The End Of The World Is Nigh! - The Desperate, Incredulous, Humiliated Left Craves Doomsday by Poohads in politics

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And so it was that yet another dinner spoiled by hysteria came to close. The invited guest needed help out the door and down the walkway, and under the light of the streetlamp was seen crying at the steering wheel. Doomsday, she thought. Yes, Doomsday, the only way out.

Why 'The Truth' Never Matters - Banking On Absolute Truth, The Left Suffers A Humiliating Defeat by Poohads in politics

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WHY 'THE TRUTH' NEVER MATTERS - BANKING ON ABSOLUTE TRUTH, THE LEFT SUFFERS A HUMILIATING DEFEAT An electoral defeat is one thing, but to have one's absolute conviction of right rejected out of hand is entirely another. No wonder liberals are an inconsolable lot. Their very being has been tossed in the gutter

'Garbage', 'Deplorables', And White Hatred - Reverse Racism And The Arrogant Infamy Of The Left by Poohads in politics

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Hate Has No Home Here', said the lawn signs in Bob's white suburban Washington neighborhood, a reference to racism, homophobia, and misogyny; but the irony was lost on him as he seethed venomous hatred at the white fools who had elected Trump. This animus was not hatred, he reasoned, because it was righteous anger. He was a good person.

But We Were Right!! - Kamala Harris And The Unravelling Of An Arrogant Vision by Poohads in politics

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Most conservatives have once and for all stopped calling liberals progressives, for nothing in their bag of tricks is forward-looking and promising. They are Utopian idealists at best who have been shown the door and won't be back for a long, long while.

The Wailing And Gnashing Of Teeth - The Gobsmacked Left, Incredulous At Loss To Trump, Goes Berserk by Poohads in politics

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Wha' happened', said a lawyer tossing down another shot of Wild Turkey at the bar of the Olde Ebbitt Grille, two blocks from the White House and watering hole of Biden/Harris people. 'Didn' see it coming'; and there it was in a nutshell. The fools never saw it coming, overreached, overestimated and shat on the voters who could have made a difference. 'We'll get 'em next time'…

Donald Trump Is Coming To Town! - The Unthinkable Has Just Happened, So Buckle Up And Enjoy The Ride by Poohads in politics

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DONALD TRUMP IS COMING TO TOWN! - THE UNTHINKABLE HAS JUST HAPPENED, SO BUCKLE UP AND ENJOY THE RIDE More than anything the progressive culture of moroseness will be gone. No more breast-beating, rending of garments, wails of grief and misery. America's genius will be celebrated. There will be all-night, bright and sparkling Gatsby-esque parties. Glitz, glamour, and beauty will be back.

TRUMP WINS! America, Therefore Is Evil, Fascist, And Racist - The Shameless Aftermath Of The Left's Decisive Loss by Poohads in politics

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Harris is still in hiding. Congratulations would be a sign of capitulation to Nazi terror. 'I was supposed to be elected. I was supposed to be the first woman to sit in the Oval Office. There must be something I can do. Think, Kamala, think!!!'

When Wackos Try To Go Straight - How Tarted Up January 6th Insurrectionists Get Schooled by Poohads in culture

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America had passed him by. He was social detritus, leavings, insignificant, noticed by no one. Insurrectionist? If only he had been, it would have been some record of having belonged. As it was he was trash

When Priests Go Bad - Fairies In The Vestry And The Compelling Case For Atheism by Poohads in Religion

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Of course it is one thing do leave the Church, another thing altogether to go over to the dark side, the Godless side, but that was exactly what Harry Gooding did. 'Fuck 'em', he said to no one in particular. 'Fuck 'em all', and so it was that Harry became a practicing atheist, more out of anger and spite than blame of the Deity, but so be it. The dark side can be recrossed with difficulty, so why bother. His was a more considerate, rational, temperate side without the likes of Brophy and Peacock.

