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[–]dingoatemytaco 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for this thoughtful response. I think we should be very concerned about lies in right-wing propaganda, for which Trump , MTG, and others are obviously famous. What those lies have done is help spread COVID19, racial division, anti-democracy interests and much more, which has increased income inequality in the US to a critical level. The country is seriously suffering because of the GOP tax breaks and handouts to themselves while the 99% were not helped, nor will the GOP vote on bills (eg. build back better) designed to develop jobs for the 99%. As for COVID-related deaths, it's impossible to deny the millions of them, and indeed these were under-reported in India, Brazil, South Africa, China and elsewhere by a factor of as much as 1 death = 4 or 5 deaths, especially in India, where there were counts at crematoria. Here are some of the basic stats.