Russia warns West about supplying F-16s to Ukraine. by Dune1032 in WorldNews

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Weird, isn't it? Britain and France had every chance to attack, yet didn't. Why is that? Because it was deliberate.

Ww2 was a huge optics game. They wanted Gemany to do the firstmove, every time when it came to their grievances. Attacking Germany when they were invading Poland would have looked like it was Germany who was under attack. Ignore Germany's diplomatic requests regarding Poland and let them attack Poland instead. Escalate the situation and corner Gemany with a righteous war declaration. The contributing factor was that they didn't quite feel that they could yet take out Germany in a swift pass. Attacking Germany when they were annexing Sudetenland and Austria would have been even worse as these populations wanted to be part of Germany anyway.

The silent factor in this whole enterprise was the Soviet Union. A new emerging superpower was building in the East and not only becoming an industrial and economic powerhouse, but a military force surpassing Germany and the West. Germany was surrounded by two superpowers, yet had absolutely 0 support or acknowledgement from the West and instead are being provoked and then handed a war declaration. Leaving Germany militarly defenseless, like suggested in the Versailles treaty was completely absurd and would leave Central Europe vulnerable to a country that had every means and reason to take advantage of the power vacuum. The Soviet Union was also dangerous because they would in return be much safer from an attack, because of the thousands of kilometers of wasteland that seperated their industrial centers from the borders. Germany was at a huge geographical disadvantage with a new player emerging in the World, and the Brits took full advantage of that.

Russia warns West about supplying F-16s to Ukraine. by Dune1032 in WorldNews

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You seriously think that Britain was afraid to fight Germany? They were eager to and started the conflict in the first place. The attack on Poland did not come out of the blue, nor was unpreventable with peaceful measures. The West was happy that they now could corner Germany with a war declaration, while facing off the Soviet Union. There was, and still is not, a single sovereign country in the Western world that isn't completely controlled by the international finance system.

What if a jew rapes another jew? by LarrySwinger2 in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It says you can sleep with a girl when she turns 3 years and 1 day.

"It's Okay To Be White" is hate speech according to the ADL by Oyveygoyim in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Many Nazis denied the Holocaust. Himmler was a big Holocaust denier and called the atrocity stories circulating in the news propaganda. The Nazis even gave a public statement about the rumours in 1945.

A lot of Nazis denied the Holocaust on trial, see this compilation:

"It's Okay To Be White" is hate speech according to the ADL by Oyveygoyim in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You would put the inmates clothing in a delousing chamber and activate the Zyklon B.

It doesn't matter if Hoess changed the number in his 'autobiography'. You should be a little bit more cautious with what you believe. A man put on trial confesses to an absolute ridiculous number of killings and cremation that is entirely impossible, and later gives more confessions in his 'memoires', e.g. remembering a killing list that Eichmann gave him listing the murdered Jews from mass shootings and gas vans, and how many of them died in each country, somehow remembering this after all these years, but not being able to even approximately knowing how many people arrived at his camp? The Hoess memoires are still cited by Holocaust historians, its contents taken as real and valuable for their story.

And now to the link you give me..... Anyone who knows anything about body cremation should be extremely suspectful about the alleged cremation capacity that this alleged real letter from the Zentralbauleitung gives. 1 hour cremation is already a conservative estimate for a body, especially for the time. Now how can you explain the discrepancy?

As with several documents given to prove the Holocaust, this one is a fraud. There is one mayor mistake the makers of this made at the time of the forging that they could not have known back when the Auschwitz headquarter documents were not known. It mistakenly insinuates that Krema I to V are all working. By June 1943, Krema 2, 4 or 5 were either on wait for repairs or put of out of action. See chapter 8 in Carlo Mattogno's book: Another point is that per Auschwitz headquarter memos, 12 hours cremation per day was the norm. Nothing new when it comes to the Holcaust. There are other fake Holocaust documents aswell. The 'Einsatzgruppen reports' that detail mass shootings of Jews in the hundred thousands for example, are also fake. They took real Einsatzgruppen reports detailing the killings of partisans, and in the middle of the documents slid in fake pages listing mass execution of Jews, which would be way higher than the previous numbers and seem totally out of the blue. The Soviets were masters at forging documents and got hold of German type writers, stamps and paper after the war. Sliding in realistic looking fake pages into a real document that only is signed on the first and last page anyway would be child's play

"It's Okay To Be White" is hate speech according to the ADL by Oyveygoyim in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Zyklon B was 'also' (in my opinion its only use) a delousing agent that was used in every German concentration camp. The presence of Zyklon B means nothing. Oyveygoyim knows only little about revisionist story. The 'Gas chambers' and 'changing rooms' at Auschwitz are, per Auschwitz blueprints, morgues number 1 and 2. In 1944 it was rebuilt as an entry into an air-raid shelter. After the war the Poles/Russians brought it back to 'its original state', which means in practice that they torn down all the walls inside the room, removed the doors and equipment, cut 5 holes in the ceiling and later put wire mesh columns through these holes. They also added a fake chimney as a tourist attraction. This means that the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz are technically not original/real, even if you believe it existed before it was allegedly torn down by the Germans.

