all 8 comments

[–]bug-in-recovery 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Cheers and thanks.

This channel has been a labor of love for me, and I want everyone to check this out.

There are a large number of books that are not available anywhere else on the web.

[–]send_nasty_stuff[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

[–]bug-in-recovery 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Full list of books here:

  • Fru - Author - Title
  • 1 - Oswald Mosley - Tomorrow We live
  • 2 - James Mason - Siege
  • 3 - Charles A. Murray and Richard Herrnstein - The Bell Curve
  • 4 - Ted Kaczynski - Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
  • 5 - Greg Johnson - The White Nationalist Manifesto
  • 6 - Saul D. Alinsky - Rules for Radicals
  • 7 - Julius Evola - The Metaphysics of War
  • 8 - William Gayley Simpson - Which Way Western Man?
  • 9 - Brenton Tarrant - The Great Replacement
  • 10 - ??? - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
  • 11 - Jean Raspail - The Camp of The Saints
  • 12 - Andrew MacDonald (William Luther Pierce) - The Turner Diaries
  • 13 - Andrew MacDonald (William Luther Pierce) - Hunter
  • 14 - Oswald Mosley - Fascism 100 Questions Asked and Answered
  • 15 - Raido - A Handbook of Traditional Living
  • 16 - Bronze Age Pervert - Bronze Age Mindset
  • 17 - Roger Griffin - Fascism
  • 18 - Francis Parker Yockey - Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics
  • 19 - Guillaume Faye - Why We Fight
  • 20 - Friedrich Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals
  • 21 - Corey Taylor - How Hitler Was Made
  • 22 - Jared Taylor - White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century
  • 23 - Julius Evola - The Bow and the Club
  • 24 - Plato - The Republic
  • 25 - God - New Testament
  • 26 - Niccolò Macchiavelli - The Prince
  • 27 - Thomas Hobbes - The Leviathan
  • 28 - Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations
  • 29 - Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
  • 30 - George Orwell - Nineteen-eighty-four (1984)
  • 31 - George Orwell - Animal Farm
  • 32 - Aristotle - Politics
  • 33 - Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War
  • 34 - Saint Augustine - The City of God
  • 35 - Niccolò Macchiavelli - Discourses on Livy
  • 36 - John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion
  • 37 - John Locke - Two Treatises of Government
  • 38 - Montesquieu - The Spirit of Laws
  • 39 - Rousseau - The Social Contract
  • 40 - Thomas Paine - The Rights of Man
  • 41 - John Stuart Mill - On Liberty
  • 42 - Karl Marx - Capital
  • 43 - Maynard Keynes - The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
  • 44 - Million Dollar Extreme - How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't
  • 45 - Mumkey Jones - Diary of a Supreme Gentleman
  • 46 - Henry Ford - The International Jew
  • 47 - Muammar Gaddafi - The Green Book
  • 48 - J. F. Gariepy - The Revolutionary Phenotype
  • 49 - Jason Stanley - How Fascism Works
  • 50 - Erich Fromm - Fascism, Power and individual.
  • 51 - Stephen McGinty - Camp Z
  • 52 - Mike Ma - Harrasment Architecture
  • 53 - Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
  • 54 - Adolf Hitler - Zweites Buch
  • 55 - Jack Donovan - The way of men
  • 67 - Richard Matheson - I Am Legend.
  • 68 - C.A Fletcher - A boy and his dog
  • 69 - Various - Who Started World War Two.
  • 70 - Guillaume Faye - Why We Fight : Manifesto Of The European Resistence.
  • 71 - Friedrich Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals
  • 72 - Ernest Becker - The Denial of Death
  • 73 - Nicholas Wade - A Troublesome Inheritance
  • 74 - Kevin MacDonald - The Culture of Critique
  • 75 - William Simpson - Which Way Western Man?
