

The CIA is the Nazi's 4th Reich and they want you to take the COVID-19 Vaccine or else.
noworldsystem[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

You don't think Hitler would have used a vaccine to track every jew and place a killswitch on every one of the jews to kill them all? You are dumb as hell.

DOJ Demands Judge Send Jan 6th Protester BACK TO JAIL for "Returning to Conspiracy Theories" After He Violated Restrictions and Watched Mike Lindell's Symposium Online
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

America is officially a fascist state

The CIA is the Nazi's 4th Reich and they want you to take the COVID-19 Vaccine or else.
noworldsystem[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Here is CIA's Michael Hayden saying to send unvaccinated trump supporters to die in Afghanistan:

Glenn Greenwald suggests CNN, liberal media is controlled by CIA
noworldsystem 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

This is exactly why I don't want the vaccine, the CIA is heavily involved in the propaganda network CNN and others.. The CIA ran Operation Paperclip to bring Nazi scientists into America after WW2. Now we have medical fascism going on here in America.. god knows what they're pumping us with! The 4th reich is alive and well, and whatever the vaccine contains is NOT for your benefit AT ALL. This is about genocide, and altering the human species for the reich's own benefit.

Former head of the NSA and the CIA during the George W. Bush presidency, General Michael Hayden, declared that he thinks it would be a “good idea” to send unvaccinated supporters of President Trump to die in Afghanistan
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

CIA acting like nazis ever since the end of WW2 when they brought all the nazi scientists back to America. They started MK Ultra, they started what Nazi's finished. Now they want to force medical fascism on Americans.. freedom to fascism.

California Bill Seeks Jail Time For People Who Protest Vaccination Sites
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

I smell a big fat federal lawsuit

Are there any vax mandates at your workplace or stores you visit? If so, how do you respond to them?
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

It may be coming down to that point for me.. but I really hope not. I work in marketing so I'm not in any food/health care category. But their protocol is that all unvaccinated report their temperature on a weekly basis and we must wear a mask at all times when at work. We all must report our vaccination status, but there is an option that says "I do not wish to disclose", and you only do this once and whenever your vaccine status changes. I really hope they wont say I must be vaccinated in order to work, I do not deal with any customers, I'm mostly IT support.

California Bill Seeks Jail Time For People Who Protest Vaccination Sites
noworldsystem 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

That would be a federal offense which would be ILLEGAL. I hope whoever gets arrested for the first amendment sues and bankrupts this stupid state.

The Rich Don’t Need A Mask - Major Airline Company Drop Mask Requirement For First & Business Class
noworldsystem 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

this reflects American society, the rich are exempt from the law. Only the poor get put in prison, taxed, raped by the government. But the rich, the rich are coddled, protected, and exempt from plebian rules and regulations.

New York Public School Urges White Children to Become Race ‘Traitors’
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun 3 years ago

white dominance is phasing out... due to education and the history of white domination of others especially those of ethnic origin. The white culture undoes itself as time progresses, people begin to see the evil that has been done by the "race" further bastardizing it and damaging its story. Those who fear losing the grasp of power is what we see today; the Trump era.

So how's that Biden Presidency?
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

too bad this meme has 1000000000 typos

Authoritarian Tampa Mayor wants to Arrest Maskless Super Bowl Fans
noworldsystem 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

cant fix stupid... welp, take er away boys

Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute...
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

"Whoops! A nuke went off! Sorry!"

Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute...
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

They are cockroaches, they hold our American flag and claim to be patriots while at the same time holding confederate and nazi flags. You really think the U.S. military isnt gearing up for this succession plan? Hole Lee Fuck. Do you remember Waco?

Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute...
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun 3 years ago

It's a trap, the U.S. government will allow all of the Trumpy fucktards to move to this one area.. the U.S. government will surround this area like Palestine, and will march and kill every fucking person in that state and will reclaim it back.. With the help of mexico preventing the fleeing of hundreds of thousands of Texans after the bloody battle of 2032, the Texans will finally die at the last alamo. This will spur rejoice and partnership of Mexico for helping the U.S. to defeat the Texans or socalled "patriots". This will lead to bombings at U.S. monuments and we will continue to see terror at the heart of America as the Texans or "new patriots" will continue to live amongst other Americans while secretly planning more terror across the country. The insurrection at the U.S. capital is just the start, these Trumpy cockroaches want their own Palestine on U.S. government soil. It's gonna get real bloody.

Trump won.
noworldsystem 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

apparently 1,000 in Pennsylvania you cock holster.

Trump won.
noworldsystem 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

So voters over 100 are "illegal"? fucking idiots.

Refuse The COVID Vaccine
noworldsystem[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

you must have aids in your body because you're gay

Refuse The COVID Vaccine
noworldsystem[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

now? It's not a new thing. Inflammation in the brain from a live infection being injected into your blood stream, why is that hard to believe? Lunatics.

EUGENICS 2021: Mandatory Vaccines Will Be "Tailored" to Kill The Shadow Government's Enemies
noworldsystem[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

This has been their plan to route out the "undesireables" upon their Georgia Guidestones. They will depopulate, and even Bill Gates has confirmed that vaccines will make that happen. These people are nazis, the fourth reich is here and it's the form of the Medical Community. We have and will move into a technotronic slavery grid, where you will be a digital number, a number that authorities can easily identify from air land and sea. Total domination.