around calling anyone & everyone within the community "transphobic", without given them a chance to call you it. Once inside, you'd have no need to stand on a soap box, just reprimand anyone else who does for their transphobia (which should be easy bc they are constantly contradicting themselves). It'll disillusion gender identity allies the most.

BiologyIsReal 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 2 years ago

10 is not much better than 3. And Sloane's comment about there being already enough males who identfying as trans exposing the truth unintentionally got 11 likes. So, where is the unanimous support you are talking about? I remember when I saw your other thread months ago I though saying no because of the high probability of men acting like jerks under the excuse of "making a point". But I decided saying nothing because it would likely started another argument with you complaining I had something against you. But, really, you've proved me right, Snow.

Anyway, let's not forget you asked a very different question in the other thread. You never specified what exactly you meant by "identifyng" as trans. Even now, it's not clear what you plan to do once you got your documents changed. Do you know what this reminds me about? TRA making polls about public support for "trans rights" without specifying what those "rights" entail, so the can later claim the public supports the elimination of any women's space for instance. So, are you planning to all the TRA's tactics from now on?

Honestly, I'm not sure either what exactly you expect we do. You jump from saying we should do to "win" arguments (which would not require any paperwork) to pretending to be men online (which would not require paperwork either) to do infiltration work (which doesn't sound wise if you don't have the training or the resources to pull this off). At this point I can only think you have to be trolling us, Snow.