Genocide Olympics: How Chinese propaganda runs the world(
Putin’s agitation is not really based on his own fear of attack; it is driven by a mix of national pride, ego and a historic nostalgia for the days when he was a KGB officer (a master of the Soviet universe)(
A Very Strange Fellow Is Our Joe - One of his latest and most cynical is that our Constitution is “always evolving.” I’ll wait here while you think about this for a few seconds.(
Lummis: Biden Fed Nominee Raked In $1.5 Million From Start-Up She Pulled Strings For(
Is There Life After Drudge? – Citizen Free Press seeks to fill the space it believes the Drudge Report and maybe Breitbart have vacated. Central to his appeal, Kane tells me, is that in the post-Golden Age internet he manually edits all comments, and then deletes all posts after a few days.(
Biden’s food policies have nothing to do with hunger(
Record-High Inflation Could Deal Biden And Democrats A Fatal Blow In The 2022 Midterms(
Five Quick Things: Why Aren’t Black Politicians Crushing Biden Over Inflation?(
Thank NATO for the New Russia-China Pact - Russia and China announced the formation of a “no-limits” partnership last week, the predictable consequence of America’s misguided policy towards post-Soviet Russia and ill-advised embrace of a rising China.(
[VIDEO] For The First Time, Liz Cheney Just Showed Her Truest Colors in Front of the Cameras(
OH HELL NO! Joe Biden Says He Could Stay at Home During the Pandemic because Black Women Stacked Grocery Shelves — WTH? (VIDEO)(
Project Veritas Bombshell: Ilhan Omar Connected to Illegal Ballot Harvesting Scheme...“They came to our homes. They said: ‘This year, you will vote for Ilhan,’” he said. “They said: ‘We will make the absentee ballots."...After the ballots are signed and documented the harvester said he got paid.(
John Legend Threatens To ‘Leave Country’ If Trump Reelected – After Buying $17.5 Million LA Mansion This Month....Legend joins a long tradition of Hollywood liberals who vow to leave the country over President Trump but then don’t.(
Here We Go… Hacks at Fake News NY Times Focus on Trump’s Tax Returns AGAIN Rather than the Biden Family’s Cash for Russian Hookers and Moscow Millions(
Police: BLM activist charged with attempted murder after driving car into crowd of Trump supporters(
Amy Coney Barrett and Her Family are Headed to Washington DC. Here’s What You Need to Know…(
Temporary contractor threw Trump mail-in ballots in trash, Pennsylvania officials say(
Jonathan Cahn gives powerful prophetic message to trumpet ‘The Return’(
VIDEO: Woman Drives Car into Crowd of Trump Supporters, Two Critically Injured(
LEAKED Inside Documents show BLUE PRINT of Radical Left’s Rapid Response Plan to Disrupt SCOTUS Nomination and Vote(
Shock Video – Joe Biden Tells Troops: “Clap for that, you stupid. bastards” .....And here’s another version of the video with more context(
IT BEGINS: Nancy Pelosi Says Biden Shouldn’t ‘Bother’ Debating Donald Trump This Tuesday(
BREAKING: The Clinton Foundation Is Now Morphed into a Criminal Investigation by US Attorney John Durham – KA-BOOM!(
Robert De Niro Loses It: Says If Trump Wins, ‘We’re Into Fascism, Period’(
Thousands Protest Coronavirus Restrictions in London(