

Observing pop culture and the notion of "drama" in love as a femcel
desertbloom 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun 4 years ago

In real life and at his level of wealth/good looks, I can’t even imagine Mr. Big really dating the woman Carrie started the show as

Indeed, mr.Big is kind of like that nice guy gets hot girl trope backwards. He even gets into a relationship with a model who he later leaves for Carrie, the reversal of the trope of the hot girl dating the perfect guy but then realizing the nice imperfect guy was her real soulmate. Except that unlike with the nice guy trope, in the real world, society doesn't expect men like mr.Big to date the nice girls instead of the models.

It would mean the world if people acknowledged me as an individual, even if it was simply because I was nice to them.

Women are expected to be nice. It's not like with men where the tiniest bit of politeness is taken as a sign of them being a wonderful human being, your nice behaviour doesn't register to others as a trait of you as an individual but rather something that's expected because as an unattractive woman you're the lowest on the hierarchy.

Getting to the other side and getting a chance to think hardships “build character”/have purpose is too.

Unfortunately, for a woman, this is dependent on how she looks. Though many would say they have a strong character because of whatever struggles they've had, that character would crumble into dust if they lost their looks because that's what determines how women are treated. In reality, character and purpose are what men get to have no matter what and women get to have as a reward for being attractive to men.

The dreadful lie being told to young women - I don't know how you feel about Graham Linehan, but he just posted this story on his website. Real or fiction?
desertbloom 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

Reading how she went to the bathroom to cry but still told herself she's a man is so surreal...While yes, sure, men can cry and whatever, how does someone behaving still believe they're male when their whole identity consists of gender stereotypes to begin with. There you are acting like a stereotypical hormonal teenager girl and still you insist there's some magical masculine soul in you that means you ought to belong at that party.

"Follow The Science"
desertbloom 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun 4 years ago

Noone wants to pay for any scientific research just because they're interested in the truth. Not the conservatives, not the liberals, not corporations. The people with actual passion for the field are dependent on those who want to use their authority as an expert to further their agenda. The scientists have no more power here than the regular people do. If anything it's the average person who's at fault for the plight of the scientists because it's not like the average person has any interest in objective research either, noone's out there demanding more potentially inconvienient truth as opposed to more lies that fit their worldview.

desertbloom 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

You wonder why so many women wouldn't want to call themselves feminists, then you find out feminists can be as demanding about how you can and can't act as the religious types. Everyone must believe the same things, no matter how much this repels everyone who doesn't buy into your specific brand of feminist theory. Women fought to make our own decisions, not to go from being held back by pressure from society to being held back by pressure to be a true feminist or be branded a useful idiot to the patriarchy because your fellow feminists don't have enough respect for other women to see their disagreements as actual opinions worth listening to. Nope, any disagreement with their completely unproven theories must mean you're a pawn of men.

Is this just me or does Reddit have an agenda?
desertbloom 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

The left has big tech, they control the internet and this means they have control over international communication, which they've already used to censor misinformation on global platforms. And their definition of misinformation means anything that doesn't fit their political agenda. The majority of people who are young are also on the left and the younger people are the ones more vulnerable to TRA influence and social media peer pressure. This makes the left scarier for sure.

Sexism = the women should do the dishes. Feminism = men or women can do the dishes. Gender ideology = whoever is doing the dishes is a woman.
desertbloom 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

Gender ideology is more like - whoever can look most like a living Barbie is a woman. The TIM idea of womanhood is purely about looking hot and gaining all the benefits that come with that, because when they think of what it's like to be a woman, they think of what gives them a boner. Doing housework never even occurs to them as the kind of women who do it aren't hot young girls so to them those women might as well not exist. That's why their reaction to TERFs is to always criticize their appearance because to them, this erases her entire womanhood.

Lack of critical thinking - What is the root of this?
desertbloom 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

Critical thinking isn't really good for anyone who has no influence over others. Social harmony relies upon a lack of it or at least a suppression of it by the low-status people. So while it may save a person from cults it also can make them a target as someone who could create division in their groups. It's an advantage to people who are in a position of power, who have something to lose from being conned, who can influence the opinions of others and thus make their followers the smartest herd. The 99% who have no power or resources are better served choosing a herd and forgetting they are capable of independent opinions as sticking out just means being an outcast. Social animals are nothing without a group.