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[–]discountmeat 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Our culture is one of promoting passion and sexual frustration, but certainly not sexuality. If that were the case, we would see loving partners on the tv, even being sexual, rather than cheating couples and general violence. It's odd that we allow violence on broadcast television, but not loving sexuality.

The word Promiscuity comes with moral baggage, "sin" even. Sin is something we were taught to keep us feeling guilty and fearful of a vengeful god. It's ingrained in us through the entire unconscious stream of connected humanity. Did you know the medieval church held that a woman who was rapped was responsible for provoking it, and for the loss of the rapist soul, for which she would have to make reparations on judgement day? Fear. Hell. Tities bad.

That is an old system that doesn't work. We know in hindsight that these religious leaders cause wars fighting over which god is best. Even atheist kingdoms have a very strong stance on "sin". Ask yourself, do you believe the politicians or priests have your best interest? Do these people represent compassion? They are the ones saying sexual freedom is wrong.

Sexuality is part of you, yet we are supposed to believe it's wrong. Promiscuity, in the sense of cheating on your partner, that's a contract that you broke with them, and will have consequences. However, you can have a relationship without sexual monogamy. Plenty of people do. Search polyamory of non-monogamy to see.

So how is it that sexuality is wrong, though it's built in just like being thirsty? It's that way because we have let others into our life and given them our authority. In the same way people wear masks, even though there is no pandemic, we are afraid of freedom in our sexuality, even though there is nothing wrong with it.

If sexuality is sinful, then your body is sinful for wanting. If that's the case, you better go find a savior to believe in to calm your nerves and help you suppress your natural desires. You will have a hard time explaining why women have a clitoris, but you can deny reality all you like. You have free will.

If your body isn't sinful, then how can sex be wrong? If promiscuity is against our nature, then why do priests and politicians have free reign with it while teaching us it is wrong?

I could go on and on, but to your question. Sexuality is a human reality. Promiscuity is your choice. I think a more ideal way to handle sexuality is with openness of heart rather than banging everything that is fleshy.

A good book needs to be written on this subject.

[–]StillLessons[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree that promiscuity is natural. But so is anger, and I don't support domestic violence. There are parts of our nature we wish to emphasize and others we prefer to keep in check.

The hypocrisy of "moral leaders" doesn't mean that the opposite is true. That's a false choice. Should people who don't have control over their own sexuality shut up about it? Yes. But limiting sexual behaviors that are destructive to families and the critical social-formation role they hold in society is a legitimate goal. Sadly, there are only a very few people with the moral integrity to model the behavior they suggest. It has been this way throughout history.

My question and yours are the same, basically: how can we encourage people to express our natural sexuality in a way that supports both ourselves and the social networks around us (particularly families)? Hookup culture - what is heavily promoted on our screens - is hurting us. We need to encourage a different model that (just as you say) encourages sexuality expressed in harmony with emotional bonding, not just for its own sake.