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[–]EndlessSunflowers[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He wasn't always comfortable in the world; and the world wasn't always comfortable with him. Aaron was just sick of school, he knew how to get information, he was like I don't have to go to this teacher to learn hot to do geometry, I can just read the geometry book, and I don't have to learn their version of history, I have 3 historical compilations right here ---- "I was very frustrated with school, I thought the teachers didn't know what they were talking about, and they were very domineering and controlling, and the homework was kind of a shame, and it was kind of like get all these students together and force them to do busy work.... and you know, I started reading books about the history of education and how this educational system was developed, and alternatives to it, and ways that people could actually learn things as opposed to just regurgitating facts that teachers told them. and that kind of led me down this path of questioning things, you know, once I questioned the school I was in I questioned the society that built the school, I questioned the businesses that the school was training people for, and I questioned the government that setup this whole structure... I feel very strongly that its not enough to just live in the world as it is, to just take what you're given and follow the things that adults told you to do, and that society tells you to do, I think you should always be questioning... Once I realized that there were real serious problems, fundamental problems, that I could do something to address, I didn't see a way to forget that, I didn't see a way not to." Aaron Swartz