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[–]Canbot 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Free speech is incompatible with woke indoctrination because the truth blows away thier ideology. So no one who has invested thier identity in the victim narrative can stand to spend any significant amount of time outside of thier controlled environments.

It is also a white characteristic to value truth. You probably forgot about this old ass meme, but it was originally a joke about a very real characteristic of black social dynamics. Today it's called "ride or die". Basically it doesn't matter if your boy is 100% wrong you always back them up and pretend they are right. This mentality permeates all relationships. Basically the most valued and important quality of any relationship, even people you just met, is are they "on your side". Because in thier minds everything is subjective and if they are on your side they will twist everything in your favor and if they are not they will twist everything against you.

So anyone who says anything contradicting thier ideology is seen as against them, and it never ever matters if there is truth in what they said.