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[–]AntiLowEffortHuman 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It's a big shitfest. If you go to rural parts of India you will find a LOT of caste discrimination. No one dares to voice a complaint and it is only after a big 'incident' that the media and police take heed. Make no mistake, I'm not trying to mask anything - these are crimes against humanity and should be treated as such.

In the cities it is very subtle. Really, most people only care how much money you have. Not to say it doesn't happen, but there is no 'blatant' discrimination. Matter of fact no one who gives two hoots about his or her life/career/character will do it. People won't call castist slurs, no one is 'untouchable', supposedly lower caste children will not be made to sit at the back of the class etc. The only places you see this kind of shit is if you're renting a place or marrying someone. lower caste people have a hard time renting a place as the landlord fears they will fuck the place up and also make it dirty. Intercaste marriage is opposed by both upper and lower castes.

The solution to these problems is so bad it leaves everyone unhappy. Reservations and subsidised fees for lower castes. So called upper caste people have to work very hard to secure an admission in a good college, and then again to pay the fees. I have to pay 1,25,000 rupees for my college per year, some got away with paying 300. (Guess who comprised most of the guys who flunked their first semester exams?)

My mother nearly died while getting 'treated' by an imbecile who just happened to be lower caste so they gave him his medical degree.

If one of the lower castes is underperforming (I.e. being a lazy slob) at a government job you as his senior can NOT write him up/take any action against him. It is an unspoken rule that if you do, they cry casteism and then suddenly you're the one packing your bags.

OTOH none of this reaches even close to the rural areas. Crimes against humanity keep happening, people will not allow lower caste people to get water from public wells but does anything happen? No, because it is easy to write laws and hope it does something, but very hard to see if they're implemented correctly. Hell, I'd say preferential treatment towards the supposed lower castes is fine if something is being done for ACTUAL atrocities that happen. But it doesn't happen, and people on both sides of the caste spectrum suffer in different locatio.

Whew that was a wall of text. Sorry about that I kinda get overwhelmed when this topic comes up.