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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Talmudic Jews. The only Jews are those who believe in Jesus and 'The Way.' He fulfilled prophecy and was of God. Jews were suppose to follow this way but didn't. And thus, so-called Jews today who think nothing of Jesus are not Jews at all. Jesus was a Jew, NOT A CHRISTIAN. Apostles were Jews, 'The Way,' was the fulfillment of prophecy. It is of love and of trust and of good deeds and faith.

I agree with OP, but I don't think there's only ONE jewish lead conspiracy.

We have the Zionist, the ZOG. I think the bankers like Rothschild is part of that.

No, not really. We have a Zionist controlled executive and state department brach. Our government is mostly controleld by Zionists and thsoe who are not still pledge alligence to the aims of the Likudniks who did 9/11 with aid from the CIA and upper factions within the FBI and MIC. They simply contracted Mossad and Israeli intelligence services to infiltrate the World View program in the towers to obtain access to core columns, THough this wasn't the only infiltration. But it wasn't really an infiltration considering the entire complex was controleld and owned and surveilled by Zionists.

We have the orthodox jews, which are religiously motivated. They do much of the moral subversion. The Messiah will only come in a generation wholly innocent or one wholly wicked. These seem to have split in two camps, a left hand and a right hand, climbing the Tree of Life or it's inversion, the Qlipoth.

Yes, they are religiously motived, many sects wanting the return of a moshiach, or the Jewish messiah, or antichrist according to messianic Christians. The Talmudic branch and hasidic Chabad Lubavitch sect is particularly racist and desires to set up a sanhedrin and world Jewish theocracy. Yes, look into the secret society at Yale which Corey Booker attended. Most of the members are Chabad Lubavitchers and they graduate with either the left hand or right hand synthesis. Thusly, they create both sides of the discussion. Interestingly, you have many of the left leaning Chabad Lubavitchers who hate the idea of Jews setting up synagouges in the US. They even pay to disrupt such errections. Instead, the desrire the Jewish diaspora to emigrate to Israel at all costs.

They use stuff like SJW culture born from the Tikkun Olam movement(which is credited with being the origin of SJW), or porn, drugs and wholesale crime like human trafficking to reach their goal. Zwi Migdal being an example.

^ Very interesting.

Then you have the Chabad. Exactly where they are going is hard to tell for me as I cant read their texts, but I suspect they might be firmly on the left hand path judging from the number of cocain and trafficking cases they are attached too. Google Chabad Mafia for a look. Uruguay and South-America at large seem to be a major area for them.

Whatever the case is, they are NOT JEWS. They are thsoe who call themselves Jews, but according to Jesus, who was a Jew, are not.

A ton of the famous mafia people you know from history was jewish even tho we all think Italian and Russian when hearing the word mafia. Start googling names and you will be surprised. That connects them to the subversion group.

Then you have the frankists and sabbateans. They firmly believe in "enlightenment" through wickedness, these are the child sacrificing pedo orgy jews of medieval lore. They were outed as such a few times through history and rightously persecuted.

Not really. Much of that narrative is fake or highly sensationalized and they are not so numerous to conclude they control the world or want to. Disinformationalists liek Icke push this theory as well as them being controleld by Archons, lol.

Then you have the racial superiority subset, which intersects with all of the above and want the world ruled by jews and the goy domesticated, bred to be dumb and sedate masses and eventually exterminated. You see that idea expressed by people from all of the above groups.

That's Chabad. They are racist.

[–]useless_aether 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

the sabbatean-frankists are not at all a thing of the past

the frankists were the power base of the eastern block until the fall of the berlin wall, which was followed by waves of 'privatization' when they bought up the 'means of production' for pennies on the dollar, thus maintaining their elite status in the ex-communist countries. a lot of them moved to the west, like marina abramovic.

in addition to being a papal court jew, soros also has frankist qualities.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I never finished my posts on frankists and the Sabs from various historical books concerning these beliefs and cults but I'm looking to, and I'll be sure to send them to you. Also, that Yale society has many chabad Lubavitch members. But what is YOUR evidence for this society BEING Sabbateans and/or Frankists?

What is the evidence for the frankists being the power base of the eastern bloc?

WHO ARE THESE Frankists and Sabbateans that you speak of, name names.

[–]useless_aether 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

i think you need to look at all your unsourced posts and claims and reedit them all with citations if you want to be taken seriously.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You literally just made multiple extraodinary claims in this post, back them up. The burden is on you. You also said Hitler confiscated all the guns when he got to power, he didn't, that's a lie, which makes me skeptical about these statements your making. So, who are these frankists and Sabbs, I'll totally look at the information if you have it. But I never seem to find it. Any books worth reading about Frankists in the eastern block? You literally just ignored my questions. I have a post coming soon, and I take the time to research. But I'll snd it to you soon. It concerns the Frankists and what I could find.

[–]useless_aether 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)