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[–]Dragonerne 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (24 children)

No, it doesn't make sense. What you're saying is that the hatred and antiwhite racism is so ingrained in our society that it's not isolated or solidified into a single hate group; in other words it's systemic.

[–]zerosis 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (23 children)

What? Don't develop some kind of victim complex about this. Black Lives Matter isn't 'so ingrained into our society,' it's a fad that that a ton of people are supporting and a ton of people are equally irritated with. Comparing Black Lives Matter to the KKK or a Nazis or whatever is just dumb. The movement has done good, it's done bad. It's not organized, and some people that support it hate white people, some don't. Acting like it's 100 percent evil or righteous is ridiculous and dogmatic.

[–]Dragonerne 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (22 children)

You can say the exact same thing about the KKK or Nazis or Communists. The fact that it's not a "solidified" hate group means that there is societal wide support for BLM which makes it even worse than a "solidified" hate group.

BLM is explicitedly antiwhite and anyone supporting BLM, however uknowing, is complicit in the murders, destructions, fires, etc.
The same people that wont distance themselves from BLM are the ones saying "All Lives Matter" is racist. I'm not going to entertain the possibility that they're just supporting a "good cause" and don't hate whites.
People that don't hate whites say all lives matter.

[–]zerosis 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (21 children)

Someone supporting BLM doesn't mean they hate white people, that's ridiculous. Acknowledging the racism that black people face isn't equatable to hating white people. Saying All Lives Matter isn't racist, it's just shit-stirring in certain contexts and you know it. Black people are allowed to speak up for themselves, just like white people are. You're allowed to say Black Lives Matter, you're allowed to say All Lives Matter. Neither is wrong.

[–]Dragonerne 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (20 children)

Someone supporting BLM doesn't mean they hate white people, that's ridiculous.

Yes, it does. They might not personally perceive it as such but this is what they do. It's normalized and internalized hatred of white people.

Saying BLM is racist, because it's connected to the movement. The lives of black people matter is not racist, but BLM is.

just like white people are

Trust me if millions of whites ran around yelling "White Lives Matter", killing police officers, shooting blacks, murdering people, looting stores, putting buildings on fire, taking down statues of historical black leaders, forcing blacks to resign from their jobs, jailing blacks for defending their homes, jailing blacks for calling the cops, demanding blacks kneel and submit, demanding blacks wash their feet, demanding that universities and hiring processes artificially give bonus scores to whites and killing a black woman for saying "All Lives Matter" then you would have an entirely different take on this if I told you "White Lives Matter" is totally not racist.

[–]zerosis 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (19 children)

I understand your frustrations with BLM, but I disagree that the movement is inherently racist toward white people. A white person supporting BLM (Because let's be honest, it's mostly middle to upper class white people vocally supporting it) isn't 'hating' white people, it's people jumping on a moral bandwagon that they think is doing genuine good in the world. At worst it's a bunch of white people feeling guilty because they know the way black people are percieved subconsciously by most people in the Western world. Black people and black features are frequently viewed as less beautiful, less refined, more 'mysterious,' foreign, an underdog, primal, damaged or dangerous, unwanted, slightly or heavily lesser-than. That would get to anyone after a while, and I don't blame some black people for complaining about being forced to live in a culture that casually views them like that. I'm sure I'd get sick of it too, as a white person, if I was living in a country where the standard of normality and beauty was black/asian/latino, and I was more likely to get shot just for being white (whether by cops or by my own people due to the socio-economic ramifications of being white in said country). Most of it has fuck-all to do with white people themselves. An infinitesimally small sector of extremists were responsible for the lootings and shootings, it's dishonest to claim that it's 'millions of black people' doing this, or that the majority of BLM even condones that. The statues that were taken down were monuments to the Confederacy, which was a dark chapter in America's history and I don't blame them for taking them out of public places. As a white person, I would want something taken down too if it was honoring the mass slavery, colonization and murder of white people. Obviously giving a higher score to a black person just for being black would be ridiculous, but I highly doubt that's happening on a pandemic scale and it sounds highly sensationalist. If you want to provide a source for that, I'd love to read more into it.

[–]Dragonerne 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (18 children)

A white or black person supporting BLM is hating white people. Even if it's just "moral bandwagoning". They might not perceive it as such, but that's what it is.

At worst it's a bunch of white people feeling guilty because they know the way black people are percieved subconsciously by most people in the Western world.

I can't take this serious. Whites are constantly attacked in society, in movies, in media, social media etc.

An infinitesimally small sector of extremists were responsible for the lootings and shootings

What's your take on the charlottesville rally? Peaceful? Non-racist?

The statues that were taken down were monuments to the Confederacy, which was a dark chapter in America's history and I don't blame them for taking them out of public places.

Yes of course you don't blame them. I'm not surprised.

and I was more likely to get shot just for being white

Doesn't happen in the US. Blacks are less likely than or as likely to be shot as whites.

I'm sure I'd get sick of it too, as a white person, if I was living in a country where the standard of normality and beauty was black/asian/latino

You would be free to move back to your home country.

Obviously giving a higher score to a black person just for being black would be ridiculous, but I highly doubt that's happening on a pandemic scale and it sounds highly sensationalist. If you want to provide a source for that, I'd love to read more into it.

Sure, google affirmative action, disparate impact, caren act, aca 5 bill.
The mistreatment of and racism against white people is institutionalized and systemic in the US.

[–]zerosis 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (17 children)

Not surprised that you're not even remotely taking this conversation seriously, but it's nice that you just let me know your true motives with that 'move back to your home country' line. Christ. You're like a caricature of a white racist. This kind of shit is exactly why saidit will never get off the ground and will never compete with reddit, it's full of people like you who refuse to see nuance in anything and want to fight the left by throwing the victim card right back at them in the most bullshit and transparent ways. Do you honestly think anyone is convinced by this 'oh I'm a poor opressed white man' shit? Black people have it shitty, white people have it shitty. You're just making it worse by playing into the oppression olympics and acting like white people are getting cosmically shafted right now.

Also, it's on you to provide sources, I'm not going to spend a week googling to find some sensationalist report of a liberal arts professor trying to make a social statement in Seattle, or something.

[–]Dragonerne 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (16 children)

I'm sorry but I don't have to take your abusive and gaslighting language.

Black people have it shitty, white people have it shitty.

There are not "two sides" to this, when you have literal laws and policies that discriminate against whites simply for having the wrong skin color.
Your response was expected after your defence of BLM. This is why I didn't bother finding sources to educate you on this topic. History will judge.

[–]zerosis 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (15 children)

Gaslighting? Abuse? Really? You have got to be trolling me right now, dude. If I was trying to be abusive, I'd call you stupid for repeatedly parroting tired leftist talking points in an attempt to validate your white oppression card. I don't think you are, though, I think you're just being willfully obtuse, even though you're probably fully capable of coherent thought. BLM being obnoxious doesn't detract from the fact that white people don't have it that bad right now, or ever in this country, really. If white people were THAT oppressed, we wouldn't have a fucking white president, for christ's sake. Or 44 white presidents.

Ah, of course THAT'S why you can't provide sources. Ok.