You want to talk about Rudolf Höss? In his testimony he said that he murdered 2.5 million people. But deportation train records released in 1990 show cleary that only a little bit over half a million Jews were sent to Auschwitz in his time during 1940-1943. Rudolf Höss also testified that they burned up to 10.000 bodies a day. Auschwitz never had more than a total of 50 ovens which could cremate 1200-1600 persons a day at most. Even this is unrealistic because many crematorias with their ovens were put out of action-everything logged in the Auschwitz headquarter diaries.

Michael Jackson was likely a pedo by [deleted] in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You mean the Jewish-run smear campaign in 2019 that was instigated to divert the public's attention from the Weinstein trial?

Michael Jackson was likely a pedo by [deleted] in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Are you speculating or talking from your experience at the Neverland Ranch?

Michael Jackson was likely a pedo by [deleted] in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Michael Jackson had tens of thousands of books in his private library. These 2 books are the only items that contain 'homoerotic pictures' of children, if you want to see it like that. These books are also classics and were available on Amazon until recently I think, so it wouldn't be unheard of that the collector that he was would also own them.

The prosecution during the 2005 case tried to stretch these 2 books to paint him as a pedophile who likes to collect 'Child erotica'. If he was a real pedophile, you would find more than 2 books. He clearly wasn't interested in these things.

'Having sex with women is gay': White nationalist incel movement is going to bizarre extremes to define straightness by [deleted] in NotTheOnion

[–]Notspendingmylife 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Makes no sense. Fuentes started his career on a High School radio broadcast, later transitioning on YouTube and other platforms. Fuentes was discovered by Daily Wire and they started looking into him. Their ties started to seize as Fuentes would publicly and internally criticize the foreign policy with Israel. After taking part in the Charlottesvile rally(in which he did nothing remarkable) he was completely dropped from the conservatives, became target for harrassment in his university and forever lost the foot he had in the door of big conservative online media. Only then did he start to become 'a Nazi' in his streams.

Nick Fuentes was not inside the capitol during the event but standing outside on the stairs. Still the feds seized 250.000 dollars worth in Bitcoin from him, which was part of a donation that he recieved earlier by a physically soon to be crippled programmer that shortly killed himself afterwards. According to the police they suspected that this donation was made for him to stir up the crowd to storm the Capitol or whatever(Fed bullshit).

Also I like how you frame a meeting with a friend of his as a 'date'. Consider this, would a closeted homosexual posing as a uptight christian stream his gay date?

Fuentes never advocated for violence or harmed the alt-right movement in any way. Sounds like the only Right wing figures you recommend would be big calibers like Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh and Candace Owens?

'Having sex with women is gay': White nationalist incel movement is going to bizarre extremes to define straightness by [deleted] in NotTheOnion

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I preemptively destroyed your premise, that easily, smoothbrain.

'Having sex with women is gay': White nationalist incel movement is going to bizarre extremes to define straightness by [deleted] in NotTheOnion

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

'This irrelevant internet-nobody with a big following only on fringe sides of the net that has not had any association with the conservative movement after being rejected in 2017 is a implanted fed with the mission to harm the conservative movement!'

Care to explain the logic, champ?

Abstaining from masturbating RAISES risk of anxiety and depression by [deleted] in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Weird question. Abstain and you will see.

Abstaining from masturbating RAISES risk of anxiety and depression by [deleted] in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You sound like a stupid monkey. How can you even call yourselves a 'man'. Stop projecting your depravation on others.

Abstaining from masturbating RAISES risk of anxiety and depression by [deleted] in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I assume you have gone longer for 2 weeks, and not talking out of yout ass?

Women expell their seed? This happens uncontrollably, they cannot change that. We, however, can. The feminine always wants to recieve hold and retain. The masculine wants to express itselves outwards, to expand, to give. This is normal and can be seen in nature. HOWEVER, both sexes, if they want to be at peace with their sexuality, and reach true enlightenment, need to do the exact opposite to their behaviour when it comes to their seed itselves. Women need to start letting go during menstruation and accept that their seed drops on the ground. And men need to learn that the only thing can't give is their seed. If men want to become their true self, they need to act like woman and guard their seed.

