author: ~flair_css_class (regex): ".+"
set_flair: ["+","defaultclass"]
body (regex): "(\\[(?P<text>(http|www)\\S+)\\]\\((?!(?P=text))(http|www)\\S+\\))"
action: remove
modmail: The above {{kind}} by /u/{{author}} was removed because it contained a disguised link. Please investigate immediately.
title+body (regex): ["\\W[A-Za-z]?\\d{1,6}[A-Za-z]? (E(\\.|ast)?|W(\\.|est)?|N(\\.|orth)?|S(\\.|outh)? )?[\\p{Pi}\\p{Pf}]?\\w+( \\w+)?[\\p{Pi}\\p{Pf}]? (st(reet)?|ave(enue)?|r(oa)?d|dr(ive)?|c(our)?t|blvd|boulevard|lane|ln|highway|hwy|route|rt)"]
~title+body#whitelist: [second drive, minute drive, hour drive, day drive, week drive, gb drive, tb drive, 123 Main St, 123 Main Street, 221b baker st, 221b baker street]
action: remove
modmail_subject: Doxxing Alert!
modmail: |
The above {{kind}} by /u/{{author}} was removed because it contained a possible street address. Please investigate immediately.
If the user is doxxing, ban them and report them to the SaidIt Admins immediately.
title+body (regex): "\\b[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\b"
action: remove
modmail_subject: Doxxing Alert!
modmail: |
The above {{kind}} by /u/{{author}} was removed because it contained a possible IP address. Please investigate immediately.
If the user is doxxing, ban them and report them to the SaidIt Admins immediately.
title+body (regex): "\\b(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[12345][0-9]{14}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[012345]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|6(?:011|5[0-9]{2})[0-9]{12}|(?:2131|1800|35[0-9]{3})[0-9]{11})\\b"
action: remove
modmail_subject: Doxxing Alert!
modmail: |
The above {{kind}} by /u/{{author}} was removed because it contained a possible credit card number. Please investigate immediately.
If the user is doxxing, ban them and report them to the SaidIt Admins immediately.
title+body (regex): "[!#$%&'*+./0-9=?_`a-z{|}~^-]+@[.a-z-]+\\.(?:com|org|net)"
~title+body#whitelist: [,]
action: remove
modmail_subject: Doxxing Alert!
modmail: |
The above {{kind}} by /u/{{author}} was removed because it contained a possible email address. Please investigate immediately.
If the user is doxxing, ban them and report them to the SaidIt Admins immediately.
title+body (regex): ["\\(?(\\d{3})\\)?([ .-])(\\d{3})([ .-])(\\d{4})","(\\d{5})([ .-])(\\d{6})","\\(?(\\d{4})\\)?([ .-])(\\d{3})([ .-])(\\d{3})","\\(?(\\d{2})\\)?([ .-])(\\d{4})([ .-])(\\d{4})","\\(?(\\d{2})\\)?([ .-])(\\d{3})([ .-])(\\d{4})","\\+([\\d ]{10,15})"]
~body+url (regex): "(\\[[^\\]]+?\\]\\()?(https?://|www\\.)\\S+\\)?"
~body+title+url (regex): ["(800|855|866|877|888|007|911)\\W*\\d{3}\\W*\\d{4}", "\\d{3}\\W*555\\W*\\d{4}", "999-999-9999", "000-000-0000", "123-456-7890", "111-111-1111", "012-345-6789", "888-888-8888", "281\\W*330\\W*8004", "777-777-7777", "678-999-8212", "999([ .-])119([ .-])7253","0118 999 811","0118 999 881", "867( -)?5309", "505\\W*503\\W*4455", "1024 2048"]
action: remove
modmail_subject: Doxxing Alert!
modmail: |
The above {{kind}} by /u/{{author}} was removed because it contained a possible phone number. Please investigate immediately.
If the user is doxxing, ban them and report them to the SaidIt Admins immediately.
title+body (regex): ["nsf[wl]", "not safe for (work|life)"]
action: report
report_reason: "{{match-1}}"
type: submission
modmail: |
There is a new post in /s/Life!
Title: {{title}}
User: {{author}}
title: [drugs, free, does anyone know where to get, research, chemicals, research chemicals, rc's, opiates, opioids, niggers, kikes, faggots, gay, bitch, loser]
action: remove
modmail: The above submission by /u/{{author}}, with title "{{title}}" may be controversial.
reports: 5
action: remove
modmail: The above {{kind}} by /u/{{author}} was removed because it received 5 reports. Please investigate and ensure that this action was correct.
reports: 3
modmail: The above {{kind}} by /u/{{author}} has received 3 reports. Please investigate.
title: "nigger, faggot, kike, bitch, gay, weirdo, loser" action: remove comment: | This content has been removed from s/{{Life}}.
domain: action: remove comment: | This content has been removed from s/{{Life}}.
author: [Magnora7, d3rr] set_flair: Admin Post comment: | This is an official communication from SaitIt's owners.
domain: [,] action: remove comment: | This content has been removed from s/{{Life}}.
author: comment_karma: "< 0" action: remove
report_reason: "comment karma < 0"
Notify on new posts
moderators_exempt: false type: submission modmail_subject: "new post" modmail: |
A new post has been made to s/{{Life}}.
Notify on 1 report
moderators_exempt: false reports: 1 modmail: |
message: The above content has received 1 report. Please investigate.
Remove on 3 reports
moderators_exempt: false reports: 3 action: filter modmail_subject: "Removal due to reports" modmail: |
message: The above content was removed because it received 3 reports. Please investigate and ensure that this action was correct.
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