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[–]HopeThatHalps 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Halps, a Right cannot be taken away, it can be surrendered. You say,"You offer no reason why owning guns should be a right". I can say, fine, and okay, mankind lives to restrict. But, I've made my own improvised gun, and charge in the past; myself, and others have the know how; so even with restrictions, it's still available. Can you stop me from doing that? No. It's a right, as you cannot stop anyone.....

You can make your own illegal biological toxins, or your own illegal drugs. That you made it is irrelevant.

Interestingly enough, I've got an older 3rd edition Black's law dictionary, that describes a right, as more of an observation of other living things, and through whatever means created them, their rights, are what they can do naturally, and as an action.... Weird legal definition, but that's basically it.

OK, but what is natural about owning a killing machine, and not, say, your own nuclear weapon?

The 2nd Amendment covers the right to arms, and defense. This doesn't necessarily force anyone to stick to 'guns'. Look at countries where guns are banned for the most part. The UK??? They've got campaigns now to turn in knives, but what will that solve? People can still make them; the concept of a right, does precede governmental paper.

Guns make murder easy, easier than does a knife. Likewise, a nuclear weapon makes mass human extermination very easy, which is why you can't have one.

I honestly don't care at this point what you think my goal here is, I read where you wrote a right can be taken, or is 'temporary', and my only point was that it's not, and by the literal lawful definition can only be willingly surrendered....... Yet, by human will power alone, any sort of armament can be created, and used when, or as needed.

You say you want to protect people's rights, that's a hollow sentiment if you can't defend the "right" itself. To say that rights are self evident is to switch your brain into the "off" position.

[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Halps, I don't care to debate guns; I simply saw the word 'right', and a new communist 'privilege' style definition, and figured 'hey, I've got the real legal definition, I'll share'. Which is what i did, and will do again.

[–]HopeThatHalps 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

You said you will defend a person's rights. What if we had the right to kill brown people? We live in a day and age where people seem to get away with it, free of legal consequences. Would you support that right, were it codified, just because it becomes a "right"?

My point is that you can look up "right" in the dictionary, and pretend it's something magical, but at the end of the day it's just a tenuous construct administered by a government.

[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

You said you will defend a person's rights. What if we had the right to kill brown people? We live in a day and age where people seem to get away with it, free of legal consequences. Would you support that right, were it codified, just because it becomes a "right"?

My point is that you can look up "right" in the dictionary, and pretend it's something magical, but at the end of the day it's just a tenuous construct administered by a government.

Halps, it's always brown people with you when you cannot hold your own; telling, and more.

My only point is that you, among many claim to want to raise the standards of this site, and this very thread, where by you demonstrated you don't know what a right is, and when someone kindly gives you the legal definition, as used in law, as it's a legally binding term in law!? Well fuck, here we are several posts later. and it's down to killing brown people? Shit, bring up aborted babies too... oh wait, that's what the other group does... PATHETIC!!! LOL.

I'll answer your question though, as I comprehend what my Rights are, I would protect myself with all force necessary against any threat; that's my god given right. I would expect as you say, 'brown people', to do the same!

I wish I could say it was a waste of time, but this thread is a great example of leftist time wasting.

[–]HopeThatHalps 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The legal definition of a "right" is ambiguous by definition. What a person thinks of a "natural" or "God given" right will depend on their personal religion and philosophical beliefs. Politicians get to write the words as to what is and isn't a right, and then courts get the come up with their own interpretation of the words.

You think it's a natural or "God-given" right of brown people not to be murdered by you, but that hasn't always been the case in the history of mankind, or even America, where people of different skin colors are treated with less regard than animals we hunt for sport.

That fact that you capitlized the word "rights" tells me that you have an entirely dogmatic view of the subject, that you make assumptions about the world, and hold those assumptions beyond reproach.

[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Um, yes, I comprehend that a "Right" is a legally( and naturally) defined term; You don't(again, only commented to you figuring you'd like to not sound ignorant, but thought I did in a respectful way). I comprehend that you don't want to recognize that, I also recognize your view of a right is as a privilege; you also denote that you think Americans are unique in the fact they want freedom, while the rest of the world in your view accepts their freedom as what they won't get in trouble doing.(funny how everyone wants to be in America for freedom, and gimmies, EVEN WITH IN YOUR VIEW ALL THE ARMED (BROWN PEOPLE HATING) WHITE GENOCIDAL MONSTERS!!!)

Halps, in regards to America, and it's viewpoint on the blanketed groups of as you say, "Brown People", I'm in complete disagreement. America as far as a melting pot is unique in the extra privileges, and rights bestowed on those very people to aid in their advancement in this society. Go live in a 3rd world for a while, and you'll learn; racism is alive, well, and strong in every 3rd worse shithole, at least that I've been in(been in several), and it's the people there that do it to each other.

As far as my Rights? Yes, I capitalize them, I hold mine sacred. If you would go re-read what I wrote, I never advocated for anyone other than trying to show someone who thinks a right is a privilege, that they're not. A Right, can also be viewed as the physical observation of what any living sentient being can naturally do without constraint.(I actually covered this angle already thinking you seriously couldn't grasp that it's a defined legal term. I kinda got your 'care' when you responded with, 'nuclear weapons!!!!', why not pink fuzzy lasers, they could be just as earth shattering, right?)

I guess on that point, and so you quit looking stupid every time you make a sensational claim about how I'm an evil old genetically superior white male such as yourself, I'm a disabled brown people.

LMAO, this is a great thread!

[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Halps", it's at this time especially with the you suck towards "Brown People" remarks, and in other threads where you've attacked me by bringing up how I must be cruel, or is it hateful towards of all things,disabled people, or how in this thread, where you attempted to twist my simple clarification of what a Right is, turning it tantamount to an approval for mass murder, that I feel I must re-post my 2 original comments for this thread:

POST 1 "I'm a large man, larger, and unfortunately by way of genetics at times can appear menacing; it's true about inadequate people wanting to prove themselves by trying to intimidate someone that others would have a little bit of hesitation in messing with. Yet, at the same time, I'm a disabled man, and hurt; my gun has saved my life. After you've been put feet to fire in trial for your life, do you realize how nice it is to have an equalizer."

POST 2 "Also, on the note of 'what to do', a gun is defensive, a gun does have sporting merit; to be able to calculate out at distance, and hit the target, well anyone try it, it takes skill. As to what to do to change, or save the world? Learn, share, and educate. Try to help others. Be the change on your own microcosmic level. A gun doesn't change the world, a voice does."

It's clear why I participated in this thread from my first post, the second post immediately afterwards lays out exactly what I personally see the use of guns being, and what works for greater change; yet your response is 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS BROWN PEOPLE KILL".

Sensationalize off of regular MSM commie jargin much? I think you could've hit a few more talking point cliches!