Robotic Dogs For Shut-Ins And Virtual Women - The Allure Of The Fantastical And Unreal by Kiffer in Artificial_Intelligen

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ROBOTIC DOGS FOR SHUT-INS, AND VIRTUAL WOMEN - THE ALLURE OF THE FANTASTICAL AND UNREAL As much as normal, healthy males delighted in their assignations, their real pleasure was satisfying deep-seated, persistent sexual fantasies; and now that virtual reality was a real, purchasable commodity, the market for fantasy sex was unlimited.

AI, Virtual Reality, And The Post-Human Generation - Life As We Know It Will End by Kiffer in Artificial_Intelligen

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AI, VIRTUAL REALITY, AND THE POST-HUMAN GENERATION - LIFE AS WE KNOW IT WILL END A new ball has been set rolling, and there is no way that it can be stopped. ‘Human beings’ in 500 years will be unrecognizable from those living today. They will neither be better or worse, but simply and inevitably different. “Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise” – Shurangama Sutra.

You're Only As Old As You Feel - Wrong! Hang Up Your Spurs Before Your Horse Dies by Kiffer in whatever

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Funny what epiphany will do to you. Bob hobbled his way to the door of the diner, a stooped old man. 'Shall I wear my trousers rolled?', said Eliot in The Hollow Men, a line which finally made sense. And there on Pennsylvania Avenue was Randy Moss, his epicurean friend, a man his age but with a beautiful young woman on his arm, and the epiphany was complete. Better late than never, thought Bob, but what do I do with the information?

My Life With An African Dictator And The Rise Of Donald Trump - A Tale Of Consequence by Kiffer in politics

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MY LIFE WITH AN AFRICAN DICTATOR AND THE RISE OF DONALD TRUMP - A TALE OF CONSEQUENCE By American standards the Trump policies might indeed be revolutionary. They would upend years of progressive idealism and febrile intention, but to the African observer, they were only the tepid, gray business as usual of the flaccid West.

California Names DEI Sanctuary City! - And Then The Bitchiness Began by Kiffer in politics

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CALIFORNIA NAMES DEI SANCTUARY CITY - AND THEN THE BITCHINESS BEGAN The whole idea of a largely gay and transgender community - peaceful, loving, and considerate - assumed by the straight population was gone in a flash. There were no lovely Thai-style ladyboys here. In a short time the DEI neighborhoods were sinkholes as bad as in any inner city. Eating from the public trough was not all it was cracked up to be; and who wanted to live with super c-nts in the first place?

Trump 2.0 And The Taking Of Scalps - Illegals, Bureaucrats, And DEI Zealots Run For The Hills by Kiffer in politics

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TRUMP 2.0 AND THE TAKING OF SCALPS - ILLEGALS, BUREAUCRATS, AND DEI ZEALOTS RUN FOR THE HILLS The Second Coming was not just the inauguration of a new president but a seismic event. black men, women, and transgenders pitched into the crevasses of the Trump earthquake. 'A new broom sweeps clean', the old adage describing the change of administrations was but tepid porridge compared to the bulldozing cavalcade about to raze Washington

The Tearful End Of A Climate Warrior - An Environmental Martyr Gives Up The Ghost To Donald J Trump by Kiffer in politics

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Bob turned the thermostat down - Corrine had deliberately jacked it up - and wandered from room to room, looking at his peacenik, women's march, gay pride, Black Lives Matter memorabilia. No, he shouted to no one in particular. No, I will never give up, never; but the shock was simply too much for a man of his age and increasing mental infirmity, and only the glue factory was in his future. Out to pasture for a few years, then headed for his final home.

Barbarians At The Gate - The Trump Victory And The Scurrying Of The Lost Left by Kiffer in politics

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BARBARIANS AT THE GATE - THE TRUMP VICTORY AND THE SCURRYING OF THE LOST LEFT As the boom and thump of the Marine band, practicing at the west end of the Mall came to Bob on a chill January wind, he shook his head. 'Madame was supposed to be here', he muttered, thinking of Kamala Harris, a black woman of intellect, style, and agency Instead it was this imposter, this fool, this barbarian.

