Jesus fucking christ there's no hope left for this world: Reddit foid gets her Male colleagues fired for making a "hot list", is declared Not the Asshole. by Big_Iron_PP in Incels

[–]incelforcharity 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It is JUST as hard for a girl to get a boyfriend or a girlfriend as it is for a guy. I think there is this mindset on Reddit that if you’re a girl, you can get anyone you want without even trying. I see it everywhere, but especially on AskReddit threads about flirting advice. So many guys will say things that essentially amount to: “You’re a girl. It’s easy. Just exist around a guy and you’ll get him.” It comes with a tone of irritation, like “You wouldn’t understand what it’s like”.

I understand perfectly well. I’m in college and have never even had my first kiss. All three of my mild little crushes this semester are already in relationships. I do all the cliche stuff, nice appearance and hygiene, making jokes/striking up conversations, etc. Not to sound femcel-y but none of that has really worked for me. I am shy and have already been rejected so it’s hard for me to make my feelings clear but I guess my point is: BOYS, girls are just like you! Awkward and lonely and trying their damn best!

I wish I could just round up all the guys with this mentality and tell them, “Please don’t put us on pedestals. We aren’t all beautiful and charismatic and guy-magnets”. We’re just like you and we know exactly how it feels.

That’s pretty much it but I kind of had to let that out.