  • 76 - Thomas Carlyle - On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History
  • 77 - José Ortega - Revolt of the Masses
  • 78 - Michael Collins Piper - Ye Shall Know The Truth
  • 79 - William Corliss - Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts
  • 80 - Louis Bielsky - Library of Political Secrets 2
  • 81 - James Perloff - Shadow of Power
  • 82 - Count Cherep-Spriridovich - The Secret World Government
  • 83 - George Lincoln Rockwell - White Power
  • 84 - Joseph Goebbels - The 'Nazi-Sozi' - Questions and Answers for National-Socialists
  • 85 - Laurence Austine Waddell - The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet
  • 86 - Savitri Devi - The Lightning and the Sun
  • 87 - Robert Nisbet - Community & Power
  • 88 - Mark Mirabello - Handbook for Rebels & Outlaws
  • 89 - Victor Marchetti & John D. Marks - The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence
  • 90 - Stephen Zarlenga - The Lost Science of Money
  • 91 - John Flynn - The Truth About Pearl Harbor
  • 92 - Julius Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World
  • 93 - Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
  • 94 - Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
  • 95 - Gottfried Feder - Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery
  • 96 - Matthew Hale - The Racial Loyalist Manifesto
  • 97 - Harold Wilkins - Mysteries of Ancient South America
  • 98 - Frank Salter - On Genetic Interests
  • 99 - Seneca - Letters from a Stoic
  • 100 - Yuri Slezkine - The Jewish Century
  • 101 - Arthur Bryant - Unfinished Victory
  • 102 - Ed Lovette & David Spaulding - Defensive Living
  • 103 - Edward Gibbon - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • 104 - George Lincoln Rockwell - Collection of Works
  • 105 - Milton Friedman - Capitalism and Freedom
  • 106 - Robert Putnam - Bowling Alone
  • 107 - Thmoas Sowell - Basic Economics
  • 108 - Sun Tzu - The Art of War
  • 109 - Carlton Coon - The Races of Europe
  • 110 - Elmer Pendell - Why Civilizations Self-Destruct
  • 111 - Alfred Rosenberg - The Myth of the Twentieth Century
  • 112 - K.J. Parker - Sixteen way to Defend a Walled City
  • 113 - FBI - Files on Nikola Tesla pt. I
  • 114 - FBI - Files on Nikola Tesla pt. II
  • 114b - Francis Parker Yockey - Imperium
  • 115 - Frank Britton - Behind Communism
  • 116 - David Duke - Jewish Supremacism
  • 117 - Raul Hilberg - The Destruction of the European Jews
  • 118 - Max Nordau - Degeneration
  • 119 - Patrick Buchanan - Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War
  • 120 - Patrick Buchanan - The Death of the West
  • 121 - Patrick Buchanan - Suicide of a Superpower
  • 122 - William Luther Pierce - Who We Are
  • 123 - Ben Klassen - The White Man's Bible
  • 124 - Tucker Carlson - Ship of Fools
  • 125 - Michelle Malkin - Open Borders Inc.
  • 126 - David Cole - Republican Party Animal
  • 127 - Julius Evola - A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism
  • 128 - Julius Evola - Recognitions
  • 129 - Julius Evola - The Occult War
  • 130 - Julius Evola - Notes on the Third Reich
  • 131 - Julius Evola - Meditations on the Peaks
  • 132 - Julius Evola - East and West
  • 133 - David Irving - Hitler's War
  • 134 - Adolf Hitler - Collection Speeches 1922-1945
  • 135 - IronMarch - E-Sec by Way of Common Sense
  • 136 - IronMarch - Next Leap
  • 137 - Alexander Slavros - A Squire's Trial
  • 138 - Alexander Slavros - Zero Tolerance
  • 139 - Helmut Stellrecht - Faith and Action
  • 140 - Archibald Ramsay - The Nameless War
  • 141 - Alexander Slavros - The Awakening of a National Socialist
  • 142 - Jack London - The Iron Heel
  • 143 - Normal Cameron - Hitler's Table Talk
  • 145 - Gabriell Braga - Understanding National Socialism
  • 146 - Alfred Schultz - Race or Mongrel
  • 147 - George Lincoln Rockwell - This Time The Word
  • 148 - Wewelsburg Archives - Path of Gods: Handbook for the 21st Century Fascist
  • 149 - Savitri Devi - Impeachment of Man
  • 150 - Stephen Goodson - A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
  • 151 - Wolfi Landstreicher - The Unique and Its Property
  • 152 - Ragnar Redbeard - Might is Right
  • 153 - Jack Donovan - Becoming a Barbarian
  • 154 - Jack Donovan - A More Complete Beast
  • 155 - Franz Neumann - Behemoth
  • 156 - Johann Chapoutot - The Law of Blood: Thinking and Acting as a Nazi
  • 157 - Wolfi Landstreicher - Canenero
  • 158 - Unknown - God and Folk: Soldierly Affirmation
  • 159 - Peter Adam - Art of the Third Reich
  • 160 - Anthony Scaduto - Scapegoat: The Lonesome Death of Bruno RIchard Hauptmann
  • 161 - Sally Denton and Roger Morris - The Money and the Power
  • 162 - Pentti Linkola - Can LIfe Prevail?
