all 16 comments

[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I love women but I don't see how if anyone had to choose they'd actually choose to be a woman. We have the better deal all around. Better pay, people respect us more, we can go outside at night without worrying about being raped, no periods, we aren't treated like a sex toy, ... The list goes on and on.

Vulptex, I really don't think your unhappiness comes from your gender, it's just what you blame for it.

Women have exponentially more natural talent than men in almost every pursuit

That's why we have separate categories for women to compete in, so they don't make the men look bad?

[–]Vulptex[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Better pay

The wage gap is because women choose jobs they like over jobs that pay the bills.

And women actually get paid more for the same job.

people respect us more

Ahahahaha no. We get tolerated if we perform at the insanely high bar society expects of us. Women apparently deserve respect for nothing more than existing. Men can't even criticize a woman for anything without being a jerk, women can punch a guy in the face and be applauded for it. And don't even think about your personal problems being taken seriously if you're a guy.

we can go outside at night without worrying about being raped

Nope. There are gay rapists. And women rape men too, if you didn't know; it's just that it's practically legal for them to do so. And it's funny how rape gets so much hype when men are the victims of every other kind of violence. Yet another fine example of my point: people notice and care about women suffering but not men, because males are disposable to nature and society while females are precious.

no periods

That's one of literally like 3 advantages we get. And there are ways to stop periods, unlike male features which are permanent.

we aren't treated like a sex toy

Oh we are, it's just not looked at that way. Only men can be creeps according to society.

Vulptex, I really don't think your unhappiness comes from your gender, it's just what you blame for it.

Then explain why women are happier in every place of the world no matter what their circumstances are. And why my unhappiness suddenly began for no reason when I started puberty. And why we observe that change in nearly every single boy that age but hardly any girls.

That's why we have separate categories for women to compete in, so they don't make the men look bad?

Men actually outcompete women in almost everything, but that's because men are pressured to always win and also to profit from their work; only a fraction as many women compete or market theirs. Doing something just for fun and for you is mostly something women do, and compared to the vast majority of men doing the same thing they are far better. cqtz is a prime example.

[–]IkeConn 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Speak for yourself earth man.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]Vulptex[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    You skipped the part about internal biology, especially neurology. Everyone always conveniently ignores that part for some reason, even though it's the most significant. No one, not me nor anyone else can ever change that, it happens naturally and doesn't get fixed. My brain and body were designed to throw away my joy to be able to better serve a society I don't like and that's the end of it, whether I choose to fulfill that role or not is irrelevant.

    [–]thefirststone 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

    Is life even worth it for us?

    Democrats laugh at White male suicide in public, and encourage boys to castrate themselves.

    This is a concerted effort to cause suffering. They want you to think life's not worth living.

    We should act like the oppressors we're accused of being.

    [–]Vulptex[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

    Democrats laugh YouTube at White male suicide in public

    Everyone does. Male misfortune is the source of practically all comedy. You're seen as a monster if you laugh at women. The natural response to women in distress is to feel bad and help; the natural response to men in distress is to ignore them or laugh at them. That's why women aren't as funny as men, it's not that they aren't good comedians, it's because we only laugh when men suffer.

    This is a concerted effort to cause suffering. They want you to think life's not worth living.

    Really? They're the ones hell-bent on denying every harsh truth no matter how obvious it is.

    We should act like the oppressors we're accused of being.


    [–]thefirststone 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    No, not everyone does. Their purpose in denying truths is to guide toward the death-embracing ways of living, like living as a eunuch. It's all one mode of humor, fashion, and identity. Genocide tastes best with demasculated demoralization.

    Also, yes, we should. Are you going to win over the genital-reaving, Lilith-worshipping fetus crushers with facts and logic?

    [–]Vulptex[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

    the death-embracing ways of living, like living as a eunuch

    Why is that death embracing? If you're castrated before puberty that's a good thing, because it prevents you from going through the second wave of shitty male development.

    Are you going to win over the genital-reaving, Lilith-worshipping fetus crushers with facts and logic?

    What good is winning when you're no different?

    [–]thefirststone 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Your premises are wrong, so your conclusion is so far out that I can't make sense of it.

    [–]Node 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

    It is very frowned upon for a man to..

    Men are expected to...

    Those people can fuck off. Cut them and their associates completely out of your life.

    As for male vs female bodies, AmericanMuskrat has it right. Being male is winning the biological lottery. You're having problems with it, but I don't think that's particularly because you're male. It's pretty likely that other issue you have that's causing your opinion about your body to be so negative.

    But if you're anything like me, you're not about to change negative beliefs simply because they're distressful. I would have to be convinced my beliefs were wrong, and not a true reflection of reality.

    [–]Vulptex[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

    Those people can fuck off. Cut them and their associates completely out of your life.

    They're in charge. They make most of our decisions for us. It's either accept it or spend your life homeless and persecuted, or possibly even imprisoned.

    As for male vs female bodies, AmericanMuskrat has it right. Being male is winning the biological lottery.