Abstaining from masturbating RAISES risk of anxiety and depression by [deleted] in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There is no 'moderation' when it comes to self harm. There is no reason to ever stop the alchemical process of semen absorption in your body. Stopping masturbation is the first test every man in his adolescence years faces, and has to master. It's the foundation of the journey of manhood.

Abstaining from masturbating RAISES risk of anxiety and depression by [deleted] in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Spoken like a true fapper. Not masturbating is the norm and is 'practiced' by all the male mammals in nature. Every big religion or high society is advocating against spilling seed for return to true enlightenment. In Christianity, sexual sin is THE sin that makes people leave the garden of god. I have gone a year without ejaculation multiple times. There is nothing better and more noble to do for a man than to collect and transmute his sexual energy.

ChatAI was asked how long it would take to cremate 6 million bodies if you could cremate 300 at a time. The answer may or may not surprise you by Oyveygoyim in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Demographic changes are proof of death?Where is the proof? During WW2 millions of people were displaced, including Jews, a walking tribe of nothingness with no home country, and therefore no central register. Millions of Jews emigrated Europe shortly after the end of the war into the US and Palestine/Israel. Many stayed behind the Iron Curtain for decades. Perfect conditions for a world demogprahic analysis, right?

Millions of Jews(and other people) were sent to transit camps during the war? That must mean they were gassed. LOL. Is this all you have? Where are the 10 Million displaced Germans from Eastern Europe, were they all murdered, or flown to Uranus? (The Jews at least have a reason to survive). Maybe the people were sent further east? Where is your proof that the final destination were the camps when there are no train records from these camps?(Very much in the luck for Holocaust historians) Höss testified for 2.5 Million during his administration during the Nuremberg Trials, the pilars of the Holocaust . Why don't you believe his confession? I thought SS confessions are very reliable?

The Holocaust by Jesus in conspiracy

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

'But why look only at Prussian Blue? That is only one of many cyanide compounds, and you don't need sophisticated chemical analysis to spot it, it is obvious to the naked eye due to its vivid blue colour.) The Institute for Forensic Research in Cracow tested for other cyanide compounds, and found that the execution chambers do contain cyanide. Leuchter and Rudolf are simply mistaken. Case closed.'

That would be THE SECOND test done by the Cracow institute on this matter. (The first one was done in 1990, with the same analysis method as Leuchter and Rudolf, which showed similar results). The re-test was done by Markiewicz where they purposely did not look for stable, water insoluble cyanide residue and only for water soluble. This means that the test by default would be useless to for showing cynide residue from 50 years ago. They tests only showed short term contaminations from the environement. Rudolf tested for WATER INSOLUBLE RESIDUE only. Rudolf's tests looked for ferrocyanide, ioncyanide, prussian blue-any long lasting cyanides you would find in brick, mortar, lime. According to the Markiewicz report the deeply blue stained delousing chambers had the same cyanide residue as the Krema II walls, with no discoloration whatsoever. Do you seriously want to me to give any faith to this garbage? The Markiewicz test is weasely and pathetic, and the obsession with prussian blue is a nice red herring to detract from the unsettling fact that total cyanide was under the detection limit. Bonus point, the humid cement mortar of Krema II and III are better suited for absorption of HNC than the lime mortar of the delousing chambers

ChatAI was asked how long it would take to cremate 6 million bodies if you could cremate 300 at a time. The answer may or may not surprise you by Oyveygoyim in whatever

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What a crock of shit. How can anyone know even roughly to the percentage how many people died from what causes in the concentration camps (which we now are informational black boxes) when there is no camp documentation to the things you are describing!!!! There is 0 evidence and reason to believe any of your numbers, especially when it comes to the camps. According to German documents, 300k people of all ethnicities died in the whole German concentration camp system. These documents allege how many poeple died from what causes and what ethnicity they are. These are the only documents that exist. This is the only form of documentation you get about the camps. Any other breakdown of what death camps are caused by what cause are 100% baseless, worthless speculation. Do you even know how historians get to these kill numbers per 'death camp'? By DEPORTATION LISTS. They look at the train records, see how many people passed each camp and assume that a given percentage (big majority) simply gets gassed. There is no 'documentation' about any Holocaust whatsoever in the camps. These poeple simply assume that most people who were sent ther were simply murdered. The Nazis where the top dog bureucrats except when it came to the Holocaust/destroyed all the evidence, didn't you know?

