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[–]wizzwizz4 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

A disease that's spread via, amongst other things, droplets of spittle… and some numbers on a chart in a YouTube video have convinced you that a face covering has “absolutely no effect”‽

Don't believe what you hear. Do the experiment yourself. Put a hand in front of your mouth and say "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers”. (Perhaps drink some water first, to make it easier to tell – but that's not necessary.) Move your hand further away and closer. Now: would a mask help with that?

I'm happy about masks being a thing, because it means it's socially acceptable for me to protect myself against mass surveillance now. That used to get you strange looks and increased attention; now, people just think "oh, eccentric" and move on.

[–]zyxzevn[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

A disease that's spread via, amongst other things, droplets of spittle… and some numbers on a chart in a YouTube video have convinced you that a face covering has “absolutely no effect”‽

It is not about the virus that kill mainly people close to death,
and for which there is a clear cure that is being severely censored.

It is not about wearing a mask, that clearly makes no sense as you can see in the statistics,
and can see in the scientific reports that are on /s/coronavirus

It is not about the herd immunity that is now in many places, which makes the mask like wearing a condom at a baby shower.

It is not about the silent carrier myth. The debunked idea that people with no symptoms can spread the disease.

It is about the police over-violently attacking innocent and vulnerable people that have committed no crime at all.

it's socially acceptable for me to protect myself against mass surveillance now

What can we do with it now?
Can we change the system in some way?

[–]wizzwizz4 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It is about the police over-violently attacking innocent and vulnerable people that have committed no crime at all.

Oh. Well, that I agree is bad. A tip, though: criticise it directly. Going by proxy means people can shut down the arguments by attacking the (flimsy) proxies.