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[–]Vigte[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wasn't expecting much, because: Vice - but they actually pried some decent information out of some unlikely sources.

At 2:55 there is a good explaination WHY quantum computing is more powerful - it's basically multitasking, but it's just basic level explanation - anyone familiar will already know. They also explain the fundamental flaw holding them back - that is that it's not just a few pairs stuck together - but the whole set has to function together, too.

Okay, cool - but it's not until 3:55 when they reveal that more D-Waves have been sold. Last I checked, only Nasa and NSA had one - now apparently Lockheed has one too... yay /s.

The reasoning behind needing one, given by their spokesperson is somewhat alarming. "We are looking at problems that are intractable to classical computers". Like what exactly? Bending space and time perhaps? Invisibility?

"Problems that would take on the order of the age of the universe, to solve".

What precisely can you not calculate on the classical supercomputers. Oh but they won't tell you THAT ;)

Notice how they try to steer the conversation to "oh it has 8 million lines of code and, it costs lots of money, so that's why we need it". Don't try to bullshit me :p

5:15 a look into the operating system of these new computers... interesting. Micro$haft... naturally.

7:30 - QUANTUM CHAOS!!!!!! FEAR!!!!! WE MUST WIN!!!!! We have always been at Quantum war with Quantum Eastasia. le sigh

Kudos for actually A) Actually going to China B) Getting in touch with a quantum scientist there...

Scary thought of a "quantum China" though... they seem to be working pretty hard. Good looking facilities too...

A bit more pandering about "spooky action" etc etc... but then a demonstration of (they say) an entangled phone?

China spending 13x more than US on this research (but US probably has greater private investment) - more "fear mongering" I suppose, but still of note.

"We want to understand how our brain works. Consciousness is somewhat related to quantum mechanics"

Scary thoughts... more of the techno-religion of the future.