  • 163 - Gary Wilson - Your Brain on Porn
  • 164 - William Marr - The Victory of Judaism over Germanism Viewed from a Nonreligious Point of View
  • 165 - SS Hauptamt - Der Untermensch
  • 166 - Gus Russo - Supermob
  • 167 - Alfred Kotz - SS Leadership Guide
  • 168 - Unknown - Handbook of the NS Propagandist
  • 169 - Anton Drexler - My Political Awakening from the Journal of a German Socialist Worker
  • 170 - Ernst Hiemer - The Poisonous Mushroom
  • 171 - Benjamin Freedman - Facts are Facts: The Truth about Khazars (The so-called Jews)
  • 172 - Leon de Poncins - Freemasonry and Judaism
  • 173 - Shlomo Sand - The Invention of the Jewish People
  • 174 - Gottfried Feder - The National Socialist Workers Party & its General Conceptions by Gottfried Feder
  • 175 - Unknown - Handbook for Ideological Education of the Troops1
  • 176 - Unknown - Handbook for Ideological Education of the Troops2
  • 177 - Unknown - Handbook for Ideological Education of the Troops3
  • 178 - Unknown - Handbook for Ideological Education of the Troops4
  • 179 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Two Hundred Years Together
  • 180 - III SS-Panzer Corps - The Germanic Revolution
  • 181 - Unknown - A National Socialist's Perspective on Art
  • 182 - Charles Callan Tansill - Back Door To War Roosevelt Foreign Policy
  • 183 - Oswald Mosley - My Life
  • 184 - Ariel Toaff - Blood Passover: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder
  • 185 - Eckart-Verlag - Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany
  • 186 - Edgar Schuster - Eugenics.
  • 187 - William Robinson - Eugenics, Marriage, and Birth Control
  • 188 - Anders Breivik - 2083: A European Declaration of Independence
  • 189 - Karl Pearson - The Groundwork for Eugenics
  • 190 - Thomas Chittum - Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America
  • 191 - E. Michael Jones - The Catholic Church and the Cultural Revolution
  • 192 - Jim Penman - Biohistory
  • 193 - Alasdair Macintyre - After Virtue
  • 194 - Giles MacDonogh - After the Reich
  • 195 - Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
  • 196 - Robert Greene - The 33 Strategies of War
  • 197 - Various - Pol Reader #1
  • 198 - Jonathan Bowden - Pulp Fascism
  • 199 - Kerry Bolton - The Psychotic Left

[–]bug-in-recovery 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

  • 200 - Colin Flaherty - White Girl Bleed A Lot
  • 201 - William Lind & Lt. Col. Gregory Thiele - 4th Generation Warfare Handbook
  • 202 - Francis Parker Yockey - A Fascist Odyssey
  • 203 - William Shepherd - The Political Economy of Oswald Mosley
  • 204 - Craig Lightfoot - SS-Werwolf Combat Instruction Manual
  • 205 - Ann Coulter - Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole
  • 206 - Max Hastings - WInston's War
  • 207 - Michael Levin - Why Race Matters
  • 208 - Kevin MacDonald - Understanding Jewish Influence
  • 209 - George Armstrong - The Zionists
  • 210 - Karol Kolbusz - Forgotten Roots
  • 211 - Jonas Nilsson - Anarcho-Fascism
  • 212 - Greg Johnson - Dark Right: Batman Viewed from the Right
  • 213 - Markus WIllinger - Generation Identity
  • 214 - Paul Kersey - Whitey on the Moon
  • 215 - John Seymor - The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency
  • 216 - Carlos Porter - 105 Holocaust Questions
  • 217 - Elizabeth Sandifer - Neoreaction: A Basilisk
  • 218 - Bryce Laliberte - What is Neoreaction
  • 219 - Jeff Riggenbach - Why American History is not what they Say
  • 220 - Ellen Hodgson - Web of Debt
  • 221 - John Derbyshire - We are Doomed
  • 222 - H.W. Halleck - Elements of Military Art and Science
  • 223 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
  • 224 - Civisec Project - Guide to By-Passing Internet Censorship
  • 225 - Hagur - Alfred Rosenberg Memoirs
  • 226 - Ibn Warraq - Why I'm not a muslim.
