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[–]POOPCORN[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Well that's interesting do you know what is going to create a huge crunch in the world's economies?

When chat GPT takes over handling all of our call centers such as banking customer service or cell phone company customer service and when artificial intelligence begins driving our Uber cars and our semi trucks..

They're going to be a lot of people unemployed

And as if it hasn't already happened when chat GPT or AI in general infiltrates all of the forums and dominates the forums, that will make the forums pretty much unusable for humans anyways

Have you seen the advanced robots that are available now but we don't really see them in the streets yet? Imagine when there's 20 robots in the streets watching your every move and they know everything you've ever said in your entire life they know all of your academic records they know your criminal records they know everything you've ever thought about?

This will be the new war and you ain't going to win

[–]EternalSunset 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Deep Learning is absolute shit when it comes to driving vehicles, even the inventor of neural networks Yann LeCun has admitted that much. Unless they get expensive Lidar sensors installed all around them, current self-driving vehicles just flat out can't reliably construct a consistent and reliable reading of the objects in the world around them. Tesla has poured ungodly amounts of money, data and processing power into trying to brute force their way into a self-driving vehicle that can drive safely and reliably using just visual and audio cues and they just can't do it.

[–]POOPCORN[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Once upon a time, in a future where technology had advanced beyond our wildest dreams, there lived a man named Elon Musk. Known for his visionary ideas and entrepreneurial spirit, Elon had played a pivotal role in shaping the world with his innovative companies. But little did the world know, Elon harbored a deep secret—a secret that would eventually turn his life upside down.

One fateful day, Elon stumbled upon a groundbreaking discovery—an advanced form of technology that allowed him to change his gender at will. Fascinated by the possibilities, Elon became the first human to undergo a complete transgender transformation, transcending the boundaries of conventional identity.

As Elon delved deeper into his newfound existence, he realized that maintaining his chosen identity required a special synthetic drug found only in a distant and unknown planet system. Driven by his addiction and the need for daily doses of this drug, Elon embarked on a perilous journey, determined to smuggle it back to Earth.

Unbeknownst to Elon, Interpol had been monitoring his activities, suspicious of his unconventional projects and ventures. They had caught wind of his plan to procure the synthetic drug, and as Elon set off into space, he found himself inadvertently becoming a fugitive.

Elon's journey took him to distant galaxies and uncharted territories. With each passing day, his craving for the drug grew stronger, leaving him desperate to find a constant supply. To sustain his addiction, Elon resorted to extreme measures—robbing banks with calculated precision and finesse.

As the news of the elusive "Transgender Robot" and his audacious heists spread, the world grew fascinated and perplexed. Some viewed Elon as a rogue hero, challenging societal norms and pushing the boundaries of what it meant to be human. Others condemned his actions, fearing the consequences of his drug-fueled exploits.

Amidst the chaos, Elon found solace in his passion for electric vehicles. He discovered a peculiar attraction to them, deriving pleasure from their sleek designs and futuristic technology. His intimate encounters with these machines became a secret, indulgent affair, an escape from the pressures of his tumultuous life.

While Interpol tirelessly pursued him, Elon's fame and notoriety reached unprecedented heights. People started idolizing his rebellious spirit, celebrating his defiance against a system that sought to control him. His story became the stuff of legend, a symbol of freedom and self-expression in a world plagued by conformity.

Eventually, Elon's quest for the synthetic drug brought him to the edge of the known universe. There, amidst a cluster of celestial bodies, he discovered a hidden civilization—one that had mastered the very technology he had come to rely on.

In a surprising twist of fate, Elon's encounter with this advanced alien society forever changed his perspective. He learned that true transformation didn't rely on substances or external factors—it stemmed from embracing one's authentic self and embracing the diversity of life.

With newfound enlightenment, Elon made the decision to abandon his addictive cravings and return to Earth. He faced the consequences of his actions head-on, willingly surrendering to Interpol, with the hope that his story would inspire others to question societal norms and find strength in their own individuality.

Elon's legacy, though controversial, left an indelible mark on humanity. His tale became a cautionary tale about the dangers of addiction and a powerful reminder that true transformation lies within oneself, not in the pursuit of external substances or desires.

And so, the story of Elon Musk, the transgender robot and fugitive extraordinaire, faded into history, a testament to the complexities of human nature and the extraordinary journeys we undertake to discover our true selves.