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[–]SNCA_Furweeb[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The colleges want to socially engineer race mixing by not allowing white and asian men in college, but allowing white and asian females to go. What this will create is a miscegenation program enforced by the state. White and Asian males will have no choice but to kick rocks, or date someone outside of their race, while black and brown men get all the women they please in their prime years in college.

This is what the marxist are trying to create. A mixed race society for the jews to have control over. They indoctrinate them with marxist propaganda and they become communists.

Mullatoes just smart enough to be servant, but not smart enough to bite the hands of their master or question them.

Reminder white and asian males, they want you master baiting to hentai and other degenerate groups, they want you to say that your gay and transgender and partake in those degenerate actions.

These excluded males will become radicalized and that's exactly what they want. It will reassure the marxist eco chamber that all white men are nazis and that all white males need to be killed, and they will fight back against us with full force. It will be harder to fight back as fighting age white males numbers become smaller and smaller and fighting aged turdskins numbers grow bigger and bigger. If your an Asian male there is no hope for you here and you will just go back to the homeland.

But for white men they sadly have no where to go. Their own homelands reject them for darkskinned refugees.

Oh boy. You have no idea what is coming. You have to read the signs, America will become worse than South Africa, If you don't start organizing your white brothers right now they will pick us off one by one in the future by the time it will be too late to organize.

Most if not all of our own young women will betray us and side with the minorities and jews. Soon the word racism will lose all of its meaning and usage of it will be stopped when what is destined to happen finally arrives.

White men will not be able to go back to their homelands because it is facing the same situation as America. East Asian men will not stay here to fight for the west, and they will all go back to East Asia

This country is becoming South Africa very clearly. We need to start organizing or else they will start picking us off one by one,

[–]SNCA_Furweeb[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

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Person 1: All people are equal. Some are more equal that others with affirmitive action.

Person 2: Then has them full of self-doubt... even those who earned being at a university will always wonder if they actually earned it, or if they got placed agead of someone else. Then European and Asian students are resentful, as many have to get higher marks and scores to get into colleges, and have the feeling that they have to work harder and get higher scores while they are at a university. This really messes with young people's heads! It raises racial tensions, and at some universities, European Americans and Asian Americans do actually have to work harder, as some professors feel the need to make grades the percentage of the population, so it creates tension between students as well. Many years ago, similar was done in a certain part of Europe by the Democratic Socialist Worker's Party.
There is pressure here to do very similar things in a very similar Marxist fashion. Even the history books have been altered over the years, with more and more inaccuracies, yet those who read this garbage think those who challenge it are "stupid" and sadly, they are taught to say the same cliches about anyone who challenges them with a dose of reality. Some even violently. Perhaps this is part of why some of these kids feel the need to destroy statues? Graveyards of Black Confederate Generals, etc.? They can't be faced with any realities that they paid a university to teach them a load of garbage, especially more recently, as they are taught the same garbage in high school and even elementary school? They aren't taught logic or coping skills, so some become violent when they are faced with reality of family members who have photos printed from back then, when black families honored their family members with headstones proudly displaying the Confederate flag. Kids need to be taught true history... the good, the bad and the ugly... not only American history, but world history as well. They need to know what's going on in the world, what has gone on & they need some logic and coping skills, perhaps moreso thsn anything. Not some fluffy "safe space" emotionally crippling BS, but how to sift through the garbage and find the truth, how to logically find the truth on their own, but also how to handle situations where they are being taught BS.... as in do what they need to do to get their piece of paper that says they know something, yet when they get through the BS in school, then they can tell the world when they are out of school and have some work experience under their belt. When they call their professors out on their BS, they are often harassed, have careers destroyed, are funneked into other careers, etc.. especially in the sciences. Those who are less competent , and who go along (or worse, believe the BS) are rewarded for carrying the BS, and become talking heads we have now spewing the "Global Warming" agenda, and similar nonsense. (Climates do change, yet the BS and politicians that use propaganda to get wealthy, get pseudo-environmental groups to get even more kids to buy the BS, donate & all for what sounds good to them, and sounds good for the environment, yet is mostly simply a propaganda machine to make a few people wealthy and to keep them in power... the very ones doing exactly what they believe needs to not be done, keeps them in chains & sadly a slave to the very system they thought they were fighting against for the good of mankind, the environment, etc. It's this BS that has kept humanity from making far more progress than we might have made otherwise, especially in medicine. Too big a subject for here, but it's coming to a head again. Hopefully we can pop he zit of BS and be done with it forevermore. Doubtful, but as far as 'feel-good' idealistic thoughts, that's a nice one. The sciences have unfortunately become a cult of what looks good for a few wallets, and less and less use actual scientific principals. Hell! They even want to call those "racist" these days! We need to get these people teaching this BS out of our educational, legal, government and societal systems. It's unhealthy for these kids and for himanity as a whole. Those profiteering from it don't give a damn.