

RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 7 months ago

Hands up anyone who has been to France recently?

I have no idea where they get the stats from. But comparing now (well, two weeks ago) to what France was like only 5-6 years ago is a night and day difference.

I witnessed foreign men goading a young French girl who took my offer of escorting her to somewhere safer, my phone was taken from me the next day again by a foreigner, my business associate who met me out there had come without his luggage as it had been taken from him, all this in the one week we were out there.

I don't take much of what Trump says or ever said too seriously, I am not in America for one thing. But he said once Paris is gone. He is dead right. This is not Paris anymore. This is some playground where these barely pass as human parasites have been let off the leash and are behaving in any way that they like.

I came back and thought, this is what the UK has in store. This is what's coming, this is what is already here.

What is the end goal here? Why is Europe being infested with this shit, driven it seems by policy and corporations? These people are not going to work for anyone. They are going to claim benefits, commit crimes and do so with impunity. The only thing I can think it's for is to decimate the white population. But again, why? What will that achieve in the end.