all 6 comments

[–][deleted] 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I've said this here before. I am a first generation American. On both sides of my family, I come from a lineage of slavery despite being white. Slavery is not a black-only thing, however African Americans act like it is. They also act like every white person in the USA is a descendant of slave-owners, and if not, benefit from slave-ownership centuries ago (somehow, aka white privilege). My life is very difficult, but I grind through it. I'm almost done with Uni (Studying Neuropsychology). I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 17 out of no where (and I don't wave my disability in the air, I volunteer for charities because I know what it's like). You have no idea how many times the medical system has failed me, or judged me as a drug addict for coming to the hospital for seizing in my 20's until my blood-work or urine came back showing no drugs in my system. I get stereotyped too (I've been stereotyped by the police as well.. When I used to drive, my first car was an all black Cadillac 92 Coupe Deville (It was 3k for 60k miles).. Do you know how many times I was pulled over in a year for no reason? Even after seeing I was white, I've had drug dogs called on me even though I didn't even use cannabis at the time). I don't get the help I need either.

Beyond all of this, like I said, I come from slavery. 2 generations ago, my grandparents were slaves. The majority of my grandfathers family, including his parents, died due to slavery. On my fathers side, we had slavery for over 200 years at the hands of Britain. White people enslaving white people.

Just like Africans enslaved Africans, and sold them to Jews:

Who sold them to Americans. This shit is not black and white, but that's not the point; the point is, this shit is in the past, and we're living in the now. All of us have slavery in our DNA somewhere. This shit has to stop somewhere. Black people (or Africans) do not own Slavery. If they do, they should Trademark it.

There is privilege in this country, I won't deny that. But it isn't based on ethnicity; it's based on your bank account, level of power/control, and class (and we live in a country with hundreds, if not thousands, of black celebrities, influencers, and millionaires. They're in every facet of our society from MSM, to president (who do you think the majority of white people voted for when Obama was running?) - so how are we racist? They're more powerful than I will ever be.. A white man). I'm sorry if you cannot see that and are so focused on the color of another person's skin.

An article from almost 10 years ago:

From the article, Black Homicide Rates Vs White Homicide Rates

Who's doing the most killing.. Be honest.. And when you're honest, don't blame slavery or white privilege.. What are you left with then?

We are all one. All of you guys need to realize this. Even if you do not believe this on a spiritual level, on a scientific one, we all come from the same star dust and are made of the Earth. Stop looking at fucking colors and using them as the scapegoat for every fucking problem. It's tired. We did this on Reddit - we're not doing it on SaidIt, pls. Ty.

[–]H3v8 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You bring up important points on the subject of slavery. Around the Mediterranean, Jews held the reins to the slave trade and thousands of white Christians were sold as slaves to Africa and Asia, as it happened to the few survivors of the Chios Massacre. So this whole narrative about blacks suffering today from slavery has to come to an end, it's historically inaccurate and it only leads blacks into a fruitless loop.

[–]TiredJustTired 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In the media, which is mostly owned and operated by Jews, we are constantly bombarded with shows, movies, etc. about the horrors of slavery. What's curiously absent (to the uniniated) in those shows, movies, etc. is the Jewish role in the slave trade. They profited IMMENSELY from it, yet all of the consequences of it today are exclusively experienced by white people.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Amen brother.

Also, let's remember that it's the TRULY PRIVILEGED, those who are enslaving ALL OF US who promote this black VS white, and "white privilege" or whatever agenda, to DIVIDE AND CONQUER... Us.

[–]blowininthewind 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

good times create weak people. the cycle continues.

[–]Squizzel 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

this is the pinnacle of privilege: to apologise for privilege