TIL all those times I fed burger meat to venus flytraps based on instructions from Yahoo are why they died(youtube.com)
TIL Disneyland in Japan is a fake Disney park(youtube.com)
TIL ants invented specialized diagnostic surgery millions of years before humans invented themselves(youtube.com)
TIL slavery was never abolished in California(lemm.ee)
TIL natural water is never pure(youtube.com)
TIL Ukraine president Zelensky was a movie actor before he was president and played the role of Ukrainian president in said movies(youtube.com)
TIL almost half of the media I produce would be banned from being enjoyed in public in Australia(youtube.com)
TIL the top candidate for most left-leaning country in the world treats the supposedly progressive concept of divorce with both public humiliation and being sent to the gulags(msn.com)
TIL the tradition of rock and metal singers smashing the guitars at the end of a performance started accidentally because one singer was clumsy and hit his guitar on the cheap low ceiling and broke it(quora.com)
TIL Disney once tried to start its own fast food chain(youtube.com)
TIL prednisone causes deadpan energy as a side effect (ironically thanks to harassers trying to ask questions in different places to belittle everything about me, and here I thought it was just my MS)(archive.ph)
TIL the RH factor/phenomenon is so unique to humans that not even neanderthals had it(msn.com)
TIL in Medieval Sweden, the law prevented men from milking cows because it was associated with bestiality unless a woman did it(citeseerx.ist.psu.edu)
TIL when people say honey doesn't spoil, they don't mean it doesn't deteriorate(foodnetwork.com)
TIL that General Douglas MacArthur was fired shortly after WWII for wanting to nuke China(trumanlibrary.gov)
TIL there was a riot in Toronto where the combatants were clowns versus firefighters, who lost and proceeded to attempt a massacre on the circus the next day out of revenge, because Toronto(spacing.ca)
TIL Plato was a wrestler in his free time while he wasn't debating about featherless bipeds(thepublicdiscourse.com)
TIL cocoa beans were so valued as usable currency in ancient Mexico that the emperors had to crack down on merchants counterfeiting cocoa beans by painting small lumps of clay(chocolateclass.wordpress.com)