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[–]whereswhat 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Notice the correlation between average IQ and country in the plot at the top of the article linked below. I suspect you are hung up on data like that. To understand what the data actually indicates, you must read the commentary:

None of the studies used here, conclude that the intelligence quotient is influenced by a particular race. In some cases, differences within population groups were found (e.g. in Basil: Blacks 71, Mulatto 81, Whites 95, Japaneses 99), but all differences could be attributed to their origin, level of education or other factors.

In 2006 Donald Templera and Hiroko Arikawab found a connection between increasing skin pigmentation and a decreasing IQ. Even this was not racially dued, because the pigmentation grade is climatically conditioned. The observations were also made within the same groups of other races, e.g. caucasians.

Criticism: The IQ was developed by West Europeans for West Europeans according to West European standards. It is still debatable whether this procedure can be applied to people(s) with entirely different social structures, cultures, values and ways of thinking.

[–]Chipit[S] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Ah, yeah that's the old data. Modern intelligence tests are language and culture-free. I know the intelligence tests you're talking about. Today they don't ask questions like "how many innings in a baseball game?" any more. Those are long gone.

Intelligence can be measured more accurately than anything else in the social sciences. It differs tremendously and importantly between individuals. It is the single most important determinant of life success. You need to read the modern research.

"Dr. Richard Haier has recently written a major book on the topic, The Neuroscience of Intelligence, summarized in the following manner: “This book introduces new and provocative neuroscience research that advances our understanding of intelligence and the brain. Compelling evidence shows that genetics plays a more important role than environment as intelligence develops from childhood, and that intelligence test scores correspond strongly to specific features of the brain assessed with neuroimaging."

In understandable language, Richard J. Haier explains cutting-edge techniques based on genetics, DNA, and imaging of brain connectivity and function. He dispels common misconceptions, such as the belief that IQ tests are biased or meaningless, and debunks simple interventions alleged to increase intelligence. ” We recently spent an hour and a half talking about such things."

Dr. Haier:

[–]whereswhat 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That is actually a fantastic reference. It is acknowledged over and over in the text, however, that we do not yet understand the correlation between the genetics associated with race and intelligence. The book also claims that the classic 1970s argument from Lewontin cannot be discarded in light of more recent evidence. We need more evidence.

You may find the paper below to be an interesting read too. It focuses on the social stigma against such research being done but also acknowledges that this is not something we understand yet.

Let's not jump to conclusions.