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[–]JasonCarswellMental Orgy 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

They are claim squatting in case they need to own their new properties they've staked out after they get ejected from Reddit.

ProTip: Multisubs

To help organize your feed reading you can create multisubs (I started categorizing all the subsaidits but abandoned that a year ago, for reasons). There are two types of multisubs which are ways to merge multiple sub into combined feed lists.

From busy subs to empty subs, they can be combined into a single feed with your own custom title. The empty subs will not display anything until something is actually posted but will always be "checked" unless you choose to remove it from your customizable multisub list(s).

I love the multisub idea because I'd rather have posts sorted topically for better reference/research/sorting and the more feeds the better (as long as they're well named, not redundant, not overly limited/specific, etc), not a popular sentiment among everyone, but without metatags or other categorization there's not much alternative. So with many subs joined into a multisub things can be sorted yet be in a feed of your own naming (ie. politics, entertainment, music, games, sports, solutions, hobbies, humour, science, tech, gender, community, etc.). Ultimately I think this is good because it relieves the pressure to produce, and I'd rather see fewer higher quality posts than a quantity of mediocre posts trying to "fill" the sub.