Putin, Xi, The Ayatollah, And Machiavelli - Overmatched, Diversity-Only Kamala Harris In The White House? by Poohads in politics

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Her admirers in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran cheered her on. A Harris victory would be theirs at least until the American electorate woke up and in four years tossed the woman out; but four years was plenty of time to move forward with their own international agenda; and who knows what a marvelous triumvirate Russia, China, and Iran would make.

The Campaign Menagerie Of Kamala Harris - And The Coming White House Zoo by Poohads in politics

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'A menagerie', quipped one political observer who thought he had seen everything in the way of vacuous politicians. When the feral assortment of Cabinet hopefuls was leaked, he had a field day. 'The most absurd collection of misfit, wrong, caricatures of diversity ever..'

Why Can't There Be More Civility In Political Life? - Are You Kidding? This Is America by Poohads in politics

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Unfortunately someone has to win this Presidential election - there is no Churchill, Napoleon, or de Gaulle running. We are stuck between bombast and sanctimony, the worst kind of a rock and a hard place, but it is all of our own making. 'Is this the best you can do?' ask foreign observers. What a question. Of course it is.

The Best And The Brightest? - Kamala Harris And The Rise Of A Vaporous Woman by Poohads in politics

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Kamala Harris is the right person to lead the progressive charge, but exactly the wrong one to lead the country. Her black womanhood will only be a footnote to history, a diverting commentary on the politics of the early 21st century and nothing more.

Redecorating The Oval Office - A Woman's Place Is In The Home And Kamala's In The White House by Poohads in politics

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She was a campaigner, a notional Vice President, but a decorator-in-chief in her mind. Briefings, policy, signatures could wait until she set things right - Oval Office first, bedroom second, executive dining room third

Treacle, Nostrums, And Bombast - The Vanities Of Trump And Harris, But Only One Of Them Makes Any Sense At All by Poohads in politics

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So, a week before the election, the show goes on - bombast, braggadocio, and big top lion-taming and high-wire acts; and immeasurably incoherent homilies, metaphors, and allusions. The Left is worried, very worried that the man they have branded as evil, spawn of the Devil, a dangerous, destructive man may again sit in the Oval Office. How could this happen, they repeat again and again as the polls narrow and Trump edges closer to victory?

There Was Never A Dunce Like Harry Muster - The Tale Of How A Progressive Dimwit Made It In Washington by Poohads in politics

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If Trump wins, all the treacly, meaningless ribbons of progressive Utopianism will finally be tossed into the dumpster; but Harry never gave defeat a second thought

Kamala Goes 'Round The Bend - The Last Days Of A Hysterical Woman by Poohads in politics

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'When will it end?', a five-year old was heard saying to her mother on a park bench in Lafayette Square, across from the White House, referring to the endless hawking and barking of the Vice President. 'Soon, my love, soon'

Confessions Of A Moral Zealot - A Life Of Good Causes, Left On The Curb, Then Death In A Chaise Lounge by Poohads in culture

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Luckily the reality of it all - a life that nobody really cared about, all his social activism either for naught or coopted by goons and comers, an existence as pedestrian and unremarkable as any - came only much later. Nothing in the halcyon days could have been more unthinkable - sunning himself on a Miami beach in a chaise lounge sipping pina coladas. Nothing could have been more bourgeois, anti-progressive, a downright moral failure, a dismal, pathetic end; but there he was actually considering the option.

'Fascist!' - Kamala Harris And The Last, Humiliating Resort Of A Desperate Woman by Poohads in politics

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'I was at Auschwitz', said Hyman Rubenstein. He had been herded into the showers when the Americans liberated the camp. Skeletal, naked, hollow-eyed, and tearful, he ran to the gates and for the first time in four years, smiled. 'Trump is no fascist'

An Ivy League Side Show - When Gaza Love And Transgender Coupling Meet In A Splendid Jamboree by Poohads in culture

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The university, now in line with every vocational school, cow town junior college, and third rate midwestern college, could only rest on its laurels for just so long; and after a while this descent into a nightmarish woke madness slowed. 'Well, Harkness Tower is still standing', said one alumnus at his Fiftieth Reunion. Reunions were held after the school year ended, so there were no signs of the protests, festoons, and sexual antics of a few weeks before. He looked at the bell tower, the Gothic spires of Davenport College where he had lived while at Yale, and smiled. 'There will always be an England', he mused, 'and always a Yale'.

