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[–]fred_red_beans 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yea, I disagree magnora was fear mongering. I don't see where he was spouting the mass media narrative line for line. He was saying that if the numbers don't turn out to what they said they were going to be then it's "clear the lockdowns are not for our health anymore":

I think it's also possible for someone to critically look at information and be wrong.

I agree there will be politicians who will say "well we just didn't know" etc, just as they said that no one expected that planes would fly into the twin towers when they had a written scenario for that exact situation. Of course, politicians are professional hypocrites with a personal agenda. I really have not seen magnora try to sway others on this site one way or the other, only state his opinion. I have a hard time seeing what agenda he would have running this site and not making money off of it. I dunno, perhaps he's getting paid by some alphabet agency to run this as a honeypot, but I don't think so.

This COVID-19 pandemic absolutely has been manufactured. Some seem to be backpedaling, while others seem to be doubling down. The media narrative keeps bringing up a 2nd wave. Wouldn't it be a coinky dink if the 2nd wave actually did have a large mortality rate?