

[deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 7 months ago

When the UK culled badgers to prevent the spread of TB, the badgers bred more to regain the population again. Society grows and shrinks in natural means at times, it doesn't mean the society is doomed to fail because of a couple of statistical points. This mentality is why climate nutjobs think the world will end in 2 years.

The idea that population growth subsiding means you increase immigration with 99% Muslim men with no concept of hard work or abiding by a legal system, is retarded and the society will be thrown into chaos as has already been witnessed.

The root cause of decline in population growth could also lie in other factors. Economy has proven to be a major factor in society in the past. So too, we have had extensive lockdowns preventing usual social interactions. We are also living in an age where society encourages promiscuous behaviour. Women are encouraged to work on career instead of raise a family. Young people are encouraged to explore homosexuality and trans identity. There is more to complex social structures than just patching an imaginary wound to satisfy a quota.

Site_rly_sux 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 7 months ago

This is a very ignorant comment. In fifteen seconds googling I learned that female badgers can get pregnant at about four months old, and their gestation period (for the species in the UK) is about 60 days. Litters are up to five babies.

Open up excel or Google sheets and model it.

It's definitely possible for scientists to be surprised by a bloom in badger population.

Humans in places like Germany can wait 20-40 years before they start replicating. The gestational period is nine months and typically humans have one baby each time.

Humans also have plenty of warning for spikes in the data - badgers don't contact a health clinic when they miss their period.

Human population cycles are a lot longer and more predictable. We can say with certainty that - unless something changes overnight in German culture to make people decide to have more babies at younger age - we can predict with some certainty that their population pyramid is FUCKED

you increase immigration with 99% Muslim men

Ah, racism. I thought you were approaching this from a scientific stance. The science says that it's fucking obvious that Germany needs more immigration. If you'd rather have a dying racist Germany versus a multicultural Germany that will continue existing into next century, then racism is the right approach

[deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 7 months ago

If you think Germany will go extinct without immigration, or that it matters that the population of a country dips, you are beyond help. Germany doesn't 'need' immigration to resolve a theoretical 'problem'.

And since when is a religion a race? Are you so ignorant that you don't know the difference? It's more racist that you assume all Muslims to be a specific race. You gleefully skip over the issue of the immigrants being forced unwillingly on the society in question, and the immigrants mostly being male, causing a disproportionate imbalance to the natural order. And I suppose you think increasing population with that of one with vastly different culture, an islamic one, won't cause any issues, then you are blind to the crime rate increase and economic strain it puts on those who must baby them when they arrive.

Site_rly_sux 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 7 months ago

Germany will go extinct without immigration,

Yes it's absolutely true. Look at the population pyramid I posted and extrapolate. If the current pattern of birth rates continue then it's a scientific fact that Germany will go extinct.

Obviously, people don't work like that. For example, if there were really few people in Germany, then property prices will fall, and people will be able to feed and house their children for a lot cheaper, and so the birth rate could rise. That kind of effect is possible. So it's obvious that a change is needed. And if you don't want the government to force women to bear children then immigration is the obvious answer.

You certainly are a racist by dogwhistling about Muslims. I am right to call you that, even though the religion is not an ethnicity.

Nobody said it was about Muslims. You bought that to the conversation, because of your prejudice.

Germany took millions of Ukrainian refugees for example. The government could take steps to permanently house those people (majority non Muslim) and that would satisfy the statements in the OP. Nobody said Muslim until you bought it up, because you're prejudiced on this topic.

Anyways, you're a doofus about badgers, the science very clearly shows that if Germany wants to continue existing then changes are needed

[deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 7 months ago

Islam isn't a race.

Germany won't go extinct.

Pyramid charts aren't science.

You are often wrong, this is one of the most obvious times.