The Old Yale Two Step - A Tea Dance For True Believers In A Woke Age by Poohads in culture

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THE OLD YALE TWO STEP - A TEA DANCE FOR TRUE BELIEVERS IN A WOKE AGE It was indeed a ragtag bunch that gathered in the Old Campus. Despite its raison d'etre, the death of Palestinian children, it still was a happy jamboree of hugs and kisses. 'We Are The World', that old bit of treacle from the Eighties rang through those few heads with any sense of history or irony

Nothing ever came of the demonstrations. Israel kept on undaunted in its violent reprisals against Palestinian terrorists and Iran-sponsored militias in Lebanon, and Yale protected its portfolio as it always had done - profits first and foremost - with only a notional withdrawal from investment in Soda Stream, the Israeli spritzer water company.

Post-Roe v Wade Abortion - Even More A Man's Right To Choose by Poohads in culture

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The Biblical injunctions against abortion are based on the nature of divinity and the role and responsibility of mankind in responding to it. The principles evoked in both Old and New Testaments are not socially or historically conditional despite post-modernist exegesis. They have to do with Creation, the nature of God, and the character of Man – fundamental theological conclusions not adaptable suggestions.

Within this context, the role, responsibility, and rights of men and women are inextricably linked As such men 's rights cannot be ignored

Donald Trump, Quintessentially American - Exactly How Alexis de Tocqueville Would Have Seen Him by Poohads in culture

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If the French aristocrat were to return to America today, he would not be surprised. Things have really not changed since the days of Andrew Jackson. Forget his bombast and outrageous personality. Pay attention to the same principles that have underlain American exceptionalism since the founding of the Republic.

The Dumbing Down Of America - The Fall Of Yale And The Decline Of Intellectual Honor by Poohads in culture

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'This is not your grandfather's Yale', says the new wave of publicity for the newly diverse university, debunking the aristocratic days of Fence Club, Nantucket, and Wall Street; but what Yale has lost in this volte face is its historic legacy and its relevance. Yale and the other Ivy League colleges will never recover from this sorry descent into chaotic populism. They are ashamed of their history rather than be proud of it and revere and respect its traditions, and we are ashamed of them

Sex, Class Divide, And Sorrentino Tail At Yale - Gown Meets Town And Gets What's Coming To It by Poohads in culture

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So, despite her WASP yearnings, Maria returned to her roots and went to Mario for a favor. Could his son, Richard, now enrolled at Yale, teach that philandering, deceitful prick Farnsworth a lesson he would never forget? No one knew why Farnsworth got badly beaten, but rumor and ethnic prejudice being what they are, it was assumed that his goomba chippy was behind it Sex, Class Divide, And Sorrentino Tail At Yale - Gown Meets Town And Gets What's Coming To It

America The Sanctimonious And Censured - Why We Need Loud, Brash, Outrageous Donald Trump by Poohads in politics

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No matter how much the coastal elites will claim that progressivism is the only hope of America, the rest of the country denies even the suggestion that it is. We are still and always a nation of gunslingers, snake oil salesmen, touts, revivalists, and loudmouths. The very idea of an Orwellian state is heinous and unthinkable, and the vision of it embodied by Kamala Harris and her Washington claques is too devilishly, goddamned close.