Pomp, Regalia, Beautiful Women, And The Reign Of Donald Trump - Happy Days Are Here Again by Kiffer in politics

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POMP, REGALIA, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, AND THE REIGN OF DONALD TRUMP - HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN The revolution is not just political. It is cultural - a middle-brow populism, an unabashed crassness, joy in beauty and wealth. Fault-finding, generic unhappiness, the unfortunate character of American liberalism, is gone, finished.

The Regal Presidency - Donald Trump And The Coming American Monarchypo by Kiffer in politics

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THE REGAL PRESIDENCY - DONALD TRUMP AND THE COMING AMERICAN MONARCHY The Left has absolutely no idea of what’s coming so mired are they in their absentminded focus on race, gender, ethnicity, and identity. Trump, true monarchist, will rule absolutely

I Got Those Inauguration Blues - Hail To The Chief While The Incredulous Scurry For Cover by Kiffer in politics

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I GOT THOSE INAUGURATION BLUES -HAIL TO THE CHIEF WHILE THE INCREDULOUS SCURRY FOR COVER The Inauguration of Donald J Trump is but a few days away, and the Left is still in disarray, disbelief, and incredulous fluster over it. How could this have happened? How could this insurrectionist, racist devil possibly be seated once again in the Oval Office?

The Last Days Of A Great Capitalist - Sex And God Compete For His Attention by Kiffer in Religion

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THE LAST DAYS OF A GREAT CAPITALIST - SEX AND GOD COMPETE FOR HIS ATTENTION He turned to rejuvenating, restorative December-May affairs. However the letdown following them became worse and worse. Sexual desire had erased all else; so in the end all that was left was women and God. A bad Jewish joke

Unthinking Thought - Why The Vaporous Ideas Of Social Reform Have Such Appeal by Kiffer in politics

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UNTHINKING THOUGHT - WHY THE VAPOROUS IDEAS OF SOCIAL REFORM HAVE SUCH APPEAL Bob had been so indoctrinated, so completely coopted by The Movement that he could no longer think for himself. Taking a sh-t could only remind him of the shambling outhouses of slave quarters; making periodic love to his wife made him think only of le droit du seigneur and the sexual advantage taken by plantation grandees. Eating was never a pleasure but a reminder of plenty amidst want. He was a painfully insistent man and an absolutely intolerable bore.

How A Good Man Lost His Cojones - The Whore/Saint Saga Of A Mathematical Genius by Kiffer in women

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One would have thought that Bob, the capon of the affair, would have left his wife long ago, but that durable mix of a lack of cojones and a desperate, fantastical love for a brutally willful woman is undeniable.

Glamour Is Back! - Donald Trump And Beauty Queens Are In; Frump, Flannel And Bad Hair Are Out by Kiffer in politics

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GLAMOUR IS BACK - DONALD TRUMP AND BEAUTY QUEENS ARE IN; FRUMP, FLANNEL, AND BAD HAIR ARE OUT As much as they deny it, in every progressive soul is a Republican - someone without the morose seriousness of social justice. If sexy, blonde Nancy Blythe had shown him any interest, Bob's life would have been entirely different.

The Life And Death Of An Overachiever - Doing Good Isn't Worth A Piece Of Cheese In The End by Kiffer in politics

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The country was ready to throw out the whole progressive kit and kaboodle. It wanted no more black this, black that. Time for women to make their own way. Agriculture was shifting north, so what? Peace? The wheel of fortune was turning again. 'Fuck 'em', said Franchot again, uncharacteristically crude and dismissive, but at his age, who cared?

The Dementia Praecox Of A Vaporous Woman - Kamala Harris Is Running For President Again by Kiffer in politics

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'Well, thank God, she's gone', said an Iowa delegate who had pledged her support for Harris but then, after a whistlestop tour of the state where she talked gobbledygook, turned in her pass. Legions of supporters did the same thing leaving only a small gaggle of weird progressive shills behind.

