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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

So, in case you miss today's chat for whatever reason I said...

The Alternative To listing for SaidIt looks great. People added screenshots, and all 5 reviews are 5 stars.
I improved my SI review and added one for WS and Wikipedia and InfoGalactic. Spooky to find another IG review quoting me, from something I'd posted on SaidIt a year and a half ago.
I guess it's nice to know some folks are actually reading some of my nonsense.
d3rr - why is ".sponsorshipbox { display: none !important; } ?
Does the important matter? What's the opposite of none? Can I (or promotional subs) just use that space for a nice image logo?

I mention that for a couple reasons.

On AlternativeTo was a review about the SaidIt mobile app being a problem. I don't have a working phone so I don't know what he's talking about.

Now that I've been working on this new CSS, and aside from the initial getting back into it, and of course the occasional brick wall and/or OCD tweaking, I'm feeling pretty good about it (only at mid day 2). I still have a day or few remaining. It's interesting to know that I can make a CSS within a week. It's not groundbreaking but it should be clean and efficient and might not be a bad design. And now knowing what I didn't before, there are many things I've accounted for. For example, I'm using a very limited palette so swapping out for a new duotone-shaded colour scheme will be easy. Also, I haven't "reinvented" the code layout, as I had before. I'm also finding stuff to add to the "Ergonomix CSS". This new one is "Purple SaidItron CSS" for lack of a better title. I hope Robin likes it, but if he doesn't no worries, I didn't name it WikiSpooks.

After this perhaps, if you're interested we can do the mobile CSS you were talking about. I'd help code, but I can't.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

important! means apply this style no matter what. it's a hack, but sometimes you need it. We're hiding .sponsorshipbox, I forget what's in it but we don't need it.

The opposite of display: none is display: inline. Other options include display: block and display: inline-block.

The mobile app has bad reviews from here and there where we put CloudFlare under attack mode on, which means the app couldn't connect to saidit, like we were down. I think it's generally fine most of the time.

I'm down to help with mobile CSS when you're ready.

[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

!important needs to be exclaimed first!

Adopting from another CSS is a learning experience, including seeing their errors, like piling on too many !important things.

After 2.5 solid days on the /s/WikiSpooks CSS I feel I got a lot done. (Animated votes! I could animate soooo much now! But I won't without a purpose.) Yesterday I was forced into reorganizing - then lost it all. I need a bigger C drive.

Today I'm reorganizing first. Then I figure I have another day or so before that "SaidItron CSS" is 98% done, with another day of tweaking shit no one will notice but subconsciously those fine details matter. I may tone down the vibrancy of the dark purple theme (it's easier to see the differences), unless Robin digs it. With my new duotone palette I should be able to apply the sub in different hues to /s/GreenParty and /s/PinUps in no time at all. I will be timing it. I have some of their old code I want to ask you about too as I'm not sure what it does and/or whether it's worth keeping or removing. Then I will revisit and overhaul the "Ergonomix CSS" and finish that bitch, as well as make a bunch of banners and dump some subs.

Get your mobile CSS ducks in order. Maybe make a wish list for me, prioritized if possible, and/or the general goals and such. I can do it right after the SaidItron before I tackle the Ergonomix if you like. Improving mobile seems more important, even if I don't use it. Is there an emulator, or just the mobile mode?

One more thing, that I think is important, especially for new folks to SaidIt - when one hovers over the vote icons, IMO, it should read "insightful" or "fun" if people don't have their assistant/help thing turned off in their browser, to let people know what it is before they vote. My animation happens after, though I changed it to "valued" and "fun" because it was a shorter word and I didn't know how to make it wider than the voting box. If there's a better work I'm open to changing it. Also I don't mean for you to add the animation thing site wide (unless you want to), just the hover indicator. I don't actually see any hover stuff on SaidIt other than when you hover over the subscribe for multi-list categories.