If History Repeats Itself, Then Who Is Kamala Harris? - The Lady With The Wilted Flowers In The Back Row by Poohads in politics

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So the lady banged on about black this, black that, gay pride, transgender righteousness, the poor, the disadvantaged, the marginalized; fat cat capitalists, environmental predators, and gun totin', bass boat fishin' Georgia crackers without a coherent notion in her head. She was Cleopatra on her barge after all, speaking ex cathedra, ex regalia, and above the rest who listened. As in her mother's beloved India, it was the duty of some to speak, the duty of others to listen. If any knowledge was shared, so much the better, but don't count on it. without a coherent thought in her head.

The Blush Is Off The Bloom Of The Rose - Madame Harris Sits Dazed And Confused In The Oval Office by Poohads in politics

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Her supporters had hoped for a flood of Executive Orders on her first day in office, but all she did was host a ladies' tea in the Rose Garden for Howard and Morehouse alumna, women delighted that one of their own was in the Oval Office.

'Daddy, Why Am I White?' - Because Louis XIV Was White And The Ensuing Folly Of Racial Identity by Poohads in culture

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Not only was the school party to abject historical revisionism, but they took an overtly racist stance on ‘white inferiority’, ‘black superiority’, and worst of all the need to ‘dismantle the crumbling pillars of European civilization’. Getting back to the casus belli, the Louis XIV quote, it was Bingham’s shorthand for civilizational preeminence. He hated to use the word ‘superiority’ when it came to French, English, Greek, or Roman civilizations – or Persian, Mauryan, shogun, or mandarin for that matter – but his reticence was only in nodding deference to the tenor of the times; not a capitulation to Third World multicultural hegemony by any means, just a tactical evasion.

Scandal In The Vatican - The Pope, The Cardinal, And The Unexpected Pregnancy Of Maria Luisa Valenti by Poohads in Religion

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The disappearance of the young women in Vico Equense was a local mystery, and while all suspected foul play by the father of her unborn child, not one squeak that it could be the Cardinal was ever heard. Lucca and the Camorra had done their job, and the affair was closed.

The Brutal Truth About Women - Kamala Harris Explained by Poohads in politics

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Kamala is no different from any of history's or fiction's strong women. She is an amoral, willful predator, canny enough to rid the palace of an old man, and capable of any chicanery to get into office. Unfortunately she may be a woman of boundless ambition, but without the intellectual density to carry her past the front door

'Now what?', Kamala asked her aides once the deed had been done, the king deposed, and the way clear to the presidency. Like all of Shakespeare's and Ibsen's women, there was no second act. All had their comeuppance, and even if they had lived would probably have made a mess of things. They were born to wreak havoc, not to assemble the pieces into any coherent whole.

Bitchiness In The Big Tent - The Diverse Scramble For Attention As Madame Kamala Closes In On Victory by Poohads in politics

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'This was not supposed to happen', Madame said. Peace and harmony were supposed to reign, guns left at the door, We Are The World sung in unison. Of course there was dissension in the ranks. Human nature being what it is, no one likes to play second fiddle. When you have not just gay people in the mix but demiflux, muxe, and neutrois people among other choices on the fluid gender spectrum, you are bound to have some bitchiness and me-first elbowing to the front of the line

How To Ruin A Perfectly Good Dinner Party - Hitler, Trump, And Historical Ignorance by Poohads in PoliticalAnalysis

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The dinner host had thought he had heard it all – the most idiotic assumptions about Trump who had-caused disease, death, and disaster; and the absurdity of a godless, treacly, engineered progressive social reform – but when the name of Hitler was raised, he knew that the depths of ignorance had hit bottom. Hitler, the name bandied around like ‘racist’, a catch all for all who don’t get it and never will, was the j’accuse moment of the evening

Did He Or Didn’t He? Infidelity In Today’s Sanctimonious Age by Poohads in Sex

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Sexual assumptions about fidelity seem hard to refute or ignore in an age of neo-Puritan morality. When feminist conviction meets socio-economic reality, it is no wonder that tomcatting husbands, if not a thing of the past, are no longer considered relevant. One and done is the rule. Whether admitted or found out, infidelity is a cause for breach of contract, moral, legal, and ethical. Eventually however we will return to irreverent, delightful, sexual irresponsibility

