Sponsor Spotlight: A Secure Email That Can Withstand Quantum Computers (23:07) ~ Ben Swann [CloudCoin](youtube.com)
r/BannedWithoutCause banned(reddit.com)
Snopes said it was false. My research is complete.(i.pinimg.com)
I sexually identify as an avocado...(i.imgflip.com)
SaidIt Protest Guidelines - open to your feedback for improvements.(self)
Imagine planting your own whistleblower to expose yourself for not censoring enough so you can censor more.(i.imgur.com)
Yes, I can see the test results here...(pbs.twimg.com)
Teach a man to fish...(political-humor.org)
What's the difference between a drug cartel and the government?(i.imgur.com)
I know what propaganda looks like...(i.imgflip.com)
Should /u/diogenesjunior be un-banned? I've lost a friend. I don't know the details: who where when what how why. This is a serious problem on SaidIt.(media.makeameme.org)
Reddit Suspends Users Who Post Project Veritas Videos(newsbusters.org)
What if I told you - being offended by everything is a sign of being narrow-minded.(ishouldhavesaid.net)
This just in...(i.imgflip.com)
Me. Every. Single. Day...(i.imgur.com)
I'm not saying they're intentionally trying to shut down small businesses, trying to destroy the middle class, transfer the majority of the wealth to the world's largest corporations, and divide us with fear and hatred. But if they were, what would they be doing differently?..(i.imgur.com)
Liberals on their way...(pbs.twimg.com)
Actual statistical threat...(i.imgflip.com)
Drowning High Five Meme : Reddit(i.kym-cdn.com)
And just like that...(i.imgur.com)
The trucker should tell the government...(i.imgur.com)