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[–]AntiSemit 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'm sure the Chinese released videos of their people dropping down dead in the streets

They didn't. The CIA just got a bunch of Falun Gong or HK dipshits and deepfaked it all, as they always do. If it isn't CPC-endorsed it's probably a kike deepfake.

Alternatively, see point 3.

using extreme lockdowns

It's literally the only way to tackle Jew-Flu. China now has a perfectly functioning economy for the most part.

I'm sure the fact that the original virus was far more deadly to westerners and Indians than east Asians was all the plan of those old white men who were most at risk.

The original virus had a spike protein specifically designed to target Southern Han lung receptors. It's just that Liberal Democracies are absolute garbage at stopping disease spread. See Point 2.