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One meal a day is not for me. I get hangry and dizzy. Wife does it though, suits her. Although she doesn't count her snacks as meals.... I don't mind fasting though, OMAD is like suffering through the worst bits of fasting every day to me. I'd rather go full bore if I'm doing it.

I once tried a 3 month fast, it wasn't a total fast, I was taking a multivitamin and drank a single caloric beverages. Around 140, a beer or a soda. I just wanted to see if people could really only live a month without food. It depends on your starting weight, but by three months I couldn't walk and could barely stand. Moving made me very dizzy.

I have met a few people who have done longer extended fasts, they all needed to be hospitalized, and iirc did significant damage to their bodies.

These days my longest fasts are three days, and more typically one or two.

Tap water can have estrogen from female birth control pissed out into the water supply. I have some old write ups about this if you're interested in exploring further.

I read about that recently, I think an article on here. Not a topic I want to delve too deep into atm, but what methods work to get the estrogen out of water? Is filtration enough, distillation, reverse osmosis?

Soda: Avoid this shit like the plague

I know, shits poison.

you need to start a turmeric routine

I'm not sure that's good for much besides a spice. It has promising data because of its natural properties, but I think it just messes with the tests. One of my Aunts died trying tumeric as a cancer treatment. I tried it for my knee. My father tried it. We saw nothing.

I'd also do a daily aspirin regiment. (81mg).

It's bad for the heart. Docs took a 180 on that one. Ibuprofen is no good. Tylenol doesn't work well, doesn't seem worth taking it for what it does, kratom worked but my tolerance slowly built up over the years despite my best efforts. It doesn't do much for pain for me anymore.