  • 227 - Kelly Greenhill - Weapons on Mass Migration
  • 228 - Martin Heidegger - The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays
  • 229 - Jim Goad - The Redneck Manifesto
  • 230 - George Borjas - We Wanted Workers
  • 231 - Arthur Laurie - The Case for Germany
  • 231b - Raymond Feeley - Nazism Versus Religion
  • 232 - Albert Krebs - The Infancy Of Nazism
  • 233 - David Myatt - Selected National Socialist Writings
  • 233b - Berthold Hinz - Art in the Third Reich
  • 234 - Clive Emerson - 100 Deadlly skills.
  • 235 - Clint Emerson - 100 Deadlly skills : Survival Edition
  • 236 - Michael Connor - How to Hide Anything
  • 237 - Miyamoto Musashi - The Book of Five Rings
  • 238 - William Wilson - The Lone Samurai: The Life of Myamoto Musashi
  • 239 - Ken Binmore - Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction
  • 240 - Jim Cobb - Prepper's Survival Hacks
  • 241 - Joseph & Amy Alton - The Survival Medicine Handbook
  • 242 - Dave Canterbury - Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
  • 243 - Dave Canterbury - Advanced Bushcraft: An Expert Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
  • 244 - Ricardo Duchesne - anada in Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity, and the Ethnocide of Euro-Canadians
  • 245 - David Platt - Because We Are Called to Counter Culture: In a World of Poverty, Same-Sex Marriage, Racism, Sex Slavery, Immigration, Persecution, Abortion, Orphans, and Pornography
  • 246 - Douglas Murray - The strange death of europe, Immigration, Identity, Islam.
  • 247 - Johnny Cirucci - Eaters of Children
  • 249 - Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt - The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
  • 250 - William Joyce - Twilight Over England
  • 251 - Gottfried Feder - The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation
  • 252 - Don Jordan & Michael Walsh - White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America
  • 253 - Fannie Merritt - The Original Fannie Farmer 1896 Cookbook
  • 254 - William Powell - The Anarchist Cookboo
  • 255 - H.R. Morgan - Fascism, The Total Society
  • 256 - H.R. Morgan - Fascism, Integralism and the Corporative Society – Codex Fascismo Parts Four, Five and Six: Codex Fascismo Parts Four, Five and Six
  • 257 - Tim Reiterman - Raven: The Untold Story of Rev. Jim Jones and His People
  • 258 - Philip Hasheider - The Hunter's Guide to Butchering, Smoking, and Curing Wild Game and Fish
  • 259 - Cecil B. Hartley - The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness
  • 260 - Thomas Sowell - Basic Economics
  • 261 - Jonathan Schneer - The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet
  • 262 - Laurence Waddell - Basic Economics
  • 263 - Hannah Arendt - Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
  • 264 - Adrian Raine - The Anatomy of Violence
  • 265 - Dumitru Bacu - The Anti-Humans
  • 266 - Sacco Vandal & Vanzetti Vandal - The American Militant Nationalist Manifesto
  • 267 - Diana West - American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on our Nation's Character
  • 268 - Tomislav Sunic - Against Democracy and Equality
  • 269 - Greg Johnson - You Asked For It: Selected Interviews: Volume One
  • 270 - Yukio Mishima - Sun & Steel
  • 271 - Zeev Sternhell - The Birth of Fascist Ideology: From Cultural Rebellion to Political Revolution
  • 272 - Ian Smith - Bitter Harvest
  • 273 - Corneliu Codreanu - For My Legionaires
  • 274 - Corneliu Codreanu - The Nest Leader's Manual
  • 275 - Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson - Why Nations Fail
  • 276 - Oswald Mosley - The Alternative
  • 277 - Oswald Mosley - Ten Points of Fascism
  • 278 - Nomi Prins - All the Presidents' Bankers
  • 279 - Mark Dice - Bohemian Grove: Facts and Fiction
  • 280 - G. William Domhoff - The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness
  • 281 - Mark Dice - The Bilderberg Group: Facts and Fiction
  • 282 - Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy
  • 283 - William Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse
  • 284 - Darrel Huff - How to Lie with Statistics
  • 285 - Giambattista Vico - The New Science
  • 286 - Karol Kolbusz - WIntertide Rites
  • 287 - Troy Southgate - Tradition and Revolution
  • 288 - Mark Durie - The Third Choice
  • 289 - Paul Kersey - The Tragic City
  • 290 - Douglas Reed - The Controversy of Zion
  • 291 - Unknown - Getting a Feel for Viriculture
  • 292 - Foxfire Fund - Moonshining as a Fine Art: The Foxfire Americana Library
  • 293 - Foxfire Fund - Traditional Baking: The Foxfire Americana Library
  • 294 - Foxfire Fund - Pickling and Preserving: The Foxfire Americana Library
  • 295 - Foxfire Fund - Meats and Small Game: The Foxfire Americana Library
  • 296 - Foxfire Fund - Boogers, Witches, and Haints: Appalachian Ghost Stories
  • 297 - Foxfire Fund - Blowguns and Bouncing Pigs: Traditional Toymaking
  • 298 - Foxfire Fund - Wild Spring Plant Foods
  • 299 - Foxfire Fund - Wild Summer and Fall Plant Foods
  • 300 - Foxfire Fund - Mountain Folk Remedies
  • 301 - Foxfire Fund - Planting by the Signs: Mountain Gardening
  • 302 - Foxfire Fund - Mountain Music Fills the Air: Banjos and Dulcimers
  • 303 - Foxfire Fund - Household Crafts and Tips
  • 304 - Ernst Junger - On Pain
  • 305 - Mike Cernovich - Gorilla Mindset
  • 306 - Count Cherep-Spiridovich - The Secret World Government
  • 307 - Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - Practical Idealism
  • 308 - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Poor Folk
  • 309 - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Note From Underground
  • 310 - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment
  • 311 - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Idiot
  • 312 - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Demons.
  • 313 - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brother Karamazov
  • 314 - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Double and the Gambler
  • 315 - Bruce Bawer - The VIctims' Revolution
  • 316 - Alain De Benoist - Beyond Human Rights: Defending Freedoms
  • 317 - Greg Johnson - Truth, Justice, and a Night White Country
  • 318 - Michael O'Meara - New Culture, New Right: Anti-Liberalism in Postmodern Europe
  • 319 - Madison Grant - The Passing of the Great Race
  • 320 - Madison Grant - The Conquest of a Continent
  • 321 - T. Lothrop Stoddard - The Rising Tide of Color
  • 322 - Jonathan Spiro - Defending the Master Race
  • 323 - Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political
  • 324 - Carl Schmitt - The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy
  • 325 - Steven Pinker - The Blank Slate
  • 326 - Delicious Tacos - Finally, Some Good News
  • 327 - Ricardo Duchesne - Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age
  • 328 - Byron Roth - The Perils of Diversity
  • 329 - Johann Winckelmann - Reflections on the imitation of Greek works in painting and sculpture
  • 330 - Richard Coudenhove - Kalergi - Practical Idealism: The Kalergi Plan to Destroy European Peoples
  • 331 - Edward Dutton - Race Differences in Ethnocentrism
  • 332 - Edward Dutton & Michael A. Woodley Of Menie - At Our Wits' End: Why We're Becoming Less Intelligent and What It Means for the Future
  • 333 - Edward Dutton - How to Judge People by What They Look Like
  • 334 - Edward Dutton - Charlemagne’s Mustache and other Cultural Clusters of a Dark
  • 335 - John Lewis Gaddis - The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past
  • 336 - Michael Osterholm & Mark Olshaker - Deadliest Enemy
  • 337 - Laurie Garret - The Coming Plague
  • 338 - Oswald Spengler - Routledge Revivals: The Hour of Decision
  • 339 - Oswald Spengler - Prussianism and Socialism
  • 340 - Oswald Spengler - Man and Technics: A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life
  • 341 - Roger Griffin - The Nature of Fascism
  • 342 - Joseph Farrell - The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union, and Corporate Fascism
  • 343 - Benedict Anderson - A Life Beyond Boundaries
  • 344 - Benedict Anderson - The Age of Globalization
  • 345 - Anthony Smith - Ethno-Symbolism and Nationalism