Kamala, The Duke, And The Preposterousness Of A Harris Presidency by Poohads in politics

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Readers were surprised and shocked at the unbridled offensiveness of the tone and content of the Duke's op-ed but paid attention. Their saintly Kamala had been so vilified and taken apart that the remnants weren't worth a spit in the ocean. 'God help us', said the Duke at the suggestion of near victory; but then again the Americans had made their beds and would now have to lie in them. 'A gross, disgusting thought', said the Duke and turned out the lights.

Get Over It - Darwin, The Hardwiring Of Intelligence, And Genetic Denial by Poohads in evolution

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Until the coming of the new sexual millennium where evolutionary advantage will be mediated, the Eliza Newtons of the world will get the prize, pass on their genetic advantage to offspring who will procreate with equally successful males, and continue to be among the real one percent of society. Eliza Newton was an evolutionary success; perfectly adapted to her environment and dominant within it. She was a perfect example of Darwin’s principles, representing that randomly occurring evolutionary advantage which, if and when passed on to her offspring would result in an even more successful generation

In Praise Of Objectionable People–Great Men And The Irrelevance Of Peccadilloes by Poohads in culture

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An appreciation of the integrity of personality - the whole person - is lacking. Great men and women are not judged by service, brilliance, creativity, and insight, only sin Yet today an appreciation of the integrity of personality – warts, boils, blemishes, and scars notwithstanding – is lacking. Not only should prominent men and women never be censured for their personal behavior, preferences, sexual choices, and political expressions; but that the relationship between marginal behavior, excellence, and creativity be celebrated.

Lighten Up! Donald Trump And The Absolute Truth - Everything Is Hilarious by Poohads in politics

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Eventually the pall of enforced sobriety will be lifted and America will not be such a desperately serious and punitive place. A morose society overly concerned about offending others will get nowhere. It feels good and is good to be funny. Donald Trump - a Borscht Belt comedian, a tummler, a standup comic, a master of one-liners; a man without a bone of political correctness in his body, a genuine American article; a one-man comedy special is what we need

The Devil Is Coming To Washington - Trump And The Coming Apocalypse by Poohads in politics

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Never before has this apocalyptic notion been the meme of electoral politics. Donald Trump is not simply a hated politician, but an evil. Beelzebub, Satan, and the ghoulish devil of horror fantasy. Trump is Dostoevsky's Devil. Without distortion, impossible caricature, one-liner insults, and an absolute, unassailable confidence in remaking the truth, life would be a thumping bore. All of us would would like to insult, to ridicule, to stereotype in public precisely because we have been told to shut up, be considerate, compassionate, and respectful despite the fact that the world needs more ridicule not less.

You Must Believe! - The Schizophrenic Down Side Of Too Many Good Causes by Poohads in politics

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Blendy was was a happy sojourner in the big revival tent of progressive causes. There, everyone knew that racism, Wall Street, materialistic consumerism, and fundamentalist, retrograde family values were responsible for the fragile state of the world, for the sufferings of people of color; and for the rape, abuse, and patriarchal subjugation of women. More importantly all these insults were linked together by a vast conservative, capitalist conspiracy. However even the most zealous social reformers wanted no part of this apocalyptic madman; but in America there are Blendys everywhere


[–]Poohads[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

America's history is one of snake oil, shady used car salesmen, big tent preachers, Bernie Madoff, Enron, Sam Bankman-Fried, and Rudy Kurniawan. Every generation produces at least one fraud and the sheer gall and the chutzpah of their the outrageous, impossible scams are things of wonder


[–]Poohads[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

History has shown social equality never to be possible or even desirable - the unintended consequences of The Fall - and Darwin is God's Apostle. If God wanted to make us like ants – trillions of identical creatures with antennae who follow orders to the letter, not unique, differently-talented and –qualified higher order beings who don’t follow orders very well (he learned that lesson in the Garden of Eden), he would have.