'All the figures have to be taken as round number estimates, and different people have made different estimates. Some of the early estimates in the 1940s were way off, especially from the Soviets. But the modern estimates are the result of a lot of careful research by many hundreds of people. They're not exact numbers, but they're pretty good given the evidence we have.' Mate you propably would have believed that 4 Million people where murdered in Auschwitz alone back in the day when it was historical consensus (until 1990). Back in 1945/6 at Nuremberg, 4 Million at Auschwitz was the prevailing dogma with even Hoess testifying to 2.5 million during his control alone. And your last sentence says it all, hey the Historians seem pretty confident about their claims given the nonexistent evidence! Are the same masterminds that accepted 4 Million dead at Auschwitz for decades now finally waking up to give us the 'real truth' now?

The Holocaust by Jesus in conspiracy

[–]Notspendingmylife 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

'When you are killing that many people at that sort of scale, there are only two alternatives: you either have hundreds of thousands of cold blooded killers shooting them, or you find some way to kill in industrial quantities using a much smaller number of people. Which is what they did.'

So you're telling me that the 30k Eisnatzgruppen that allegedly shot 1.3 Million Jews in 1 year were sooo traumatized that they had to stop, and the Third Reich could not replace these people? Stop with this nonsense. 'The additional fuel is only needed to get the initial combustion going. We have photos of the burn pits in action.' This is BULLSHIT! In order to burn carcasses/corpses you constantly need to maintain burning material. They don't burn on their own, the net energy that they provide for burning is much much smaller than what they consume in the first place. Humans don't just burn on their own. This is another Holocaust bullshit claim. There are no aerial photographs of burn pits for humans. Holocaust supporters always claim something and then fail to substantiate. Aerial photographs over Auschwitz show very little smoke, however some burning pits (white smoke) are visible, most likely for trash burning.

'So much ash was dumped in the rivers, marshes, and fields around Birkenau that to this day, the soil in the area is a different colour and texture to the surrounding land. Anyone says that the ash has just mysteriously disappeared is lying. Its right there, in the ground.' And the most ridiculous thing saved for the end. Mate, if the only evidence you have that 1 Million(!!!!) people were burned to ashes and dumped into the surrounding areas is 'the forests look weird', then nothing more has to be said. This is called grasping at straws. If you are new to the Holocaust game, you have to learn that aski g dor physical evidence is tabu, because they don't provide any. The fact is that despite 4 Million people being destroyed and their ashes/remains dumped and burried on just 6 places, no physical evidence has been provided by Holocaust historians. No big exhumation, no big reveal, no chemical testing, no ground radar demonstration. (It is even prohibited to such thing on Treblinka). If there was any such evidence, they would stuff it into your face 24/7 instead of the meaningless shock pictures of stacks of corpses in Dachau.

What about chemical analyises of the gas chambers that allegedly gassed up to 500.000 people? You ever heard about the Rudolf report? What about the 30k shot at Babi Yar? Have Holocaust supporters investigated the site there?

It's over.

The Holocaust by Jesus in conspiracy

[–]Notspendingmylife 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are just regurgitating the mainstream Holocaust narrative. Execution with bullets is the fastest, cheapest and most effective way of killing people. This is a fact, how can you say with a straight face that building huge destruction facilities never seen in history that need to be supplied with absurd amounts of fuel/coke, an ungodly amount of crematoriums is somehow cheaper than just diging a big hole and shooting the victims into the ditch? What makes you think that? According to Holocaust literature, the Einsatzgrupoen murdered around 1.3 Million people in a year. If they can shoot 1.3 million, they can shoot 6 million. They also allegedly murdered 30k Jews at Babi Yar in just 2 days, casually. Genocides in the millions were done by less developed countries without problems. Did they also run into 'logistical' problems? Why has such a thing like the Holocaust never been attempted before in history?

Zyklon B is not a simole way of killing people. To this day Holocaust historians have not come to an agreement to how these gas chambers worked. This comes from the fact that the alleged mass gassing with Zyklon B seems borderline impossible when you consider the technicality. We don't know how the Zyklon B was introduced, there are several theories. Just dropping it into the chambers through the vents means you have to wait up to 1 hour until all the Zyklon outgassed, unless you want to collect the dead/send other victims while there is still Zyklon outgassing on the floor. Also hosing the floors is impossible. In order to achieve the alleged 15 minute gassing intervalls, the still outgassing Zyklon B has to be removed before the next are send in. Holocaust historians introduced the idea of wire mesh canisters that would be lowered into the rooms and then get filled with Zyklon. This however restricts the volume of Zyklon B because of the small holes on the roof and small amount of holes per room. EDIT:[due to slow outgassing, the required amount of zyklon b to kill people in record times as 15 minutes is impossible even without being contained in wire mesh]. Additionally, the wire mesh has to be tight enough that the Zyklon granulites don't seep through, which furthermore slows down the outgassing. Zyklon B has to be heated up to outgas quickly and be viable for execution. How was that done? All things considered, using slow outgassing granilutes to murder hundreds/thousands of people packed in a small room is not feasible. 'According to the German records themselves, the five crematoria at Auschwitz-Birkenau were capable of processing approximately 2-3000 bodies a day. ' According to SS testimonies. Very credible. 'Due to the failure of the crematoria to keep up with the volume of bodies, most of the dead at Auschwitz were disposed of in open-air burning pits, using alcohol, oil and human fat as fuel. None of these fuels leave any ash behind.' Extremely ineffective way to burn anything. Most of the heat gets lost. You seriously believe that any relevant number of corpses were burned that way? You would need a gigantic amount of fuel and wood for this to work, and most of the energy gets lost due to heat radiation.

