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/s/OutsideTheBox: Outside The Box

A safe place for good-faith discussion of outside-the-box ideas with other independent minds.

4 subscribers5 subscribers7 subscribers, a community for 8 months

/s/EndOfInnocence: End Of Innocence

A safe place for good-faith discussion of outside-the-box ideas with other independent minds.

3 subscribers4 subscribers6 subscribers, a community for 7 months

/s/IntellectualDarkWeb: Intellectual Dark Web

A safe place for good-faith discussion of outside-the-box ideas with other independent minds.

3 subscribers4 subscribers6 subscribers, a community for 8 months

/s/HermanCainAward: Herman Cain Award

For antivaxxers and antimaskers who died of COVID-19.

3 subscribers4 subscribers6 subscribers, a community for 2 years