Tolstoy And God's Cruelest Irony - Created With Brilliance, Man Shines For A Moment Then Is Summarily Dead by Poohads in Philosophy

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And so dealing with God's greatest irony is what preoccupies - not so much the uncertainty of death nor regret, but why did God bother in the first place? How could he have played such a cruel, irreversible trick? Not only do we face death entirely alone, but the successes, failures, loves, misfortunes, and adventures of the past have no relevance whatsoever. Looking into the dark, unknowable abyss no memory – as meanspirited and hard-bitten as it might be – can pull us back from the dark hole of non-being.

In Praise Of Faux Beauty - Who Wants To Have A Face Like A Wrinkled Prune? by Poohads in Beauty

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So, until that fateful look in the mirror, we will continue to try to look young. Plastic surgery, cosmetics are responses to the paradox of a long life and limited reproductive utility. Well past our pull-date we still want to look as sexually attractive and alluring as ever. This makes good sense in a society where half of marriages end in divorce, and men regularly leave their older wives. In fact, more men would jettison old, moldy cargo if they just had the money.


[–]Poohads[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One issue morality, like single-issue politics, is never good, for it ignores complexity, the ability to hold conflicting views, to be inconsistent, and to be ignorant and brilliant at the same time

Why One Marriage Is Never Enough - Romantic Trial And Error Ending Up In The Same Unlikely Place by Poohads in Marriages

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As for Bob? He died not long afterwards. His obituary, written by his sister, avoided reference to his serial marriages and focused on his achievements; but on his deathbed, reflecting on his life and particularly his women, he muttered something like, 'Aren't they wonderful' and took his last breath

The Vaporous Campaign Trail Of Kamala Harris - Saying Nothing And Meaning It by Poohads in politics

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THE VAPOROUS CAMPAIGN TRAIL OF KAMALA HARRIS - SAYING NOTHING AND MEANING IT Who knows what's in that cunt's head', said Aitch in Jonathan Glazer's movie Sexy Beast, referring to the crazed and sadistic Don Logan who terrorizes him and the happy group of ex-cons and their wives vacationing in Spain; and so it was said in the corridors of Washington about the Democratic candidate for President of the United States, Kamala Harris. As the campaign went into its final days, she only ramped up her familiar, airy, transparent, patent medicine prescriptions. Why change a good thing? Why open herself to the partisan, bellowing nonsense of her opponent? None whatsoever. None at all.

The Northern Slave Trade, Shipping, Textiles, And Banking - Complicity In That 'Peculiar Institution' by Poohads in politics

[–]Poohads[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Slaves were auctioned openly in Philadelphia, Rhode Island, Boston, and New York. Shipbuilders and shipowners benefited from transatlantic slave trade, newspaper publishers generated revenue from ads for slave auctions. Profits circulated via Wall Street throughout America

The Greatest Show On Earth Returns To Washington - Trump's Big Top Is Bigger Than Ever by Poohads in politics

[–]Poohads[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Harris is running against the most savvy vaudevillian circus performer in the nation’s history. Trump has been a clown, a comedian, a bare-knuckles street fighter, a man cut from an American cloth with an amoral approach to power and individual interest, unmatched, unbowed, and uncontrite.

Are Politics Who We Are? The Defining, Inescapable Nature Of Political Choice by Poohads in politics

[–]Poohads[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Each person's view of relationship to God and society is profoundly different. We either bless others as brothers or see them as evolutionary competitors. contrary beliefs do not simply define politics, but the way one behaves. One's understanding of man’s relationship to God, secular institutions, society, and the geo-ecological environment are profoundly different. Our reactions to and sympathy/empathy for others is determined by a moral philosophy which either blesses and anoints others as brothers and sisters; or sees them as evolutionary competitors struggling for survival, dominance, and genetic longevity.