Anyone else a liberal conservative? by crazyideas in AskSaidIt

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I guess I could fit that description. I don't follow any political party. I use common sense, research and experience to decide my position on topics. I want the least amount of intervention in people's lives without leaving anyone to starve or die. You specifically write about former prisoners. First drug possession charges shouldn't require jail time in my opinion. Selling or huge quantities is different. We have more people imprisoned than any other nation in the US. If something someone does doesn't effect me it's not my business. And I don't mean effects your feelings. I mean real property rather your person or private property. I get the argument that drugs cause crime. So arrest people who are actually committing crimes, not be the thought police and assume because someone uses drugs they will then began to commit crimes.

When the prison system become privatized (thanks Hilary) there became an incentive to imprison people. One of the selling points to these investors was the high ricidivism rate.

My opinions make me hated by all sides. It can be lonely. But I think that in actuality a lot more people feel this way than they are willing to admit.