Reddit's /r/Intelligence and related subreddits closed. Moderator accounts all suspended. by TheWebOfSlime in Intelligence

[–]TheWebOfSlime[S] 11 insightful - 3 fun11 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

It's winding it's way through process, so best not to give away too much.

ADL/Mossad political operatives were caught orchestrating a media narrative with local politicians to force CRT onto students and parents.

The Spring Offensive will be a narrative change. You're already seeing some seeds of it. The whole machine is holding back, right now, because many new politicians will be hitting the scenes. That's why you're seeing recycling of the same arguments constantly. The political landscape will start to change, but the public will still be left in the dark about who is pulling the strings.

We, the public, are going to see as many candidates start to sign up and officially submit paperwork to run for offices, which ones are worth voting for, if any, or if we are going to be given only liberals and RINOs to vote for.

Trump did a number of things to slow the Dark Winter. First, he put Blackrock in charge of the stimulus, and not the FED. This created a balance of power, but not a good one. However, the corporate bond buys and other targeted stimulus spending on the stock market is still ongoing, quietly. They are propping up the stock market and forcing inflation to manage an invisible crash; where the market is high, but valueless.

It won't matter as much as in the past, because they are heavily using meme stock strategies where trading has zero correlation with actual value of stocks... which... the actual value? Lower than you'd think on nearly everything being traded, right now.

Trump also put into place, as a national security measure, tons of money and infrastructure to prevent shortages. While the cabal is still working at it, they were slowed greatly.

Consider this all a practice run for what the cabal would like to do, next.

The energy markets are still a sham. They have to control the energy markets because they are, ultimately, the stock market. The stock market is merely a holographic projection of the energy markets. Good news is that the market will start to price in space.

I think there is more and more evidence suggesting that certain powerful groups have either accomplished fusion energy or are stock piling small and efficient nuclear reactors. This will create a weird disconnect that I think we are already seeing.

Mandates are falling apart and maybe by Spring, they will be a non-issue. It's going to depend on how vocal the average citizen is about it.

Cyberwar is in full swing. All of your medical data has been exfiltrated, your marketing data, your eye movements, audio and video of inside your homes, etc. Machine learning, which knows your account balances, is going to get better at squeezing every penny out of each individual.

The Internet is fully weaponized. Anyone who uses is is mind controlled to a certain extent.

For anyone prepping, it's all about having skills and equipment to produce useful goods. CNC machines. Small chemistry labs. 3D Printers. Victory gardens/aquaponic gardens. Fishing poles. Hunting rifles. I don't anticipate a true collapse, but I do anticipate the Internet and media to be used to make it seem like it is impossible to get anything, whether it is true, or not.

I doubt toilet paper manufacturers are unprepared for another run.

Other than that, the narrative science is now being run by AI/machine learning. It is only going to get easier and easier to fake consensus on your screens. People will need to disconnect, en masse.

The cabal really, really needs you to look at your screens as much as possible. The repetition and saturation is the key to their mind control.

J.K. Rowling Gives Radical Trans Rights Activists Who Targeted Her Home the Smackdown They Deserve by Rob3122 in news

[–]TheWebOfSlime 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Trans community "punching down" on people again.

Reddit's /r/Intelligence and related subreddits closed. Moderator accounts all suspended. by TheWebOfSlime in Intelligence

[–]TheWebOfSlime[S] 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I got doxxed. Mossad came to my town to play politics and target my kids. We made the NYT.

It wasn't great.

But we press on.

Gotta be informed for the Spring offensive. Lots of new candidates will have to be vetted.


[–]TheWebOfSlime 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Failing personal hygiene is usually the first sign of mental illness.

Stay clean, brother.