  • 346 - John Publius - Black Racism, White Victims
  • 347 - Hassan Malik - Bankers & Bolsheviks
  • 348 - Kurt Eggers - A Collection of Writings
  • 349 - Heinrich Himmler - The Homosexual Threat to Civilization

[–]bug-in-recovery 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

  • 350 - Devon Stack - The Day of the Rope
  • 351 - Horia Sima - The History of the Legionary Movement
  • 352 - Benito Mussolini - The Doctrine of Fascism
  • 353 - Joseph Goebbels - Diaries 1942 - 1943
  • 354 - Joseph Goebbels - Diaries 1945
  • 355 - Alan E. Steinweis & Robert D. Rachlin - The Law in Nazi Germany: Ideology, Opportunism, and the Perversion of Justice
  • 356 - R. J. Overy - The Nazi Economic Recovery 1932 - 1938
  • 357 - Francis Nocosia & Jonathan Huener - Business and Industry in Nazi Germany
  • 358 - Richard Tedor - Hitler's Revolution
  • 359 - Dennis Showalter - Hitler's Panzers
  • 360 - August Kubizek - The Young Hitler I Knew
  • 361 - Russel H. S. Stolfi - Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny
  • 362 - Timothy Ryback - Hitler's Private Library
  • 363 - David Irving - The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel
  • 364 - David Irving - Banged Up: Survival as a Political Prisoner in 21st Century Europe
  • 365 - Walter Gorlitz & David Irving - In the Service of the Reich
  • 366 - David Irving - Hitler's War and the War Path, 1933 - 1945
  • 367 - David Irving - Goring: A Biography
  • 368 - David Irving - Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden
  • 369 - David Irving - Hitler's War
  • 370 - David Irving - The War Between the Generals
  • 371 - David Irving - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor
  • 372 - David Irving - Nuremberg: The Last Battle
  • 373 - David Irving - Accident: The Death of General Sikorski
  • 374 - David Irving - Uprising! One Nation's Nightmare: Hungary, 1956
  • 375 - David Irving - Hess: The Missing Years
  • 376 - David Irving - Rommel: The Trail of the Fox
  • 377 - David Irving - The Virus House, Parforce
  • 378 - David Irving - The Mare's Nest
  • 379 - David Irving - Goebbels: Mastermind of The Third Reich
  • 380 - Christopher Priest - Fugue for a Darkening Island
  • 381 - Jim Goad - Shit Magnet: One Man's Miraculous Ability to Absorb the World's Guilt
  • 382 - Gustave Le Bon - The Psychology of Revolution
  • 383 - Jason Stanley - How Propaganda Works
  • 384 - Norman Finkelstein - The Holocaust Industry
  • 385 - John J. Mearsheimer & Stephen M. Walt - The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
  • 386 - Michael Hoffman - Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
  • 387 - Grant Smith - Big Israel: How Israel's Lobby Moves America
  • 388 - Nicole Bridge - Architecture 101
  • 389 - Abram N. Shulsky & Gary Schmitt - Silent Warfare: Understanding the World of Intelligence
  • 390 - Edward L. Bernays - Propaganda
  • 391 - Larry Tye - The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations
  • 392 - Noam Chomsky - Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda
  • 393 - John Hughes-Wilson - Military Intelligence: Blunders and Cover-Ups
  • 394 - H. Keith Melton & Robert Wallace - The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception
  • 395 - Beatrice Heuser - The Evolution of Strategy: Thinking War From Antiquity to the Present
  • 396 - Germar Rudolf - The Chemistry of Auschwitz: The Technology and Toxicology of Technology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers - A Crime-Scene Investigation
  • 396b - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare
  • 397 - Britons Publishing Society - Secret Societies Unveiled: The Evil Purpose Behind Them Exposed
  • 398 - Paul Parsons & Martin Rees & Susan Blackmore - 30-Second Theories: The Most Thought-Provoking Theories in Science
  • 399 - Christa Kamenetsky - Children's Literature in Hitler's Germany: The Cultural Policy of National Socialism
  • 400 - Brenton L Bradberry - The Myth of German Villainy Analysis of World War Two that explains the myth that the Germans are solely responsible.
