Bleeding heart libtard of a teacher named misstucson thinks that a grown adult raping a pre-teen is just a minor indescretion(
Sulexar from IMGUR would happily let a pedophile take care of his kids(
Reddit libtard argued in favor of letting an admitted pedo work in a nursery(
Apparently even just mentioning the word "fatherless" is rightwing propaganda(
Those of you dating cis het men, why?(
Obese pedophile defends predatory youtuber(
Redditors 'friend' apparently drunkenly confesses to killing a dude in a knife duel and then tossing the body in a swamp at age 14(
"Would it be misleading if I tell people Im bisexual?"(
Kinky Poly heteromantic dude fucks random dudes on grindr (his wife is ok with it) but is repulsed by penises(
I’m a cis male who is sexually attracted to cis feemales and trans males. What the fuck is my sexuality?(
Redditors "friend' apparently drunenkly confesses to killing a dude in a knife duel and then tossingt he body in a swamp at age 14(
"Lesbian" MTF falls for FTM tranny(
Dykes at r/gamergirls describe how they think virtually all men in games are ugly(
FTM tranny points out that the straight dudes that date them don't actually see them as men and are unlikely to stick around once testosterone kicks in(