all 4 comments

[–]bucetao6969 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"They have been not given all the data"

THIS IS IMPORTANT especially for lgbtq+. If you or your child has gender dysphoria, you NEED to know all the facts. The doctors have a huge incentive to transition you because it's more $$$ so make sure to know everything! And if you can help a fellow friend who thinks about transitioning to know all the facts that's good as well!

[–]iamonlyoneman 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This man is an attention whore LOL

[–]POOPCORN 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Once upon a time in the peculiar town of Quirkville, there lived a young man named Luther. Luther had always dreamed of becoming a plumber and spent his days as an apprentice, learning the trade under the guidance of the eccentric plumber, Mr. McGillicuddy. However, fate had a peculiar way of intervening in Luther's life.

One sunny afternoon, as Luther was diligently fixing a leaky pipe in Mrs. Snickerbottom's kitchen, he stumbled upon an ancient book hidden beneath the floorboards. Intrigued, he carefully brushed off the dust and read the peculiar title: "Plumbing and Potions: The Unusual Crossovers."

Curiosity piqued, Luther began to peruse the book, discovering hidden chapters that discussed the mystical properties of plumbing tools. He read about the legendary Shade Tree Physicians, who possessed the power to heal the body and soul using nothing more than their basic plumber's toolkit. Inspired by these tales, Luther couldn't resist the call of the extraordinary.

With a heavy heart, Luther bid farewell to his apprenticeship and decided to embark on a strange new journey as a Shade Tree Physician. Armed with his trusty wrenches, plungers, and a newfound passion for gender-affirming care, Luther set up shop in the depths of Quirkville's bustling black market.

News of the enigmatic Shade Tree Physician quickly spread throughout the town, and individuals seeking unconventional gender affirming care began to seek Luther's assistance. People from all walks of life flocked to his humble abode, eager for his peculiar blend of plumbing and healing.

Luther's first patient was a young woman named Penelope, who yearned for a change in her physical appearance. With a flick of his magical wrench, Luther transformed a standard copper pipe into a peculiar mirror that revealed the true essence of Penelope's desired self. Penelope's eyes filled with wonder as she saw her reflection, now embodying the person she had always felt she was.

Word of Luther's miraculous gender-affirming procedures spread like wildfire. People lined up outside his door, each with their unique stories and desires. The townsfolk whispered tales of a man who could turn showerheads into magical fountains of self-expression, faucet handles into metaphors for self-empowerment, and pipes into conduits of self-discovery.

Quirkville became a haven for those seeking a transformation beyond the ordinary, and Luther reveled in the joy he brought to their lives. His days were spent concocting potions from the mystical fluids that flowed through the town's pipes, each one tailored to the individual's aspirations and dreams.

However, as Luther's reputation grew, so did the curiosity of the town's authorities. The eccentric mayor, Mayor McQuirkenstein, was determined to uncover the truth behind these bizarre gender-affirming procedures. Secretly, he had always yearned to change his own appearance, but his pride prevented him from seeking help openly.

One fateful night, as Luther worked diligently in his underground sanctuary, the mayor's henchmen raided his humble abode. They captured Luther and dragged him before Mayor McQuirkenstein, who stood there, a mix of anger and envy twisting his features.

The mayor demanded to know the secret behind Luther's magical plumbing practices. Undeterred by the mayor's threats, Luther explained his mission of bringing happiness and self-acceptance to those who sought his help. Moved by Luther's words, Mayor McQuirkenstein's cold heart began to thaw, revealing his vulnerability.

In a surprising twist of fate, Luther and the mayor struck a deal. In exchange for the mayor's protection and support, Luther agreed to use his peculiar skills to help transform Mayor McQuirkenstein into the person he had always longed

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    Um… they needed psychedelics, education, protection and social/physical activities. Finance was leveraged against them and so was religion. So here you are, attempting to pointlessly change their sexual orientation - wtf m8?