  • 401 - Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Democracy – the God That Failed
  • 402 - Alfred Paul Karl Eduard Schultz - Race or Mongrel: A Brief History of the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Races of Earth: A Theory That the Fall of Nations Is Due to Intermarriage With Alien Stocks
  • 403 - Martin Luther - On the Jews and Their Lies
  • 404 - Lothrop Stoddard - The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man
  • 405 - Albert Krebs - The Infancy of Nazism: The Memoirs of Ex-Gauleiter Albert Krebs, 1923-1933
  • 406 - H. W. Halleck - Elements of Military Art and Science
  • 407 - Samuel Francis - Essential Writings on Race
  • 408 - Jared Taylor - Face to Face with Race
  • 409 - George Hayduke - Make 'Em Pay!
  • 410 - George Hayduke - Make My Day!
  • 411 - George Hayduke - Getting Even
  • 412 - Oswald Mosley - A National Policy
  • 413 - Oswald Mosley - My Answer
  • 414 - Oswald Mosley - The Greater Britain
  • 415 - Ryan Holiday - Conspiracy
  • 416 - George Morgenstern - Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War
  • 417 - Valencia-García & Louie Dean - Far-Right Revisionism and the End of History
  • 418 - William Chamberlin - America's Second Crusade
  • 419 - Thomas Dalton - - Debating The Holocaust
  • 420 - P. E. Moskowitz - The Case Against Free Speech
  • 421 - Wilhelm Reich - The Mass Psychology of Fascism
  • 422 - Jonny Mayhem - Prepper's Underground Guide to Improvised Weapons
  • 423 - Anthony Smith - Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, History
  • 424 - Giambattista Vico - The New Science
  • 425 - Robert Right - The Moral Animal: Why We Are, the Way We Are
  • 426 - Steve Moxon - The Woman Racket: The New Science Explaining How Sexes Relate at Work, at Play and in Society
  • 427 - Jacques Ellul - The Technological Society
  • 428 - Arthur Kemp - The Lie of Apartheid
  • 429 - Arthur Kemp - March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race
  • 430 - James Cabell - The Silver Stallion
  • 431 - Mark P. Donnelly & Daniel Diehl - The Big Book of Pain: Torture & Punishment Through History
  • 432 - Savitri Devi - Gold in the Furnace
  • 433 - John Bolton - The Room Where it Happened
  • 434 - L. Randall Wray - Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems
  • 435 - John Kennedy Toole - Confederacy of Dunces
  • 436 - Pedro Banos - How They Rule the World: The 22 Secret Strategies of Global Power
  • 437 - Mathijs Koenraadt - Behold the Wanderer: A Novel against Modernity
  • 438 - Ingrid Weckert - Jewish Emigration from the III Reich

[–]bug-in-recovery 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

  • 439 - Pierre L. Van den Berghe - The Ethnic Phenomenon
  • 440 - Bryan Borrough - Days of Rage: America's Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Ageof Revolutionary Violence
  • 440b - Ronen Bergman - Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations
  • 440c - Pierre L. Van den Berghe - State Violence and Ethnicity
  • 441 - Walter Laqueur - The Guerilla Reader: A Historical Anthology
  • 442 - Thomas Szasz - The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of the Theory of Personal Conduct
  • 443 - Carlos Marighella - Minimanual of the Urban Guerilla
  • 444 - Julius Evola - A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth
  • 445 - Helmut Stellrecht - Faith and Action
  • 446 - E. Michael Jones - Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control
  • 447 - Karl Popper - The Open Society and its Enemies: The Spell of Plato
  • 448 - Clark Howard - Zebra: The True Account of 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco
  • 449 - Hugh Mungus & E. Normus - The Red Pill: Take It
  • 450 - Hugh Mungus & E. Normus - The Red Pill: A Second Dose
  • 450b - Hugh Mungus & E. Normus - The Red Pill: Third Edition
  • 451 - Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith - The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics
  • 452 - Christopher Lasch - The Culture of Narcissism
  • 453 - John Ross - Unintended Counsequences
  • 454 - Robert S. Griffin - One Sheaf, One Vine: Racially Conscious White Americans Talk About Race
  • 455 - Kathy Wilson - Your Negro Tour Guide: Truths in Black and White
  • 456 - F. Roderich-Stoltheim - The Riddle of the Jew's Success
  • 457 - Jim Marrs - The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America
  • 458 - Mark Dice - The True Story of Fake News: How Mainstream Media Manipulates Millions
  • 459 - Hannah Arendt - Eichmann in Jerusalem - A Report on the Banality of Evil
  • 460 - Thomas777 - Greatest Poasts
  • 461 - Guillaume Faye - Sex and Deviance
  • 462 - Colin Jordan - National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future
  • 463 - Ben Klassen - The White Man's Bible
  • 464 - Ben Klassen - Nature's Eternal Religion
  • 465 - Ben Klassen - The Little White Book
  • 466 - Ben Klassen - Expanding Creativity: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
  • 467 - Ben Klassen - Rahowa! This Planet is All Ours!
