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[–]Tom_Bombadil 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Ted was a victim of MK Ultra experiments, so he's understandably opposed to the doctrinal system.

JP is largely misunderstood. He makes statements that appear incendiary but have significant merit if considered carefully. The statements are generally gender and social rights/justice issues. He loses people when they ask him if he thinks a given situation is ok, and he generally responds, "I don't know", because no one has adequately researched the specifics of the topic being discussed (plus pinpointing causality in social sciences is dubious, at best). Public opinion on most social topics is largely based on unfounded social norms and sociological assumptions. This is the general thesis of 95% of his arguments.

For example: If women wear makeup at work, can that create an unintended/unforseen sexual/social message???

Imagine if women quit wearing makeup to work, or all men started wearing makeup, etc. Makeup or not, the workplace social environment will be impacted. The status quo is currently affecting society in ways that are not fully understood.

Then there's the non-gender pronoun debate, which is a SJW hot button issue that some use to attack him. The right supports him as, an enemy of my enemy; he's Canadian though and his views are to the left of most of theirs. You do have to listen carefully, because he doesn't state his personal views very often.

[–]Mnemonic 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

because he doesn't state his personal views very often.

So all his crying (just search Jordan Peterson Crying) is staged? (His emotional outbursts are something he's famed and loved for IIRC, best known and made it into a lot of Kermit memes:

Imagine if women quit wearing makeup to work, or all men started wearing makeup, etc. Makeup or not, the workplace social environment will be impacted.

Maybe a bad example because both cases have been happening for ages (In western society and still is). It wasn't that long ago that the elite men wore makeup (also, almost every man on TV wears make up 'because you have to look pretty in the unnatural light'). And pretty much only TV (or p*rn) brainwashed people think of make-up being 'natural' for women. (but maybe you mean mascara, that's a bit more general accepted {the eyes/brow stuff} as 'basic women stuff' though certain hair-colors (black and red) don't use it too often in the wild). But this can all be a culture difference

But more on topic and JP, the good part of him is his 'calling out' problems, excesses and whatever you call it. Though his solutions are founded in what Ted describes as the machine/system. So on the one hand he 'rebels' by calling out thing 'the status quo' misses/ignores or even endorses. But he himself so much system he can't really rebel so with long talks basically says to embrace the system (more specifically the system he grew up in and he has spun his tales around).

It's not perse a declassification of Jordan (I would happily believe and take it already as fact he's a good psychiatrist), but viewed in the Ted perspective he is this false rebellion. To put it blunt: Peterson does not take into account the tremendous and devastating 'Industry' and is fine with how society acts with it and sets people up (helps) them to integrate into this abomination of a system.

EDIT: did I already mention Ted was a bit of a radical fanatic? ;)