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[–]ID10T 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

You are really tripping if you think baristas are skilled professionals. I know how to make good coffee, a cappuccino, a latte, a pour over whatever. It's not rocket science. You are not a surgeon. Anyone with half a brain can learn to do it. I bet you couldn't make a subway sandwich properly without being trained on what to put where and how much to use. Get over it. You don't deserve tips unless you provide exceptional service. Be grateful if you get a tip, not disappointed if you don't. If you don't like the money you're making, ask for a raise or train for a better paying career.

Also "you tip for things you wouldn't want to make yourself". Seriously? Everything you buy is something you would rather buy than make yourself. You could make a wicker basket if you had a mind to, but I bet you don't tip at Bed Bath and Beyond.