  • 468 - Ben Klassen - On the Brink of a Bloody Racial War
  • 469 - Ben Klassen - Against the Evil Tide
  • 470 - Ben Klassen - A Revolution in Values Through Religion
  • 471 - Ben Klassen - Building a Whiter and Brighter World
  • 472 - Ben Klassen - Klassen Letters Vol. 1 (1969 - 1976)
  • 473 - Ben Klassen - Klassen Letters Vol. 2 (1976 - 1981)
  • 474 - Misc - Eyewitness Hitler
  • 475 - Paul Craig Roberts - The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice
  • 476 - Paul Craig Roberts - How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds
  • 477 - Paul Craig Roberts - The Neoconservative Threat to World Order: America's Perilious War for Hegemony
  • 478 - Paul Craig Roberts - How America Was Lost: From 9/11 to the Police/Welfare State
  • 479 - Paul Craig Roberts - The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Disillusion of the West: Towards a New Economics for a Full World
  • 480 - Erwin S. Strauss - How to Start Your Own Country
  • 481 - Burt Rapp - Interrogation: A Complete Manual
  • 482 - H. A. Covington - The Brigade
  • 483 - Peter Kemp - Mine Were of Trouble
  • 484 - Ryan Landry - Masculinity Amidst Madness
  • 485 - Unknown - Rhodesian Counter-Insurgency Manual
  • 486 - Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha
  • 487 - Andres Duany - Suburban Nation, 10th Anniversary
  • 488 - Jane Jacobs - The Death and Life of Great American Cities
  • 489 - Knut Hamsun - Growth of the Soil
  • 490 - Peter Longereich - Heinrich Himmler
  • 491 - Peter Padfield - Himmler
  • 492 - Robert Service - The Last of the Tsars
  • 493 - Mary Trump - Too Much and Never Enough
  • 494 - The Noble Protagonist - National Socialism - The Fundamentals
  • 495 - William Joyce - National Socialism Now
  • 496 - Miguel Serrano - Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar
  • 497 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 01
  • 498 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 02
  • 499 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 03
  • 500 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 04
  • 501 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 05
  • 502 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 06
  • 503 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 07
  • 504 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 08
  • 505 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 09
  • 506 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 10
  • 507 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 11
  • 508 - American Nazi Party - Stormtrooper issue 12
  • 509 - Moritz Föllmer - Culture in the Third Reich
  • 510 - Rudolph J. Mund - Black Sun
  • 511 - Lawrence Keeley - War Before Civilization
  • 512 - Whittaker Chambers - Witness
  • 513 - V K Clark - Warwolves of the Iron Cross: The Union Jackal
  • 514 - Russell Grenfell - Unconditional Hatred: German War Guilt Post W. W. II 1953
  • 515 - Gregory Hood - Waking Up from the American Dream
  • 516 - Ralph Townsend - Ways that are Dark: The Truth About China

[–]Jacinda 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's awesome. Thanks so much for putting the list together. Enough red pills to cure even the most recalcitrant bug.

[–]Nombre27 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How do you access without telegram?