

ExplodingToasterOven 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 1 month ago

Primarily, nausea issues. Most need to drink a bit of ginger tea, ginger slices, etc during the first few months of acclimatization.

And as an extension of eyewear, you need to sit there and tweak the settings a lot. You need a new headband, because most stock ones suck and poorly balance. You need a PC with enough of a graphics card to be able to drive a PC-VR setup, and then know how to set avatar culling depending on the limits of the hardware.

Its a long, long, long assed learning and setup process. And while in the middle of this learning process, not a lot of VRC instances, or Resonite instances, or Hangouts instances are happy to have another green user to try and educate.

Add to the fray, the collection of underaged pranksters crashing instances, the "neuro-divergent" who do ok in VR communities, up to a point, and then start to fritz out. People who are physically mute for whatever reason, and then able bodied people who get all butthurt because they see people chatboxing back and forth when they're in the middle of a DJ set and are no longer the center of attention.