America's Dalliance With Dictators, A Love Affair - National Interest, Machiavelli, And Realpolitik by Kiffer in politics

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It is not that America always loves dictators, but understands the good and bad sides of their rule. America has always enabled dictators, but Donald Trump, a good Machiavellian, heir to Kissinger's realpolitik, and America first nationalist will eschew any high minded talk of democracy and see how to exact the best deals with the world's autocrats

The Resurrection of History - Donald Trump And The Demise Of Cancel Culture Revisionism by Kiffer in politics

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THE RESURRECTION OF HISTORY - DONALD TRUMP AND THE DEMISE OF CANCEL CULTURE REVISIONISM His censuring, cancelling family member had been caught on camera channeling the Red Brigades, shouting, 'Death to America' and calling for the overthrow of the unholy imposter, Trump; so Arthur would have to wait until the dust cleared and the country reverted back to first principles before he would be readmitted home; but ignorance always disassembles if given time and persistence, and he would have his day

The Second Coming Of Donald Trump - A Latter Day Genghis Khan Thunders Into Washington by Kiffer in politics

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THE SECOND COMING OF DONALD TRUMP - A LATTER DAY GENGHIS KHAN COMES THUNDERING INTO WASHINGTON The return of Donald Trump will indeed be the End of Days envisaged by his enemies. The capital will be sacked as his merciless conquerors occupy it. Enemies' heads will be impaled on spikes up and down Pennsylvania Avenue, as a reign of vindictive terror comes to town

'All Happy Families Are Alike; Each Unhappy Family Is Unhappy In Its Own Way' by Kiffer in Sociology

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'ALL HAPPY FAMILIES ARE ALIKE; EACH UNHAPPY FAMILY IS UNHAPPY IN ITS OWN WAY' Ivan's Devil in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov is a self-proclaimed vaudevillian. Without me, he tells Ivan, everyone would fall asleep in their traces. I do my villainy, my nasty tricks, my troublemaking just to wake people up. Somnolence is no way to live; and Tolstoy had the same idea. The families in Anna Karenina are unhappy in very distinctive, memorable ways, but without their vitality, sexual desire, and social ambition, where would Russian society be?

Back In The Closet - The LGBTQ+ Crowd Scurries For Cover As MAGA Man Takes Over Washington by Kiffer in politics

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So, the rats were leaving a sinking ship - the unkind words of the new administration which had campaigned on returning America to its foundational roots; but of course these rats, benighted but upstanding Americans, would find other, more congenial, and accepting places to build their nests

When DEI Gets Nasty - A White Feminist Gets Left On The Curb By Her Uppity Black Sisters by Kiffer in politics

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WHEN DEI GETS NASTY - A WHITE FEMINIST GETS LEFT ON THE CURB BY HER UPPITY BLACK SISTERS The women were offensive, bullying, dismissive, and insufferable. 'Get yo' lily white ass out my way, cu-t' said one as she moved uninvited into Karen's office. Black people were not supposed to behave this way

Christmas In The Ghetto - The Last DEI Warrior Visits The Worst Slum In Washington by Kiffer in politics

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'Maybe I should have been an accountant', he thought, remembering his father's famous last words as he headed to no man's land; and shortly thereafter, just like the old man, retired to Florida. 'What was I thinking?', he said to his wife as he left a rather stingy tip for the black waiter.

Diversity And The White House Staff - 'Gotta Have Me A Black Man', Said The President-Elect by Kiffer in politics

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DIVERSITY AND THE WHITE HOUSE STAFF -'GOTTA HAVE ME A BLACK MAN', SAID THE PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump, true to his talent-first recruitment policy, had no interest in racial diversity. 'You need a black man', said the chief of his transition team. 'He doesn't have to be visible, but you'd better have one just in case'.

Transgenderism - Political Absurdity, And The Grand Chutzpah Of A Sexual Imposter by Kiffer in politics

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TRANSGENDERISM - POLITICAL ABSURDITY, AND THE GRAND CHUTZPAH OF A SEXUAL IMPOSTER A returning hero who had sashayed into Washington, then, game over ditched his pearls and came back smelling like a man

The Circus Of American Health Care - Saint Fauci, RFK Jr, And Conspiracy Theories Galore by Kiffer in America

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THE CIRCUS OF AMERICAN HEALTH CARE - SAINT FAUCI, RFK JR, AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES GALORE Kennedy is politically savvy enough not to reveal all his conspiracy theories, but since he is as kooky as the average American, hold on to your hats

Affairs Of State - Donald Trump, Young Women, And The Real Business Of Governance by Kiffer in politics

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AFFAIRS OF STATE - DONALD TRUMP, YOUNG WOMEN, AND THJE REAL BUSINESS OF GOVERNANCE America is in for a Barnum & Bailey circus, a sexual jamboree, a cavalcade of high-stepping majorettes, the glitz and glamour of A New Age, a cultural revolution.