    How exactly is giving up every single attribute and ability you had and liked for maximum slaving performance "winning the biological lottery"? No one wants to do that, and those who claim to are just pretending to be socially accepted. There's a reason women are so much happier than men overall, all over the world regardless of external circumstances.

    [–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

    As I said above, I think your other issue is more responsible for your discontent than the normal biological process.

    I don't know if women in general are happier, but if they are I suspect it's a temporary phenomenon. Once the hard times they're (being led to) inducing kick in, their presumed happiness levels may change.

    But happiness itself is overrated, and simply a function of one's perspective.

    And in current times, one's perspective for most people comes from media.

    It's either accept it or spend your life homeless and persecuted, or possibly even imprisoned.

    I didn't accept it, and you're right on this one. I was only prosecuted, not persecuted, but have been both jailed and technically homeless, not even including that year I lived in hotels. But I've also had a bunch of houses, some businesses, made $10k per hour at one point, became a pilot, and pretty much did what I wanted.

    Yeah, if your decisions flout convention too much, there can be repercussions. It's certainly possible to be less aggressive in going your own way, although your results are likely to be attenuated at both the top and the bottom.

    The bottom line though, whether or not there's outside interference, is that your specific brain function is going to largely determine your experience of being human. That is self-modifiable to some degree.

    If you were happy with the way you are right now, would you want to change your perspective to being unhappy with the way you are?

    What about the other way around?

    [–]Vulptex[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

    I think your other issue is more responsible for your discontent than the normal biological process

    I think that issue is caused by it.

    I don't know if women in general are happier, but if they are I suspect it's a temporary phenomenon. Once the hard times they're (being led to) inducing kick in, their presumed happiness levels may change.

    What hard times? Perhaps they will be facing some, but nothing guaranteed like for men.

    I didn't accept it, and you're right on this one. I was only prosecuted, not persecuted, but have been both jailed and technically homeless, not even including that year I lived in hotels.

    If that happened to me I would probably kill myself.

    But I've also had a bunch of houses, some businesses, made $10k per hour at one point, became a pilot, and pretty much did what I wanted.

    I am not biologically capable of doing what I want because my brain began specializing for specific functions.

    Yeah, if your decisions flout convention too much, there can be repercussions.

    Why am I like, the only one in the entire world who looks at this with disgust? Everyone else thinks it's righteous somehow. I suppose it's to weed out genetic mistakes, which I definitely am. Nature is evil and thrives on suffering and fighting and death.

    The bottom line though, whether or not there's outside interference, is that your specific brain function is going to largely determine your experience of being human. That is self-modifiable to some degree.

    To a very, very small degree. Can I ease the pain some? Maybe. But I can't ever fix the problem because it lies in the fundamental framework which isn't modifiable, especially for an adult, and especially for a male. Happiness I believe is more about genetics and how your brain and body work than your attitude or external circumstances. And in general males have irritable and monotone brains and females have happy and loving ones; men are negative and women positive. Which is beneficial to the community and survival but extremely unfair to the individual.

    If you were happy with the way you are right now, would you want to change your perspective to being unhappy with the way you are?

    Of course not.

    What about the other way around?

    It's impossible for me to be happy with a negative situation. Some people can do it, but I'm not one of the ones who's capable of that. You're pretty much hardwired to be a happy or unhappy person. Still, I'd rather be happy and make things better.

    [–]Node 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    What about the other way around?

    It's impossible for me to be happy with a negative situation.

    Consider the possibility that changing your mind on this might be possible, and that your thoughts about "your maleness" could become more positive, or at least less negative.

    You obviously remain negative about it at the moment, but people can and do change their perspectives.

    You're familiar with that phenomenon where people become hyper-conscious of something, and they then see it everywhere? (like a car you just bought, now you see them everywhere you go) Same kind of thing applies to aspects of your self. At the moment, anything that could be considered negative grabs your attention. You've made whole lists of those negatives.

    Think about what might happen if you consciously looked for positive aspects of yourself. Impossible, because there aren't any, right? No, incorrect. Those positives exist, you're just focusing on the negatives.

    Anyway, the above is just my clumsy way of saying that either by yourself, or with help, it's likely that you could become happier about your current existence.

    The downside here is that it generally takes more than a comment on the internet to nudge someone out of their groove, or habitual way of thinking. There's also your issue, which may make it harder, but also may become an asset if you were to commit.


    [–]Vulptex[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I do have positive attributes, it would be silly to think otherwise. They're just far outweighed by my negative ones. And ultimately, the fact that my emotional and perceptive baseline sucks alone is enough to ruin everything. And that's mostly not something I can change, it's hardwired into males to make us better fighters and laborers and such.

    [–]Node 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    the fact that my emotional and perceptive baseline sucks alone is enough to ruin everything.

    I don't know enough about that to address it specifically. People underestimate how much they can change their "lived experience", but it can seem unrealistic until you do so.

    If you had the funds and a strong desire, I'd send you off to do CBT, NLP, or something similar. These can be more of an art than a standard procedure, and the qualities of the patient/practitioner relationship can be critical.

    Anyway, hope this becomes less of a problem for you in the future.