The Holocaust by Jesus in conspiracy

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Inthink you misunderstood me. 'The Final Solution' was not the murder of the European Jews. It was finding a solution to the problem that this group of people have no own country and are scattered around Europe to the distain of many, including Jews. The 'Holocaust' never happened.

The Holocaust by Jesus in conspiracy

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Madagascar was not the ultimate destination of the jews, it was one of the ideas. Hitler himself ordered that the final solution should be postponed until after the war had ended. The short-term 'solution' during wartime was the re-setlement of the jews in Western Russia/Belarus(as Hitler said 'send them to the swamps'). We know this was not only planned(countless of documents and messages that talked about the resettlement of jews further east), but also happened in real life. During Barbarossa, jewish ghettos were built or expanded just miles behind the Wehrmacht's ever east moving front line(fact), which further debunks the notion that the Nazis saw the massive concentration of Jews in the Polish ghettos as a 'security risk' which needed to be liquidated in the Reinhardt camps in 1942. In reality, the 2.4 million Jews evacuated from the Warsaw in that time frame(Korherr Report) were not murdered, but sent through the Reinhardt camps to the 'swamps' to be resettled. Holocaust believers argue that there is no evidence that these people were not murdered there, but the burden of prood lays on the extermationists who yet have not produced anything else but deportation lists(Which prove nothing). However, there are countless of documents showing the Nazi's short term plan to resettle them there.

Man 'allergic to his own semen' suffers flu-like symptoms every time he has sex by [deleted] in NotTheOnion

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is probably POIS. Check out r/POIS, full of people who get sick for days or even weeks after ejaculating/orgasming. This is not so outrageous considering that ejaculation is only meant for procreation is not your personal pleasure fountain that you can abuse without consequences. Men who abstain for longer periods are affected more by ejaculation because they are on a different energy level (spiritual, physical) aswell as their bodies not being used to being completely depleted of sexual energy like most men are constantly. People with especially frail nervous system that you see having POIS cannot even cope with the strain of one ejaculation. Even for not sick people, ejaculation is often linked to similar symptoms like fatigue and inflammation. Abstaining men often need more than a week or weeks to fully recover from complete depletion. You only feel the loss if you had something to lose.

"Marx was not able to develop sociology of sex, because at that time sexology did not exist." - Wilhelm Reich by [deleted] in quotes

[–]Notspendingmylife 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is typicalnpseudo-intellectualist, smug and reality-denying babble. Anyone completely dismissing the natural human wariness towards sexual pleasure as simply religious panic is someone who has never in their lifes experienced the real nature of being a man and the fruits of celibacy.

Religions back then were right: Sexual pleasure and indulgence comes with a hefty price. These religious 'preconceptions' that paint the sin of sex as almost leading you to doom, firstly stem from the correct acknowledgement of the fact that sex/masturbation IS a consequental action with mostly a negative return and, secondly, deals with this truth by expressing the wish to live up to this truth fully and completely. The ultimate way of life, celibacy and living in accordance to god, consequently then becomes the highest value in the value hierarchy of religion. This is not just an anxious irrationality created by repressed people in the desert.

You as a man are designed to keep your semen and transmuting your extremely potent sexual energy for higher purposes in the physical, mental and spiritual realm. The ultimate way of life, to truth, to power and to self realisation IS celibacy, just like it is proposed in all religions and most high societies in one way or another. Men today have been kept in the dark about the truth about being man and the responsibilities they have aswell as the power that they have in themselves. Wilhelm Reich is completely oblivious to the nature of sex and sees it as just an impulse that is there to be satisfied (like some kind of monkey would when he jerks it on his palmtree) that leads to no consequences. This is not even simplyifing reality, this is complete denial of reality. I think the greeks had a word for this kind philosophy.