Do I have autoandrophilia or just internalized homophobia? by androthrowaway in itsafetish

[–]androthrowaway[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you so much for your reply.

"Do you feel comfortable presenting femininely IRL or does that feel like a facade for you because you're just trying to blend in?" Yes I do feel comfortable presenting femininely.

" I also think there's a difference between thinking your life would be easier if you were male than female in such a situation, so you can keep your attraction to women but obviously society treats straight men way better than lesbians and bisexual women, especially masculine ones. I have a feeling that far fewer gay/bisexual men wish they were women than lesbian/bisexual women wish they were men for this reason. " I agree that's what I was thinking too rather than them having a paraphilia (or though a few may have one.)

I'm actually bisexual but I only pursue women (febfem) and I don't fantasize about being a man with other men. In fact I tend think of myself hyper femininely when I do have the occasional fantasy about being with men. I think I have a problem with rigid gender roles in my fantasies.