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[–]Brent_Kaskel_Pussy_F🛕 Castle Made of Sand 🛕[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

What happens with "modern females"

Women have a pair bonding mechanism, that only lasts 1 partner. Women are on a biological 4 year cycle. If you google "marriage slump 4 years" you will get articles talking about how that's the year when your marriage is tested.

This is what actually happens - the woman's infatuation cycle is over @ 4 years. So she is officially done with you.

Your only chance of having a lasting marriage is using a virgin. Because when the woman's chemicals are telling her she loves you, she will act favorably and keep her marriage together. If she is not a virgin, then she cannot be used for marriage.

Once a woman has been pounded out she then has short term infatuation cycles. Women don't experience love. Either she is a virgin, and can be fooled into thinking she loves you, or she is not a virgin, and she now has short term infatuation cycles.

So for example if you know women (have a sister, etc) You will see this. They will suddenly perk up. They just want to wear nice clothing. They need to attract the attention of the new guy in the building. And soon, her attraction to him will be gone. Of course.

How women work is they already have their next boyfriend lined up when they're breaking up with you. This is why women get over relationships really quick. Because they're already over it. When she IS leaving you, that's because she has already secured the next guy.

Because a woman's chemicals have been turned off towards you she feels nothing. No humanity, no attraction, nothing. She can easily rob you for everything you have now. And why wouldn't she?

The lawyer industry is 50/50 male female, and for lawyers to be in business, they need women to divorce you and they need women to accuse you.

So not only is the woman a sociopath on her own but the legal system uses the woman - about half the divorce fees go to the lawyer. So women are really just traps for lawyers to get payouts. Woman's nature is $$$ for lawyers.

You know what a woman will do when you're in a "relationship" with her. One day she will be over it MUCH sooner than you will be, as a man. Men get invested in their relationships. Women have short term infatuation. So she will wake up and she will be done with that. You won't know this. In the background, she will already be lining up the next one. And once the next one is secured then comes the breakup.

The biggest problem is when men project human qualities on women like loyalty, humanity, empathy, respect, shame,

Women aren't developed enough to have human traits. It's comforting to think that your dog loves you (it probably does) or that a woman loves you (not possible.) Same way that when your town is about to get nuked it's easier to just sing a song to yourself and ignore what's happening. Men are far more comfortable pretending women have human qualities than facing the truth about what they really are.

However, due to lawyers profiting from female nature, men are about to walk away from the whole thing entirely. It has finally become less painful to accept the truth than to keep lying to men.

I just really, really hate women. I don't think they contribute anything valuable to anybody. But I LOVE men. Men have built everything I have in this world. Men are the most incredible people. Medicines, air conditioning, cars,

Men keep adding value in my life every single day.

I'm pretty sick of men being miserable, and killing themselves, so I don't think I will ever stop until my heart stops beating exposing women and making sure men can't be exploited.

[–]Masterchief 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Although i dont agree with your hate towards women, i still think some of what you have said is correct about the lawyers profiting off divorces. My aunt used to be a divorce lawyer and she literally bought a villa with the money she got. No mortgages or anything.

[–]Brent_Kaskel_Pussy_F🛕 Castle Made of Sand 🛕[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Whenever I do anything and it's a woman employee it almost always ends up being me having to comfort her, and doing it myself. So the "hate" is a nasty feeling in my stomach when I realize I'm going to be dealing with a woman. Minorities (Asian, brown, and black) are usually not an issue. White women are too much for me (I'm also white)

So while i get nasty feeling in my stomach when I have to deal with white women - because it almost never goes well - I still have more of the skill of any man having to comfort her, be patient, walk her through it, and do her job for her.

If you can become lawyer then become lawyer. Divorce lawyer. Profit off people's guaranteed failed marriages while you can. Men who enter marriages are going to get robbed anyway. And let's face it, the men who married in 2020 are the same ones who called you gay and an incel your entire life. Might as well take their money and do something good with it.

I wanted to be divorce lawyer. I'll likely do another field than that. But if I were to do this, I would still continue in my personal time housing homeless men, helping in shelter, taking homeless men to restaurants. For example when it's Thanksgiving then drive by and pick one up and take him for dinner.

Even though I am drinking the blood of men to become rich as divorce lawyer I am still keeping my sanity in my private life by helping men who are discarded

Go for it man follow your Aunt footsteps and divorce these men. You can either be the pastor or the lawyer, depending if you want to be poor or incredibly rich